
Sky Dive Charleston...or is it ASC???

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I know this horse has been beaten to death, but if any of you have not been yet check out Skydive Charleston's homepage, (those of us that jump at ASC will get a kick out of this). I may be loosing my mind, but that picture under facilities sure looks like ASC before the deck went up doesn't it?? Maybe I'm wrong.............then agian, maybe I'm sooooo right that you just can't stand it.;)
It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

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It can't be ASC, it's in SC:S.

"At Skydive Charleston, you will be accompanied on your skydive by the most experienced skydive professionals in South Carolina! Use the information provided below to choose which first jump you wish to make in South Carolina at Skydive Charleston."


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Hmmmm....after looking around quite a bit on that site.....I can't seem to find any directions to the place. :D I'm sure it's only about 20 minutes away though.....:D


Me, too. I live in S.C. and can't find directions there...maybe I should call?? Lol. (Maybe Cary will answer, hehehe.)


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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The same people who own skydivecharleston.com also own a bunch of sites connected to 1-800-Skyride. Skyride is in turn connected to ASC. Skyride also has been known to create "invisible dropzones" that are really just ASC. So, yeah, I'd put money on Skydive Charleston and ASC being the same thing.

Mmm, clicky info

Edit: Whoops, wasn't replying to anyone in particular. My mistake.

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I know, I know, I just couldn't resist (changed screen name), I have a friend that lives in Charleston and wanted to know if I would come up and do a jump with him at a place near-by, he sent me the page, and since I do jump at ASC, I recognized the hangar immediately, and most of the pics (my favorites are of the free fly circus..over water..in the middle of Georgia), and I just couldn't help myself...

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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From ASC's home page


What is the weight limit for skydiving?
Answer: 285 lbs. for tandem, 240 lbs. for AFF.

Question for all the tandem masters out there. Would you take some one this heavy?

Not me.:S

why not?.. how heavy are you?

i hate taking peaple that big... just because it is hard to flare.... by myself..... and i dont like having the students help me flare....

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and since I do jump at ASC

You poor soul.....:D Maybe some day you'll be like all the others and realize that driving a little farther really IS worth it. ;)

driving to any drop zone is worth it....

also... check out all the free advertizing my home dz gets......... hope to see you guys there soon....

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also... check out all the free advertizing my home dz gets......... hope to see you guys there soon....

You have got to at least admire his loyalty.

Yea. Kinda reminds me of that Jehova Witness thread. >:(

It's a cult, I tell ya!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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driving to any drop zone is worth it....

Hello Mark....Yes I know you. The last time I drove to ASC was because Chuck (SM1) asked me to. He was doing a swoop comp there. Ben wasted no time slobbering all over my nuts and trying to get me to jump there. Funny...since everyone used to ignore me when I was a "50 jump chump" there. Then I show up and I know Chuck and Hans....all of a sudden I'm a celebrity. PUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ. No thanks.......

Ya know...the VERY FIRST time I ever went to SD Atlanta...I had maybe 60-75 jumps. I was there maybe 10 minutes when Doug came up and invited me on a skydive. Hmmmm.....wonder why I have never jumped at ASC since? ;) I have always given back to the sport....just like my Monkey Brothers and the crowd at SD Atlanta always taught. Some things ARE more important than money.

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Clay, dont get your panties all in a wad. Ben's actions towards you have nothing to do with Mark, or any of the other employees/jumpers at ASC.
Some people love to jump there. Some people have been dicked over and wont go back there. Thats a personal choice, and that situation is not isolated to ASC.
ASC gets the flack because theyre big, theyre competitive, and they use deceptive advertising.
My personal experience with ASC was kind of annoying, and I dont go out of my way to jump there, but I dont think that animosity towards a particular dz or the people who jump there will do anyone any good.
Everyone knows their advertising is ridiculous, and its perfectly alright to make fun of them for that, but otherwise.. chill....

ps- you still owe me a beer...

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driving to any drop zone is worth it....

Hello Mark....Yes I know you. The last time I drove to ASC was because Chuck (SM1) asked me to. He was doing a swoop comp there. Ben wasted no time slobbering all over my nuts and trying to get me to jump there. Funny...since everyone used to ignore me when I was a "50 jump chump" there. Then I show up and I know Chuck and Hans....all of a sudden I'm a celebrity. PUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ. No thanks.......

