
Best Naughty Place Ever!

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How about standing up against the beacon light at the end of the runway.(only a short ladder climb, or stairway to heaven). Hot, cold, now I see ya, now I don't. Red, blue, red, blue.
'Fly baby, Fly'.

Not saying it happened, not saying it didn't. But it was damn fun, eh girl?

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I'll tell ya whats weird.....the fact that ANYONE is from Ohio. It's even more weird when they ADMIT IT in public!

hey watch it buddy.... i know what you look like and where you live *well not really but i coculd find out) now talk nice about ohio and we won't have problems........

p.s. just had to explain why i had an ohio drivers lisc. to a utah cop on friday..... he didn't like the fact that i've lived in utah for a year and still had my ohio lisc... told him to F.O. and i didn't have to change it.....

p.p.s. almost forgot.. probly the "best" place was ....well i don't have any interesting places...... might have to work on that in the future.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I think at one point we were doing a kind of 2 Mile High Club at the top of the Cascade Volcanos.... It must just have been a geology major thing... but since we were climbers it just sort of seemed the thing to do at the time... certainly requires stamina on both people.
Mt Rainier 14,410
Mt Shasta 14,160
MT Adams 12,275
Mt Hood 11,240
Mt Baker 10.775
Glacier Peak 10,540 Ok so its 20 ft short... but heck close enough since lots of things seem to come up short.

Mt Jefferson 10,495.. yeah it comes clsoe too

There were plenty of others.. but hey we were after the 2 mile thing..;)

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I have some good ones, I'm kind of an exhibitionist... B|:$

Let's see here, K-Mart parking lot, outside against the car, during the day. B|

Completely naked on a picnic table in a public park, also during the day. B|

Outside against the car in my (ex now) girlfriends' parents' driveway. B|

Parking lot of a Mattress Factory, during the day also. B| (Shouldve just gone inside for that one....) :P

And last but not least, the "family" restroom of a shopping mall. :P

I think that's about all my really cool places, but if I think of any more, I'll be sure to post. ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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...also on the hose bed of a 1985 Peirce Tanker while it was park inside the engine bay at my firehouse:$

There ya go, How about hose bed of a 1996 E-One custom Class A pumper, numerous ladies/mens rooms, and on a park bench at 5:00 am and got busted by this little old man with the pointy stick for picking up trash:$

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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I spent a winter working in Indiana, which turned out to be a really windy place.
I asked a local why it was like that all the time, and he told me "It's windy in Indiana because Ohio sucks, and Illinois blows.":|
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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In the cemetery where Bonnie Parker is buried in Dallas. (Repetedly)

Why would they repeatedly bury someone? You make less sense than the voices.

Yes, that means you, mister. :S:S

hehehe - good one...:D

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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the stairwell at work for lunch :P

a Starbucks bathroom and I have the apron to prove it, it was my souvenir, but not stainB|

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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