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Leaving early tomorrow for Puerto Vallarta and have been instructed that NO CELL PHONE and NO LAPTOP allowed on this trip...:o oooohhh no! Mr. Bill!:o

5 days without dz.com!!!! can I survive? Gotta pump myself with mega doses of cervesa and nonstop activities to keep my mind off what I'm missing...you won't miss me, but I WILL miss YOU!

But I suppose the Holiday Boogie and Mardi Gras Boogie are just around the corner and I'll get to meet some of you in person and be back on the road to recovery.B|


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I am so jealous!! You are going some place that has sunshine and warm weather!!! The weather sucks here in Memphis. As I sit here day dreaming of your warm weather that you are going to encounter, I get sick of the fact that next week i am going to London where it is going to be freaking colder than hell!!!(only sick at the fact of the cold weather, not the going to London part).

Have fun on your trip and don't work to hard!!!!


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Leaving early tomorrow for Puerto Vallarta

Kalyne, have a good trip and a Merry Christmas and hopefully we'll see you in Eloy?

Thanks! I'll do a te-kill-ya shot for you!LOL;) and sure thing about Eloy! It's time for a girls trip with Jen and "the gang"! Whaa Hoo!


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I'll try to keep notes to summarize the high points for you. Rough spot you're in having to travel to warmth and all.

Boil it up for me (if you know my drift ...)
and one shot to boot!

We'll hold down the home front.

Fly safe!

Life- it's just shit that happens to you between jumps

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OK, just so you won't miss too much. . .

There are going to be about 5 Bush bashing threads started and they will go on long after you come back. They will have a lot of arguing in it for no good reason at all, along with good points made by few and heated raised blood pressure by those that actually read them.

Some people that someone here knows will be in dire need of Vibes. That person or persons will indeed recieve these vibes over and over and over again.

Some badgers will surface, as will talk about mushrooms and snakes.

A thread about gay lifestyle will rear its head in your absense, and will be easily found right next to the gun thread.

There will be alot of talk about people going to Arizona.

There will be a relationship thread started about skydivers and thier significant whuffo.

A tatoo thread or 3 will start and end with pictures and ideas of new tatoos.

Hottie skychicks will be discussed to no end.

Ivan will chastise at least 250 people for reposting what has already been reposted (and this is likeley to be one of those.)

There will be alot of jokes posted, most you have heard before, but don't mind hearing again, cuz face it, they are pretty funny.

Talk of monkeys and drinking and nignoggery will be plentiful while you are gone.

Sex will be discussed and illuded to and implied in almost every post.

So print this out read it every day and you will miss nothing.

Oh yeah - 23 people will acquire new rigs, 47 will get new jumpsuits, and 113 will get new gear of some kind and you will be able to view those when you come back.

Have a nice trip.
You suck!
I wish I was going.:P
Can I fit in your suitcase?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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OK, just so you won't miss too much. . .

There are going to be about 5 Bush bashing threads started and they will go on long after you come back. They will have a lot of arguing in it for no good reason at all, along with good points made by few and heated raised blood pressure by those that actually read them.

Some people that someone here knows will be in dire need of Vibes. That person or persons will indeed recieve these vibes over and over and over again.

Some badgers will surface, as will talk about mushrooms and snakes.

A thread about gay lifestyle will rear its head in your absense, and will be easily found right next to the gun thread.

There will be alot of talk about people going to Arizona.

There will be a relationship thread started about skydivers and thier significant whuffo.

A tatoo thread or 3 will start and end with pictures and ideas of new tatoos.

Hottie skychicks will be discussed to no end.

Ivan will chastise at least 250 people for reposting what has already been reposted (and this is likeley to be one of those.)

There will be alot of jokes posted, most you have heard before, but don't mind hearing again, cuz face it, they are pretty funny.

Talk of monkeys and drinking and nignoggery will be plentiful while you are gone.

Sex will be discussed and illuded to and implied in almost every post.

So print this out read it every day and you will miss nothing.

Oh yeah - 23 people will acquire new rigs, 47 will get new jumpsuits, and 113 will get new gear of some kind and you will be able to view those when you come back.

Have a nice trip.
You suck!
I wish I was going.:P
Can I fit in your suitcase?

Ho win the world did you forget that chochop would talk about his sex life with plaything? :S

Man, I stay away for a couple of days and we're forgotten already.. :o:|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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