
:( I need a hug

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Heck, I failed calculus in college. I failed organic chemistry, too. A "B" is no joke, and nothing to be disappointed in.

Io've actually thought about going back to a university and taking calculus an organic chemistry to redo the classes. Not for any other reason than to show that I could have done it had I tried.

Regardless, attached below are some good vibes for ya!

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Ok.. Here's the hug that you need.


Hope it helps :)
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Now, a high 'B' is nothing to complain about;)

I just came out of my own multivariate calc exam. The prof actually brought bottles of juice for his students, that was nice of him.

BTW, I just realized that I completely forgot to send you an answer to that problem you PM'd me ages ago. Sorry about that:(

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I used to be pretty caught up in keeping A's on my transcript, all the way through multivarbiable calculas and differential equations..Then I got to the advanced classes in my major (Aerospace Engineering) and I realized that the B's I'd gotten in some of those earlier math classes really weren't THAT big of a deal. It's just like jumping.. all you have to do is relax. I NEVER stay up all night studying for tests, and I do my best to not get stressed out over the test or the results of the tests. Now it's my senior year (one more semester) and I'm having a much better time since I don't dwell on things.


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Now, a high 'B' is nothing to complain about;)

I just came out of my own multivariate calc exam. The prof actually brought bottles of juice for his students, that was nice of him.

BTW, I just realized that I completely forgot to send you an answer to that problem you PM'd me ages ago. Sorry about that:(

I think that was a solids of revolutions problem, I did ok on those. Thanks for your help:)

Thank everyone, i'm not feeling so bad now. It is nice to know that everyone thinks it's no biggie... i'm starting to not feel so flustered. I am not killing myself for this chem test. I will learn what I reasonably can in the next 24 hrs, and then what I don't know, well, I don't know.

Yep, I have to take Calc III next semester. I suppose the worst part is I still don't know what i'm going to do with my life,,.. I just figured i'd probably need calculus, lol!

You all rock! I think i'll go get some juice now:p

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Ah, calculus...I spent many a night crying over that stuff! I didn't get an A, either, despite all the effort I put into Cal I and II. I know it's frustrating not to get the grade you worked so hard for, but it's important to remember that you learned some good information. What you retain is more important, in the long run, than the letter grade you earned. You passed it, you passed it well, and you can move on to the next challenge. Celebrate what you know and what you gained...let the rest slide. It's a small thing in the grand scheme of the world.

And, if all else fails...you can join me! I have a large supply of diet cherry coke and ben n' jerrys. Someone take the ice cream away! It's been a bit of rough day for me, too...but for different reasons. I had a freakin' needle stuck in my knee today and now I hurt and the pain meds aren't touching it. And, I talked to my whuffo friend who disowned me on the phone today for the first time in almost two weeks. She tells me, oh, you don't know where I live or my home phone number do you? I tell her no, clearly I don't, since she never told me. She responds, oh, that's really sad. And that pretty much ended the conversation. [:/]

Does diet cherry coke negate the calories from Ben n' Jerry? :P

Anyway, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you honey...you rocked that calculus and you'll do it again. Keep working hard, it will pay off in the end. Just keep searching...find your North....and when you know your direction, don't look back! ;)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Thank you, Missy! You're awesome chick. I am sorry about your knee... what the heck is that all about?? pm me. . .

You're friend sucks! I hate to say that about someone you love, but I think she's being very selfish about this whole thing. You found something you love to do... she should be happy for you!!


Does diet cherry coke negate the calories from Ben n' Jerry?

Why, yes,.. I do believe it does! So, in times like these, you have to go for regular pop with the ben n jerry's! :D hmm, . . I think I might get me suma that!

Can't wait to see you soon, girl! You could always come out n play in Pahokee before my 100th. . It only takes an hour from us, you can come out, make a couple/few jumps if that's all you've got $$ for, hang with cool peeps, then go home and eat ben n jerry's! :D I'll be out there every weekend this month.

see ya soon, chick!

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((((((((((((((BIG HUGZ)))))))))))))))))

Girl.. you just brought back some of my worst nightmares.. calc and chem! However, I am here to say that it does come to an end! Not to make this about me, but I'm enjoying the first December in a LOOOOONG time where I'm not super stressed over finals, holiday plans, working enough to have money for christmas gifts, etc...
However, you always do much better than you think you did on exams. Its all good! Vibes to ya girl!

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((((((((((((((BIG HUGZ)))))))))))))))))

Girl.. you just brought back some of my worst nightmares.. calc and chem! However, I am here to say that it does come to an end! Not to make this about me, but I'm enjoying the first December in a LOOOOONG time where I'm not super stressed over finals, holiday plans, working enough to have money for christmas gifts, etc...

you're not kidding, they are nightmares! And, on top of that, you go ahead and voice all of my other problems as well?? ! What are you some kinda mind reader? lol!

I'm glad you're having a nice December, tho! That's awesome!


However, you always do much better than you think you did on exams. ...

Shit, wouldn't that be great! lol!

Thanks for the hugs!

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I did get an A in calculus in college but no one cares now. Once out of school you'll learn that those with the C's are referred to as boss just as commonly as those with the A's

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I wouldn't complain about a 'B'. Remember a 'C' is average. A 'B' is still above average and a grade most kids would love to have instead of the one they are getting.

At Yale, and many other schools, a "B" is below average. It's called "grade inflation" and a lot of faculty are very concerned about it.





The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Or if you're an engineer at Texas A&M, the classes (lower level, calc 1, 2, physics 1, 2, etc) are all designed to make people fail out of their degree.

Class averages are around 40-50% on tests, with large curves. People get fucking excited to get a B in one of those classes, after spending a LARGE amount of money on tutors and spending many many many nights going to extra review sessions for that one class (often to the detriment of other classes).

My life is so much better being a History major. I read a fuckload of books, and I have write very long papers (my last upper level hist class I took, I ended up writing a 40page paper for the final). However, I don't have to deal with people intentially trying to get me kicked out of school.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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