
My early X-Mas present

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hahahaha no i'm experienced. I'v been shooting guns since i was like 8. My mom and dad were hunter Safety course instructors. (i grew up in rural louisiana)

I can't afford an HK, was thinking about a SIG or an accurized 1911
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I can attest to the Sig...nice handgun, smooth recoil. I have a p229 .40cal at home. Only used it a few times at a shooting range. So fun! But, I never really wanted a gun in the first place. My ex bought it for me because I lived in a bad part of town in Louisiana.

Long story short....it's gonna be a downpayment on a sabre2 as soon as I sell it! ;)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Oh, I liked the Sig p226, too, but it was a bit too big for my hand. I've also taken my friends .38 special to the firing range and enjoyed it, but it has a hell of a kick to it!
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Nice toy! ...if you're into automatics. I prefer revolvers myself - both my dad's Colt Police Special (38 special) and my Smith and Wesson Model 51 22 fit my hand so much better than any automatic does... plus they're easy to be accurate with and they look so damn elegant!

I've shot a few automatics but didn't like them nearly as well as I like revolovers.

The only auto that I think I could love was a Luger that my ex had. Minimal kick, way accurate...
and a bit of history attached to it as well.

Now if we include some rifle type guns here... I do like the Mac 10 and the Uzi. AK47 didn't impress me nearly as much as the Mac and Uzi did. I do wish the ex hadn't sold his AR15 before I met him; I'd have liked to have shot that one too.

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Ummmm better not say what I plan on using in it. B|

This weapon is hands down the most accurate handgun in the world at this point in time. Eventually one will come out that is more accurate, but for now this is it.

One of the things that makes it the most accurate and reliable is the "O" ring, located about an inch from the bore. This makes a seal between the barrel and barrel bushing of the slide. This, along with the exact fit of the breach block and the ejection port makes it second to none. The other function of the "O" ring of course is to stop the suppressor from jiggling around which can cause weapons to lock up when fired.

I have fired practically everything there is to shoot and in the handgun community, this is my Graceland :P


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have you found the high cap mags for it yet ?

+P 180 grain teflon coated always worked for me in the past. It's bullets like these why I teach SWAT members not to wear kevlar vests.

Actually, wearing kevlar vests is a hot topic I get a lot of flack over. I never used them in the Navy and I teach SWAT officers not to wear them. I do tell them, however, that this is MY personal decision.

Kevlar vests hinder flexibility and movement. If you are a cake-eating cop who rides around and punches tickets all day, then yes, wear one. But when you doing any form of CQC I highly reccomend not wearing one. Over half of my unit didn't, and many other men in similiar units didn't as well.

The other big reason I do not wear them is in part to the types of bullets used nowadays. The type I listed above, the +P 180 grain teflon coated, will go through a kevlar vest like butter, as will many other bullets on the streets today, not to mention virtually every terrorist organization today has them or similiar ammo.

What I have found is that after I teach my classes to these officers, they go on to wear them anyways due to personal choice or being forced to due to departmental policy. This is fine. To each is his own.

Now if you will, I have to go play with Betty some more. She is such a naughty little girl.;)


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Oh...pop quiz...if you look at the pic of my gun, you will see the trigger guard is huge. Who can be the first to tell me why the trigger guard is so big on this weapon, along with other weapons used by special forces?

For gloves.
Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking. If you cheat, cheat death. If you steal, steal a woman's heart. If you fight, fight for a brother. If you drink, drink with me.

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Forgot to add, nice toy you got there. B|

Hey, can you tell me the difference between that and say the H&K SOCOM that came out years ago.
If I remember right, it was a .40. They did some crazy testing with it, like firing it underwater and firing it with the barrel plugged with another projectile. They put like 10K+ rounds through it until the barrel was red hot and it still was extremely accurate.
Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking. If you cheat, cheat death. If you steal, steal a woman's heart. If you fight, fight for a brother. If you drink, drink with me.

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