
What do wuffos think your closing pin necklace is?

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I have a ball with wearing my closing pin necklace outside of the DZ. Wuffos come up with all kinds of crazy explanations on what they think it really is.

This week, for example, I got some interesting ones.

--a fertility symbol
--a symbol for 'woman'
--an indian symbol
--a bottle opener?

What have you had wuffos guess about your skydiving ware?


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Of course, what I really want to know is what their reaction was once you told them what it was. ;) I'm betting it was typical whuffo, "Oh." :S:D
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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They have no idea what it is so they don't ask! Hadn't had anyone ask me yet. i'm sure some wuffo will ask one day, and when I tell them they will probably freak! Oh well, thus is life I guess.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Of course, what I really want to know is what their reaction was once you told them what it was. ;) I'm betting it was typical whuffo, "Oh." :S:D

Well, these were people are my work who came up with the examples above. I've never worn my closing pin necklace there before, so they were all coming up to me and asking about it (curious buggers, aren't they! :P).

They're a very cool bunch, though, so when they ran out of guesses I told them. They were like, "Cool! How does it work? What is it made out of?". A couple of them have already done a tandem, so they were the ones who wished I'd brought my rig so they could uinderstand better.

Did I mention that I love my job? B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I've had someone call it a "Metallic banana schlong thing", before they asked what it really was.

I've tried to tell people that its the pin that holds my parachute in the bag until I pull it, but they don't understand. They're like, "You pull that tiny little pin? It it were me, I'd have a huge pin that I could get a good grip on"

So now I just say "It's a sign of my devotion to the dark lord"

...and hopefully they have a sense of humor :D

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To me my pin is my life as a skydiver, it represents my dreams and achievments. It's symbolic only int he sense that only my family and skydivers know what it truely means to be a skydiving. that's what i tell whuffos. I gave my pin away as a christmas gift last year to someone, I need to get a new pin now though as it's been passed one and shares two skydivers lives now. I need one that represents me now and not then. I'm gonna put spikes around it!:P with letters that spell out FODA SE
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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They have no idea what it is so they don't ask! Hadn't had anyone ask me yet. i'm sure some wuffo will ask one day, and when I tell them they will probably freak! Oh well, thus is life I guess.

I had a girl at work ask what it was and when I explained it to her she gasped, "Oh My God Sharon, you're obsessed with skydiving!"

I replied...."and your point is????"

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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I've tried to tell people that its the pin that holds my parachute in the bag until I pull it,

Me too. The most memorable reply was "So you have to take it off and move it around to your back while you're falling ? Isn't that hard to do ?" :)

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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A can opener (coz I'm a bachelor and known for my rather primitive culinary taste).

An eye-poker (coz I'm known for not being particularly particular with regards to sharp shiny things).

And a fighting-device-knuckle-iron addition (coz I'd need any help I couuld get should I get into a fight)B|.

That's all so far. And I haven't even worn one; just shown pics of one.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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I have a ball with wearing my closing pin necklace outside of the DZ. Wuffos come up with all kinds of crazy explanations on what they think it really is.

This week, for example, I got some interesting ones.

--a fertility symbol
--a symbol for 'woman'
--an indian symbol
--a bottle opener?

What have you had wuffos guess about your skydiving ware?


Tell them its what they pulled out of our head after your accident, that would be cool.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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