
Should I bother with Eloy if I'm not a jumper?

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I've done 2 tandems (at Eloy), and hope to start AFF in a couple of months. So, no chance I'll be jumping during the boogie.

But......my dad is coming out to visit, and I'll probably be driving to the Phoenix airport the weekend after Christmas to pick him up. If I'm making the 2 1/2 hour drive there, I thought it might be worth it to extend the trip another hour and visit.

So, would it be worth it? Will I, a not-yet skydiver just be in the way with all the real jumpers? Or will there be enough happening on the ground, and enough friendly folk and stuff to do to keep me happy?
Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?

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enough friendly folk and stuff to do to keep me happy?

Grasshopper, "Happiness" comes from within. You must make this journey to explore your outer-world a world you should endeavor to join!

There you will find wonderous things that will captivate your senses. You may also find a community that will welcome you and embrace you as family.

Or then again - maybe not?

But heck... Go hang out, party have a good time! Somebody's going to be doing AFF anyway; they don't shut down the operation just for the boogie!!!
I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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There will be different people coming and going from the DZ.COM tent all day long every day. So if you come out to visit, you'll meet a bunch of people. Plus there's pretty much someone landing all the time (some of them are good swoopers) and it makes for a good show for the whuffos. B|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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1st. Its about the jumps
2nd it is about the people

If you do not jump then you still have the people. Make some friends. I do alot of diff. stuff (I.E. Scuba, Rock Climb) The people in this sport are more friendly and willing to help a newbie to the sport. We all know it is for the love of the sport.
Bottomless Beers and Blue Skies!

* Brother_Brian *
D.S.W.F.S.B. #2

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I'm a serial passenger and just loving the sport and the community is reason enough to go. Who knows, you may just do another tandem. No shame in that unless you come down with the plane.

I have always, from day one been treated well by divers (and some pilots too!) but then again I'm crazy. I'll sit in the plane without a chute and take pics of them going out of the door. Maybe if you aren't going to jump you can wrangle right-seat of the driver. You'll be surprised what happens after the last jumper is out!

Hootie-hoooooooooooooooo! You'll never look at a rollercoaster againB|. I think one thing you should remember is respect the pros and NEVER step on anyones lines while they are packing! Blue skies!

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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are you going to be swooping Steve? That would like....so kick ass

actually i remeber one time at cannon city steve's swooping abilities put him into a field of those tiny cactuses and it wasn't bad ass but more like prickly ass...lol....

come on out, if i'm on the ground i'll chat with ya, look fr a purple and yellow freeflysuit or birdman suit in the same collors...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I'm a serial passenger and just loving the sport and the community is reason enough to go. Who knows, you may just do another tandem. No shame in that unless you come down with the plane.

Umm there is NO shame in coming down with the plane either.
Go meet people and get some names to faces, I wish I could but the tyranny of distance & lack of mega bucks prohibits it.:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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By all means go - I went to the Perris Valley memorial day boogie and there were at least two there who were unlicensed jumpers and made zero jumps. They still managed to have a lot of fun.

hmm i think i vaguely remember them....hahaha probably cause one was me! lol. He's right. I went, I had just done 2 tandems the week prior. I had a great time the entire time! Its amazing how much you can learn by just watching and listening to people. Great oppurtunity to ask questions and such. Plus someones always around.

Due to injury and not being able to finish my aff on time because of it, i won't be jumping in eloy. But i already have my tickets so I am gonna go and have a good time-so you can always look for me :)

edited for spelling


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