
Speaking of dating & the dz...

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Ok, I started jumping in '02, at the end of season I started seeing a dz employee. Well @ the end of season he went back to his home country & I went to visit for a few weeks.
we really we're all that serious, pretty much a weekend relationship - in reality other than jumping we didn't have much in common.

he decided, or rather couldn't come back last season '03 & i figured he didn't really expect me to wait around for him.

So, i met a wonderful, wonderful fun jumper last spring. We started dating & since have gotten rather serious. I really really am crazy about this man.

Current s/o was around in '02, but not hanging out so much. So I THINK he's aware of my past relationship, but am not certain....

next season '04, ex is coming back to work @ the dz.

what should I do?
Everyone involed I believe are rational thinking pretty much adults.

I know if he had dated someone (that I didn't know about) & she showed up @ the dz - if he didn't tell me & I found out bout her, I'd wonder why he had hidden it from me & be suspious - till he explained himself. However, if I knew an ex of his was going to be coming to the dz... the concern would kill me. I'd rather be totally oblivious, which in reality is not really that probable.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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How long until your ex shows back up? I wouldn't tell him right this second, but I would tell him and let him know you don't think its any big deal.

Just wait until its a little closer to the time that your ex will actually be there. Things may be a little awkward for a bit but is should all work out just fine ;)

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Ex shows up in March & is aware of new s/o... has been for a while.
I know honest is the the best/only way... but all of my choices are honest.

I've never hidden it. He knows I went to my ex's country to visit. I just never said "when I was dating...."
I want to tell him, but don't know how/when. I also HATE relationshipy conversations.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Honesty is for sure the best policy!!!!! I am sure if they are reasonable thinking adults that your ex will understand. Just be up front with him and it will be all good . Wait a minute, what the hell am I doing posting love advice? Jesus I must be losing my mind!! Can you say BOREDOM? LOLB|

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A.S.S. #6 Future T.S.S holder

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I don't see what the problem is unless you were misleading in any way to the either one about your relationships.

Basically, unless you've been keeping said ex kind of hanging on via email & phone and he doesn't know about current s.o. and vice versa - or if you deliberately misled current s.o. to cover up prior relationship - what is the problem?

Very few people actually marry their first love and stay with them forever. We've all got ex's.

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Tell your now BF about the only fling. Tell him that he will be back at your DZ next year. When you two goto the DZ. Intreduce them. BUT!!! do not spend alone time with the other it might make the new BF worried and become distant. All you want to do is show one that the old fling is over and the other that you have moved on.
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Ex knows bout current, current might know bout ex... there was no subterfuge, definately!! I HATE that & am a firm believer in peopless fast ability to lose trust.
Current & Ex do know eachother, not best buds, but the have jumped numerous times together in the past.
so, y'all think it's better to tell/make things clear now, 3 months in advance?
There will be times I'll be alone w/ ex, just cause of friendship. I think current will be ok - he knows I'm absolutely crazy about him... told him in those exact words.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Wondering when this would come up. I think S/O2 will be okay with S/O1 being here. In fact I think he already knows. Tell him anyway, it will make things easier on both of you down the road. Since I know all involved I my opinion is to tell S/O2 now so at least he knows you're thinking about him.
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It IS no big deal... thanks for shoving that into my head!!

I think he knows, but am not 100% certain... & that uncertainty drives me crazy. I'm glad you're all being forthright. And thanks Heather & AM for speaking up - since you know everyone.

Yes, you all knew about ex (SO1 - I like that Heather), but SO2 didn't hang out as much last year... esp @ the pub where it was most obvious.

Speaking of current... I cropped your pic, AM... thank you.:D

Heather, LOVE your sig line.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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honesty is always best. plus, if you tell him, and it's out in the open, you can stop worrying about it and get back to that wonderful relationship you have right now. and i've seen the pictures... you guys are adorable! :)

Couldn't have said it better!! Just be honest and tell him that you're happy, and if he ever cared about you (and if he is indeed a mature adult), he will understand.

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honesty is always best. plus, if you tell him, and it's out in the open, you can stop worrying about it and get back to that wonderful relationship you have right now. and i've seen the pictures... you guys are adorable! :)

Couldn't have said it better!! Just be honest and tell him that you're happy, and if he ever cared about you (and if he is indeed a mature adult), he will understand.

You are so right... thank you. Life IS much easier w/ all out in the open. It's just sometimes tough getting it out there.

Thank you for the compliment Weegegirl!! I think so too B|.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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