
The wives are gonna hate me

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Back off, Aussie dude! >:( Be nice, like I know that you can be. You are taking this way too seriously. Skymama is a sweetheart. She is never shifty NOR underhanded! She can't help it if the men all trip over themselves to help her. She would help anyone in a pinch, too, if need be! :)
Edited: Just in case...Squeak, I know that you're a sweetie, so please don't take offense to my post...:P

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Ok let me get the facts. So this realy hot chick goes over to a married mans house and talks to him for a while about things that seem to interest him just so she can get to the real question of "do you have a saw". Then instead of telling him that she is capable of sawing she allows said married man to come into her home to do said sawing. Ok now that I have that straight. No you were not flirting.;) All I have to say is you go man. He got to look at you ass for a while.:ph34r: And all he had to do was cut a couple of limbe. plus now he can come over to say hi. Just to look at said ass.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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LOL, I found out his wife's name, that he's from Canada, has 2 grown kids in North Carolina, and 2 grandkids he's going to go visit for Christmas that he's excited to see. That's not flirting! And, I totally would have done the sawing myself if I had someone like Deuce handing it to me. It was just nice of him to offer. :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I didn't say you were flirting. Just like it wasn't chivery that posest him to do the sawing. If a man would of asked for a saw he would have still offerd to do the sawing. And if you would have asked a women you would have let her do the work just the same. I know I know. I wish I lived next to such nice peaple as youlol
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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Really? Building snowmen as a child rocks? I hope so ...

Hi Vanilla!

We are moving to Missouri. Yep, in the middle of January ... It's gonna be cooooooold!

I am so spolied with Hawaii and California weather ... I hope I like it!
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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I wasn't being "not nice" Rosa
I was stating that I don't like when people flirt to get things.
Flirting for flirting sake is different, that can be fun

Andrea says she wasn't flirting, well before my post and I wasn't suggesting that she was.

I was just stating that I dont like when ppl do that.
If you want somthing from me ask, if I can help I almost always will.
I much prefer straight forward an honst approaches.
So there.

BTW I take no offense to your post either;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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The 'poor innocent lil' girl needs help' deal would never work for me, but you GO Andrea! Shake what yo mama gave you! You get some work done!

Never worked very well for me either... I think most guys just assume I am competent to do just about whatever I want to do....oh well.:)

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Yep heard it before...
My next door neighbor get guys(all married) to do he crap. I did 2 favors and made it clear that strong fences make that right neighbors (I don't care if she mows in her Bikini every week).
She really shows off that hot bod and is in great shape.-----I figure she healthy enough to do her own chores. (she was drunk and told me how she sings with the folks up the street too:|)
Guys need to help others without being led by the little brain. It's hard:P to do but, "Barbies" don't get my help.
--Did I mention that she is still baffled that I like "real" women with curves and I'll never be atracted to her:ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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LOL...I'm really not that bad. No one has ever called me a Barbie and I would never be caught dead in my yard strutting around in a bikini. I won't even wear one to the dz! I did go ask for the saw, but the other guy came up to me. I think he thought my sorry looking yard was making his look bad! :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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...:|It's not you... it's the idea.
I was struck with the on going "F- you" relationship I have next door.(that's the true reason of my reaction[:/])
My neighbor is on my "drop dead list".
I won't do chores like the other jack-ass guys and she got pissed the I like "Full figured" women(I made it clear).
She created alot of shit talk that harmed my personal life and started sleeping with some people 2 doors down(and told me too:S)
I'll do "anything" for a >friend< but, not for a tease*.
(discalimer: *does not include red heads or curvy chicks:ph34r: brain goes soft & all else gets...:P)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Some men are actually chivalrous (sp?) Then there are some who have watched to many movies that contain the line

" Oh, the plumber... thank god your here, my pipes need fixed"

:D:D thats so true... I don't think it would ever happen in the real world, but we can always hope :P

MB 3528, RB 1182

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LOL...I'm really not that bad. No one has ever called me a Barbie and I would never be caught dead in my yard strutting around in a bikini. I won't even wear one to the dz!:ph34r:

Dam So much for wanting to live next to you.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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And, I totally would have done the sawing myself if I had someone like Deuce handing it to me.

That's me. Very polite, but not really nice at all. B|

I just have this awful habit of waiting for people to ask. If somebody wanders over and tells me that their grass is long, I'll look over and agree.

If somebody hobbles over and asks me to mow their lawn cause they threw their back out, I'm more than happy to do it.


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I did not flirt. The guy who cut the tree branches is about 60 years old, is missing half his teeth and is Canadian. I would never flirt with a Canadian!


YOU (LET, made volunteered.. whatever) A 60 yr old man cut ur xmas tree!!


..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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YOU (LET, made volunteered.. whatever) A 60 yr old man cut ur xmas tree!!


LOL...My dad is sitting next to me. He's 62, a former Marine Corps Captain in Viet-Nam, and has more energy and drive than any 25 year old that I know. He takes issue with your comment and wants to speak with you, boy. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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former Marine Corps Captain in Viet-Nam


Oh....uh..... we're cool right, like you know , I haven't said anything , like bad or anything , have I ...... you are such a nice person .... uh, uh,

Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man- Sam Walter Foss

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Heehee...I just meant that he's more than capable of cutting a few branches off a tree at his advanced age. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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