
the flu

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well it looks like i got it.i went to the dr.yesterday and he confirmed it.this shit is nasty.he gave me some meds and something for the cough.the cough stuff makes me sleepy so i guess thats good.i have all the cats and dogs in the house on me i guess to make me feel better.i was hoping to jump this weekend.havent been in the ari in almost 6 weeks because of winds/weather.thank god for my mom and her homemade soup and cornbread.oh and all you turds going to eloy make me sick er.oh well have fun in eloy and be safe.fuck this being sick shit im gonna lay down***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off

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Haven't had the flu, but this sinus infection is the sh*ts!!!! Finally dragged myself to the Dr.....so now I'm beginning to feel normal. Keep the flu to yourself! I've had my shot, so I'm hoping I don't get the strain that isn't covered with the shot.:S


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