
The Maybe not Mardi Gras Boogie post.

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So I went in to work to use the great free gym we have there. After working out for about 1 1/2 hours I went in and filled out my leave paper work for the Mardi Gras boogie. I went by the Ops office to double check my days off just to be sure. Ok....yep....I'm off the 22-23 so I start my leave on the 24th. OK....my next days off are the 29-30. Sweet....I only have to take 5 days off to spend a whole 8 days at the boogie! Nice.......Then the ops guy drops a bomb on me. "Well....it seems you have a training day on Friday the 27th. They won't like it much if you try to take leave then." [:/]
So.....I'm a little bit pissed.....I said screw it.....the worst they can do is say NO. I put in for it....but lets see what the bosses say. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I swear there is a govt conspiracy to keep me away from skydiving. [:/]

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Well, Clay, you know, if you could only go for 5 days or so, that wouldn't be so terrible. I mean, I don't think there are too many sheep around there. :D

But seriously, I'm just going for both weekends (I live w/in driving distance) and am maybe taking one extra day off, since I have Fridays off anyway.


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if you could only go for 5 days or so, that wouldn't be so terrible.

Well....the problem is this. If I have to make the training day (FRIDAY 27th) I could only stay from Late Sunday to Thursday. Which means I would miss all the good stuff. [:/] I can't come before the 22nd cause I'll be working on things I can't take off for. >:( They are DAMN lucky they are paying me so much!!!!!!

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That's too bad if you cannot make it. You almost got to "meet the owner of those luscious Avatar boobies".

Don't tease him VSG! ;):P:)

LOL! I was not online when you posted. You are too cute, Bettina! Look at the other Mardi Gras thread to understand why I wrote that. He started it...
I was merely quoting him. :P :) :)

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