
situation - need some advice!!!

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So I'm all excited about Eloy coming up and was all excited about having a new rig, jumpsuit, and my A. But because of the wonderful NE weather and the recent blizzard, this has set my plans back a little.

Right now I have 24 jumps (1 short and need to do my check dive and packing dive) The advice i need is....should I try to get those 2 jumps in while i'm in Vegas the 4 days before I go to Eloy or Will I be able to finish my A at Eloy?

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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I would inquire about coach/instructor availability at both locations and make a decision from there. Either way, you'll get your rating. There'll be plenty of coaches at Eloy (Me, Sunshine to name two) too. ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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If you don't get it by then don't sweat it.

Ask for TJ Landgren. He can get you in touch with the people you will need to talk to there and then..... do some coaching with him. It is impossible not to have a kickass skydive with him.
He is my freefly coach and a buddy. He put together my 100th jump when I was in Eloy for Thanksgiving and it was the best!


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My 2 cents says if you can get it before hand do it.....
If not, you can't go wrong with the crew at Eloy, they can definately set you up right. Find TJ (you can't miss him) after your done with your "A", and commence to the wonderfull world of 3 dimensional flight. You'll never regret it. I've got about 40 or so coach jumps with T, and dull is something it ain't.

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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That sounds great! I was really worried about not being able to jump because of the two jumps...I will def check out TJ and Gawain and sunshine.

My rents are already pissed I'm leaving for 4 days of my holiday to go skydiving...it might put them over the edge if i took another day away from "fam time" to go skydiving.

Plus I think t would be pretty cool to get it down with all of you!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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Hey Ivan....
One day!! Watch out when we start jumping together :P I'm working on it. I was trying to get them to clear the runway to get them in today (took a personal day to get some work done for grad school) And you know what my attention span is!!! After 20 min of studying i was tryingt o find every excuse to get out there and jump!

Maybe possibly next weekend!! Fingers crossed!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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Hey Ivan....
One day!! Watch out when we start jumping together :P I'm working on it. I was trying to get them to clear the runway to get them in today (took a personal day to get some work done for grad school) And you know what my attention span is!!! After 20 min of studying i was tryingt o find every excuse to get out there and jump!

Maybe possibly next weekend!! Fingers crossed!

This weekend's forecast looks good: SUNNY, so... it can be possible, I HOPE SO!!!!, I need some air time. ;)
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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i'd say try and get it done in vegas before eloy..... that way ya can show up to eloy and start jumping from the start... while in vegas you are sure to have some down time with the family and that woul be a perfect time to get out to the dz. i bet it wouldn't be hard to talk jtval into gettng to the dz to help getthe plane off the ground,or let me know i'll be passing through on the 24th i think... i'll help get the plane off the groud if needed....that is if they are flying on christmas eve

"i have no reader's digest version"

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