
How many Porn Stars do you know?

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Born and raised in Vegas. Lived with several and dated several porn stars. Not really something to brag about. Looking back after a few years of being off the shit I realize what twisted lives we had led.Every single one I know/knew had more mental health problems then any one person should have to endure. The sterotype is dead on with almost all women in porn. Dads/brothers/uncles/pastor's etc raped them mental/physical abuse, addiction and not many of them live very long. Suicide,overdose,murder,aids are all very real. So yea I KNEW some porn stars and still offer prayers for the ones that I think are still alive

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I used to date this redhead awhile back. Well she was pretty smokin. We broke up she went back to Nevada to live with her parents or someshit.. Dunno, she got into drugs I think.

Anyways, I was checking my emails one afternoon. I got one of those.. "Free nude babes all for you" emails.. Being the curious person I am. I decided to check it out, well I surfed the site some and finally found the free pics.. Well looooww and be hold, there is this redhead I used to date.. Baring it all to everyone.. I marveled a bit then closed the website.. She was way better looking when I dated her.. funny how 2 kids and an addiction to drugs can totaly destroy a once nice figure :|

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Call me old fashion, but that isnt a porn star

A quick Google of "Shae Marks" will turn up a PLETHORA of videos to go along with that. I think she qualifies. Funny thing....I remember my friends and I all thinking..."Yeah...Christy is pretty hot but her Mom is WAY hotter!!!" :D

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that all depends I guess... are home movies counted in porn stars?

For the second time NO!!!! In the world of digital cam corders there are probably only a few of us left who HAVEN'T been the stars of our own home movies. Now....I'll let it count if it's posted to the internet and you provide a link. ;)

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I know 2 girls that have done some movies......They both said they really liked it and would do it again........One of the girls went out to LA and for a week straight of movie making.........They basically made a farm animal out of her.........I hear she did a scene were 6 guys did her and squrt all over her in turns. I have not seen it, but it seems like something she may do. The other girl just did a few scenes for quick cash. She is the quiet Sunday school girl type for sure and no one would think she would do something like that. I hear raw porn footage is going for 20$ a minute! :P

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others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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