
How Much for A Headjob??? ;)

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If you were to compare the cost to repair an older v-8 to the newer v-6 you would find it to be about the same. It is still about 8-10 hours book time to do the work which is how the shop is going to charge. The main price difference is in the parts.

The work required is the same on older and newer engines. You do need some additional special tools.
However with good mechanical skills and a shop manuel it is not that hard to do.

The GM v-6 is a good engine IF you take care of it. I have had 2 of them. One had over 200K on it before we got rid of the car and the other has 140K and still kicking. How many older cars (1980 and older) do you know that can get 25+ MPG with close to 0 emissions. Even if you get into the late 80's and early 90's they were just starting to get there.

"If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive."
Josh Whipple 7/15/70-2/10/05

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Thanks all, I just got the "true" estimate back and its $1050. I'm still in shock and have no idea how to even come up with the money since i couldnt even get a loan for a cheeseburger. I need to think it out some more, but thanks everyone for your help!

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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You are the one that knows your mechanical abilities. If you have done this sort of work on older non-computer controled cars it really is not that much harder. I would get a Haynes manuel. I have found the Chiltons to be a little to vague in their coverage. Read the chapter for the work and go from there. If you think you can do it get to it. If you are a little worried then see if you can get a friend to help. Just remember to check on the availability of parts before tearing it apart. Even check on parts you may not need like pushrods, rocker arms, head bolts(which probably are not reuseable), etc. Good luck.

No I do not work for the above mentioned companys and this is not a sales pitch. I just like the Haynes manuels better.

"If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive."
Josh Whipple 7/15/70-2/10/05

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Well One of two things is going to happen.

1. The shop will work out a payment plan, Since 1100.00 is wayy more than i can afford.

2. Im in a chapter 13 bankruptcy right now. I may convert to a 7 and give the car up, buy a 500.00 POS and deal with life that way.

I am praying for option number 1, but I cant get ahold of the lady I need to talk to at the shop till tomorrow.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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temp fix eh?

doz eggs on the rad perhaps?........works just as well as the stop leak products avaible on the market and causes less problems in the long run:S

FIX it RIGHT or not at all!!!

stay away from stop leak... it will cause nightmares.... or any other related product...

when it comes time to fix it right i would ad a couple hours labor to the bill just because you used stop leak and now i got to deal with that nasty clogging shit...

and probably would add some more parts too .... like a new radiator and heater core....

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