
:( I need a hug

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I don't think I did very well on my Calc II final today:( I worked so hard in this class and really wanted an 'A', but I am about 98% certain that i'm coming out with a 'B' now. With 5 credits worth of weight for this, and no chance in hell of getting an 'A' in my Chem class:S, I am looking at a big drop in my gpa this semester. It'll all be over Friday after my Chem final. Then I can sulk for the evening and drink myself into a state of semi-happiness.

I need a hug:(

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Thanks, girls... But unfortunately a 'b' student doesn't get the scholarships. :(I really really wanted this 'a'. Math is my fav subject and it was my only chance at an 'a' this semester, and I really worked hard on it. A 'b' wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't put so much effort in, but now I feel like I failed, even though I didn't "fail", ya know?

Thanks for the hugs and for the encouragement, I really need 'em.


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bleh, it's all about learning the material, not getting a grade. I did terrible on the tests in the calc III class I had to take (way back when) because I sucked at memorizing all the lousy properties. I'd get the solution down to an integral I couldn't solve, but my grade still got reemed.

All the courses I've taken that rely on calculus don't care if you remember all the details, most of the time they're even given to you, you just have to be familiar with what's going on.

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You're getting a B in Calc II? Shit, I failed Calc I TWICE before I changed from Computer Science to a liberal arts degree.

So, *hug* (people like you make me feel like a moron)

Dave, some people just don't get math. Others, like myself, do good in math and are not so good at some other subjects, or even real life situations. I am sure there are lots of things you excel in!. It just sux that I was supposed to be pretty good with this and I end up getting a 'b'. I mean, if it were another subject, i'd not be so upset. But, I like math, and I really worked at it. :(


bleh, it's all about learning the material, not getting a grade. I did terrible on the tests in the calc III class I had to take (way back when) because I sucked at memorizing all the lousy properties. I'd get the solution down to an integral I couldn't solve, but my grade still got reemed.

All the courses I've taken that rely on calculus don't care if you remember all the details, most of the time they're even given to you, you just have to be familiar with what's going on.

That's so good to hear! I have a long way to go, yet, so until I get out in the real world... guess i'm screwed:*(

I'm feelin' the love. Thanks all!

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You know what... think about it!!!! It really doesn't matter what you got on your test. What is it gonna matter in a year? :P
You know I was just like you when I was in college. Always trying to get an A, really cared about my GPA etc...
The bottom line is that you will forget all that after you graduate and you get your first real carreer job.
On the second job... they will barely even look at the college education. All they care is that you have experience in something and half a brain that functions (that is what college does for you.. it proves you are reliable, hard working, and that you have a brain that works!)
So relax hun!!! A, B, C it doesn't matter...as long as you pass the class it's all good!
Enjoy being in college! that won't last forever!

"We see the world just the way we are...

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In a few years, no one will ask you what your grades were, just whether you got the sheepskin.



I believe he's referring to the diploma, but at first I thought he meant an alternative to latex condoms. :D


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You 'think' you got a B, you don't know, there's no point dwelling on it - you should keep a stiff upper lip and move on, put it behind you and start studying for your Chem final - negativity will only have a bad effect
christ I sound like my Mother [:/]

<<>> think of all that beer waiting for you when you finish on friday :)

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I'll give you a ((HUG)) but not with any pity.


You have no pity for anyone.:P

BTW, I have never been asked in a job interview what I got in calculus. Which really pisses me off because I always got an "A".>:(


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You 'think' you got a B, you don't know, there's no point dwelling on it - you should keep a stiff upper lip and move on, put it behind you and start studying for your Chem final - negativity will only have a bad effect
christ I sound like my Mother [:/]

<<>> think of all that beer waiting for you when you finish on friday :)

Yes, mom[:/] lol!
No, i'm about 98% pos that it isn't an A. If by the grace of god the professor decides to give out A's, then maybe i'll get one, lol! I doubt she will, though.

mmm, beer. Ok, i'm studying. I promise:P


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Well, I'm an engineering professor and I use Maple or Mathematica for any calculus problem more complicated than a polynomial. Trig substitution is for the birds.

On the other hand, I'm quite adept with tensors....

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Trig substitution is for the birds.

YEAH! heh heh.! I'm with you! These are what blew my 'a'! :( Sux SO bad! I had it down to the last integral and needed to replace back for theta, and well, I just somehow forgot that if it stood alone it was an arcfunction, and just left it with a puzzled look:(

Trig sub sux!

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