
Organ Donation

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Are you an organ donor?

I'm just curious. Its been on my mind recently, because around last christmastime, my family found out that my mom's cousin, Karen, is going to need a heart transplant. She has cardiomyopathy. She and her husband, Chris, have two children, Kelly, 14 and Kenton, 9. Kenton has also inherited a heart problem related to his mother's, and Kelly is showing the beginnings of problems as well.

Why do you think more people aren't organ donors??

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Why do you think more people aren't organ donors??

because they don't like to think about dying.

personally, if there is anything left in serviceable condition - take it and burn the rest.
namaste, motherfucker.

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Why do you think more people aren't organ donors??

because they don't like to think about dying.

personally, if there is anything left in serviceable condition - take it and burn the rest.

To tell you the truth, even if you were injured, and consented to donate, there is a very small number of individuals who sustain injuries that will allow donation. Plus, if the organs are not harvested in time, they literally go bad! I know that my parents and friends are aware of my wishes and when it comes down to it, the consent is left to the next of kin, even if you signed and consented on your drivers license. Some people are also afraid of having their organs removed without all appropriate measures taken to prevent brain death. I'm sorry to hear about your situation...[:/]...
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Yes. Absolutely. Positively. Without a doubt.

My cousin, Tim, is a diabetic, has been since he was 7. He's 36 now, has a son approaching his teens. Two years ago Tim's kidneys failed. Dialysis kept him alive while he was on the waiting list. When the pager finally went off a year later he was as sick as a person can be and still go through a transplant procedure.

He got a kidney and a pancreas. The pancreas has since failed; he's now on a list for another one. The kidney continues to work great.

Organ donors are responsible for Tim being able to look forward to his son's high school graduation. Without that one person deciding to have their organs live on after they died, my cousin would not be alive today.

I am forever grateful to that one person and their family.

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same goes for my aunt with enphazema (sp?). but she was on all sorts of medicines for years and respirators too. she even had to move into a 1 floor house cause she couldnt use the stairs. all this time she was on the waiting list for new lungs. last year she got a double lung transplant and can breathe again!! to have her life back again is just amazing to me and i am forever thankful (as is she) to that one person who was an organ donor.

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I have the sticker... my family knows, though, that everything I have available they can take accept one thing....its kind of silly, but I dont want my eyes donated to anyone else... I jsut have some odd theories and quirks in my mind about someone else looking thru my eyes...
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I have the sticker... my family knows, though, that everything I have available they can take accept one thing....its kind of silly, but I dont want my eyes donated to anyone else... I jsut have some odd theories and quirks in my mind about someone else looking thru my eyes...

OMG, i'm the same way. My whole family knows not to donate my eyes.


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My only stipulation is not to be used as a cadaver. I don't mind taking out my innards to save someone, but for some irrational reason, I don't want to be on some student's slab and have people poking me and going "ooooohhhhh", or sticking things up my butt, or cutting things off for fun.

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When my dad was alive he was a toxicologist, and worked with a hospital where he saw the politics behind the whole organ donation and what really goes on, even though it's a good idea, I don't really believe in the whole thing.
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Yep, my organs will go to someone else, if...

Everything that can be used I want taken out and, God forbid, I would donate my children's as well.

It is on my DL and everyone from family to close friends has been made aware of my wishes.

I don't understand why anyone would want to be buried with their organs. Not like your gonna need 'em anymore.
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Although I do have the sticker on my license I am still not entirely comfortable with the idea of somebody else sharing my organs. I am much more in support of a cloning industry.. available to the entire public. Transplants would then be simple and more effective.

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You left out, "No. I'm going to live forever and my organs are my own to defile as I see fit." B|
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Heck yes. They can strip me down to my bones when I'm dead...and even use the bones if they want.

IMHO: Our human bodies are just tools that our mind uses to live out it's wishes. Once our mind is dead...what good is the body anymore? Someone else can have it if they need it.



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Yes. Absolutely. Positively. Without a doubt.

My cousin, Tim, is a diabetic, has been since he was 7. He's 36 now, has a son approaching his teens. Two years ago Tim's kidneys failed. Dialysis kept him alive while he was on the waiting list. When the pager finally went off a year later he was as sick as a person can be and still go through a transplant procedure.

He got a kidney and a pancreas. The pancreas has since failed; he's now on a list for another one. The kidney continues to work great.

Organ donors are responsible for Tim being able to look forward to his son's high school graduation. Without that one person deciding to have their organs live on after they died, my cousin would not be alive today.

I am forever grateful to that one person and their family.

Lisa, I heard about an experiemental procedure recently where the cells in the pancreas are modified or stimulated somehow by being injected with healthy ones froma donor. Claimed a 40% success rate. Heard it either on BBC or NPR last week.

I don't think I'm an organ donor, but I guess I should be.

I'm thinking that if I frap, there won't be much left that's usable anyway...[:/]

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I have the sticker... my family knows, though, that everything I have available they can take accept one thing....its kind of silly, but I dont want my eyes donated to anyone else... I jsut have some odd theories and quirks in my mind about someone else looking thru my eyes...

OMG, i'm the same way. My whole family knows not to donate my eyes.

Same here. I even wrote on the back of my DL "not my eyes". I just think its creepy because I can't imagine what they would do at the funeral... put cottonballs behind my eyelids?!?!?! :S

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Anything of mine that still works after I'm gone is up for grabs. Absolutely. But it's a very personal thing. Those who don't want to donate aren't wrong or selfish or bad. Some people believe there is a strong connection between the soul and the body (particulary the heart and eyes) or that it takes some time for the soul to leave the body. For those people I can understand why they don't want their organs harvested. I will keep your cousin's family in my prayers.

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but for some irrational reason, I don't want to be on some student's slab

I'm a donor with the same stipulation... use me then burn me - just don't pickle and poke me. That is unless they get this whole cryogenics or cloning thing worked out...;)

One specific reason, when I worked at a college right after I graduated, they had a nursing department that had received a new cadaver...

The instructor of the class was explaining to the students (mostly female) the it was understandable for them to feel "uncomfortable" when the cover atop the cadaver was removed and if they needed to step out - to feel free and get some fresh air, and once their composure was re-gained to come back into class.

Upon saying that, he removed the cover and a girl near the front started screaming and went into absolute hysterics and ran from the room.

After they finally got her to calm down to the point where she could speak, she gasped and explained that the cadaver was a recently deceased relative...

Don't put me (or my family - #2's going for a nursing degree) in that position...

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I'm a doner have a card that i carry around with me saying so any part of my body may be used after death.

As far as i see it im not going to need them any more am I so some one who can live with it might as well have them I just hope it's not a criminal who gets them cos he may turn in to some sort of loopy crim' cos im not all the sain''


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