
Are Boogies always all about LOVE?

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Well, there was this kind of vagrant packer at my last home dz, and we weren't always so friendly. Kind that love hate relationship - we love to hate each other. :) Every now and then we beat the piss out of each other, but nothing serious. We didn't like each other, but we were never angry in a fight, you know? Wanted to beat on each other, yes. Hurt each other, no. (at least for my part :P)

Ah, but then there's CRW. None of this sissy canopy stuff. I'm talking Combat RW. That got interesting. Someone got a hold of my hair once, but it was high and tight so it wasn't so bad. I think poking him in the eye convinced him to let go early. B|B|

[edit] Short Answer: no, but usually yes
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Or is there ever a SCRAP? do ppl duke it out? throw punches? scratch? pull hair?

Just curious....

And, CrazyIvan I don't mean in JELLO!

Put 300 people, all with a lot of self confidence in the same area. Add beer. Figure it out...

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BAH - Come on people!!!!!! >:(
If you want to drink, get laid, and get in fights, hit the freaking bars!! A boogie, by definition, is for jumping your ass off!!! If you do this right in the first place, you should collapse from exhaustion at dusk anyways! If you're drinking and fighting after a day of jumping, you haven't jumped enough.
This is my .02, but then again I'm probably one of the only 10 skydivers in the world that doesn't drink. :P
=========Shaun ==========

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Boogies are for fun, jumping, partying, having a good time.

Rantoul. Grab a few thousand people. Toss 'em behind a fence. Add free beer (an endless supply). Stir. What happens?

People get loud. People dance wierd. People get nekkid. People eventually either get laid or pass out trying. :P

Amazingly enough, yes, there are a few fights here and there, but very, very few. And those usually involve 2 or more guys fighting over the "honor" of a woman.
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Boogies are for fun, jumping, partying, having a good time.

People get loud. People dance wierd. People get nekkid. People eventually either get laid or pass out trying. :P

he he he **snort snort*** Rev, you said "nekkid" **snort snort***:P;):D


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Actually, I've heard about (and witnessed) several occasions where people have duked it out at boogies. There are several reasons for this. First of all, we all know how some (take note I said SOME, not ALL :P) skychickies can be, with the attitude of "I'm at a boogie, I'm gonna fuck this guy tonight and this other guy tomorrow, and I'm a skydiver so it'll all be cool". :S Well, this isn't always cool as they'd think. I've seen a few break out cuz of this. Another can just be people who get pissy when they get drunk, but those are problems everywhere, not just at boogies. B|

The thing that I wonder is, ya think anyone has gotten in a fight over what went on in a skydive??? :S I'm really curious!! B|

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ya think anyone has gotten in a fight over what went on in a skydive???

Probably my all-time favorite dz.com post B| Bill Booth talks about two jumpers that got into a fight during a skydive.


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ya think anyone has gotten in a fight over what went on in a skydive???

Probably my all-time favorite dz.com post B| Bill Booth talks about two jumpers that got into a fight during a skydive.



Good One Phil! ROTFLMAO!....whatchu doin up this early? :P


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Not always, fights do happen at boogies. Seen several of the shoving and cussing types, a couple of the duke it out type, a cat fight between chickys and even two guys with guns pointed at each other.

Nothing really as serious as spilled beer though.:D
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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