Ya know...the VERY FIRST time I ever went to SD Atlanta...I had maybe 60-75 jumps. I was there maybe 10 minutes when Doug came up and invited me on a skydive. Hmmmm.....wonder why I have never jumped at ASC since? ;) I have always given back to the sport....just like my Monkey Brothers and the crowd at SD Atlanta always taught. Some things ARE more important than money.

well ...im acctually really sarry you feel that way about asc.... i cant say i remember meeting you but i remember when chuck came out... wasnt that 3 years ago or so?... or was that some other time.... but any ways.... just because you had a bad experiance and you only had 50 jumps and werent out going enough to say hi to somone.... or maybee it wasnt that you werent out going it was maybee you were just quiet....

i will tell you... i have traveld to alot of d.z's around the southeast this past summer "not as many as i would have liked to have" anyways my point is.... if you show up somwhere that you dont know anybody... you got lets say maybee a 1-5 to 1-10 chance of somone coming up to you and asking you to jump with them.... most of the time it doesnt happen... this is not just ASC this is most dz's that run turbin aircraft.... but anyways... i go to othere dz,s and i manifest.... and on the ride to alt... i stick my nose in everyones buissness. ask who is doing solos. freeflying, or whatever...then i go jump with somone i just met..... then guess what happens after that.... well maybee you had a kick ass skydive or maybee you were boing chased the whole time or you were chasing them the whole time.. either way you met somone at another dz by being proactive...

i promise the peaple at asc are very good peaple.. and they will not leave there home dz... exept for every now and then for other boogies.... but im telling ya.. it is like pulling teeth trying to get some of the peaple that im freinds with to leave. for just one weekend to meet new peaple.... and it makes me think..... why in the hell would they want to stick themselves to one dz all the time..... i cant do that.. i want to go to all the dz's around me.. and hell some that are not.... but anyways.. my point is.... it really is a nice ass dz.... hell you dont have to pay any attention to the owners... tyler will take you mind off that by running across the room and tackleing a chair! (freak!) and kenny.. well kenny will just piss you off... he is like 18 and swoops almost as good as me!...(ok im kidding) he isnt anywhere near good as me....lol......:D......and DAN... i was kinda scared of dan when i first met him..... considering he got arested at the dz for..... well i will leave that to your imagination... but he is innocent and a good guy....and nate... well he has got alot of positive things to say about any person he meets...and katie...."what a cutie" nate is a lucky guy.....and lisa.... what you dont know is lisa is ben and cary's boss...she is preatty much runnin the show.... and it aint burger king....but if you wanna jump im sure she can find you a slot.....and hans.. well i dont know what to say about hans... i dont think he is going to last much longer..."he is gettin old you know".. and his girly is preagnant.... jeese is that thing due yet..?? its been a little whils since ive been out there...... but hans can still swoop his ass off....

should i go on?.... ...ok no im going to stop because i cant spell and im tired of typing... but yoou get the point right?

if not then here it is..... when you talk trash about asc you talk trash about all the peaple that jump there.... i dont care if you dont like the owners... and neither does any of them....

you should stop back by sometime....


ok so i left alot of peaple out.... sorry... but you guys rock and well i will be back up there when i get some money to jump.... or untill they give me a couple working jumps to pay for the fun jumps....

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or the people who jump there will do anyone any good.

Actually.....I have some good friends that jump there. No....I won't mention names to protect the guilty. :D I jumped there for several months when I first moved back to Georgia. Then I found greener pastures. I also know SEVERAL of their staff members that BAILED on them cause they couldn't stand the bullshit anymore. Some still go back on weekdays because they skydive for a living and need to make the money. No problem. Doesn't bother me. I'm just glad that I have the means to avoid them. In fact...last time I was there I even refused to buy soft drinks from the machine in the packing area. Instead...I drove to the store. :D I could really give a shit less about Ben and Cary. I just hate that they give SO many people a bad eperience with skydiving. Especially when it comes to students. I even hate going to that airport though. Just because there is a picture of a plane in the FOB that my Dad used to own. Well...at 90 some hours the FREAKIN ENGINE flew apart. I had a forced landing in Butler Georgia. Guess who rebuilt that engine.......Unfortunately it wasn't Ben or Cary....but it was a guy there at the airport. :D Wonder if he does maintenance on their skydiving planes?

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