
PETA going too far?

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PETA is a pathetic organization that preys on ignorant animal lovers that don't know any better. People, if you love animals (like I do) and want to make donations, do some research. PETA is a terrible organization to fund.

About 2 years ago, my boss was trying to find a new home for his Rhino. He had saved her from a zoo that was going to put her down, and had her shipped to South Africa (where he lived at the time). Anyway, 2 years ago he was looking for a sanctuary for her. He was approached by a hunter who offered him a large sum of money to let him (the hunter) shoot the rhino as a trophy. My boss declined - however - PETA got wind of this story and went to town.

For months PETA printed lies about the situation and even dragged our business into it. PETA supporters sent dozens of emails daily and called and faxed our work. Even Charlize Theron sent a fax "pleading with my boss to free the rhino". Give me a break!

PETA was NEVER interested in the facts. They were not interested in helping the Rhino - or finding out the truth about the situation. They just wanted an outrageous story. >:(>:(>:(

BTW: The Rhino found a home in a wonderful sanctuary where she lived out her remaining years.

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Aren't there any femenists (or womenists) out there that find it offensive that the flier presents women as "the cook & clean" member of the household.

But I digress, although....how do they expect us to eat a rabbit..... can't take a bite out of the little fucker if he won't stay still.

If animals weren't meant to be eaten,....then why are they made of meat?

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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