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WOW, I just came back from SKYDIVE MOAB, and in all of my experiences throughout the world (including the Swiss Alps) I have NEVER, EVER been to a more intensely beautiful place!!

We jumped into the most amazing canyon!! SWOOPING the CLIFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is not a single place in America or even the WORLD that could even compare to this place!

Mineral Bottom in Moab, Utah (famous for base jumping) is where we did the bulk of our jumps, with 1000ft cliffs surrounding us. Flying along the side of one of these massive chunks of red rock is by far the most intense experience I have come across in my 6 years of jumping.

Kudos to the staff of SKYDIVE MOAB for professionalism and helpful attitude!

The Owners, Clint MacBeth and Shelley White, are two of the friendliest DZOs I have met. You need to meet this married couple. The Grand Opening was this weekend and as many believe that a pilgramage to Eloy is required once in your skydiving life, a pilgramage to Moab is well worth it and should be on the top of your skydiving wish list!

I am still estatic about how awe inspiring this place is. I mean you have the cliffs surrounding you, the green river is spectacular, the landing area is like 10 football fields surrounded by 400 ft sheer cliffs with 600 ft of talice. I liked it so much that I have to tell the world about it!!

Check them out on www.skydivemoab.com and do plan a trip there!!!

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Sounds like a fun place - but $20 to 9k from a cesna? And a bunch of the pictures in the gallery can't be from Moab (and some look like they are right from Chicagoland Skydive Center).
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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There is not other place in the USA that is as beautiful as MOab. $20 it's worth it! IF you want to see for yourself then you'll pay if not then you miss out. Just wait and see what's coming out of our dz soon.

As for the gallery, how could I put up pictures from MOAB when we didn't put up a load first to get any pictures. I had to put up something or I could have left it blank, hmm I'll put up some cool photos.
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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Clint, I wouldn't worry about it. Ya can't please everyone. You could lower your price to 5 bucks and the next thing you'll be taking heat for being a single cessna dropzone. Personally I can't wait to check out Moab, the valley looks farking rad!!


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Yes, you land in the canyon! You actually land on a road. Well so far the way back to the dz is by plane.
You jump into the canyon and then jump in the dz at the airport. Perfect landing area if you dont' land on the road. NICE and SOFT Everywhere.

There is a windsock at the end of the runway at Mineral Bottom. Moab, during the winter is usually not that windy. Land in any direction if necessary. You pull high so you can take in the serenery so you have 4000' to set up for landing. Everything is an alternate landing area. IT's HUGE! Everywhere.

See you soon.
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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Nice pix dude, but this view ranks #2 in TheAnvil's humble opinion - from the pix at least. I haven't jumped all that many places though.

Anvil's Top Five DZ View List:

1. Kapowsin, WA
2. Moab, UT (never been, but plan to)
3. Monterey, CA
4. Elsinore, CA
5. Titusville, FL (I'm a space geek and like all the launchpads/NASA stuff you can see there; if I weren't a space geek Hollister, CA or Snohomish, WA would occupy this slot)
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Thats just great....................My favorite place on Earth is getting even more well known. Nice shot of the Green River though! did you meet Alan who lives in the camper at Mineral Bottom? He is kinda like the Scotty Carbon of the canyons. Cannot wait to skydive into Mineral Bottom!B|

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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Good stuff Clint - looks like you've got a good thing going with even more stuff in the works. I'll definitely be passing through there in March and will see for myself. I'm sold on a day or two there. Perhaps a personal viewing will change my top 5 list around, but dude, it will take something.

Kapowsin isn't even my home DZ (that would be Hollister) and I give it #1 by a long shot. Jumping next to Ranier is AWESOME.

We shall see....look forward to meeting you in a few months. Hope Moab DOES move into the #1 slot because it's always cool to see something that kickass; it's gotta earn it though. Can you go rapelling down the canyon walls?

Vinny the Anvil
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Thanks for the reply. We'll see if Moab will turn to #1. ANyway all in good fun. YOu can rapell down the walls if you have the equipment.
SKydive Moab looks foward to having you jump here.
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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OH, MY, GOD!!!^_^

Hey Clint,

I e-mailed you earlier in November about your new DZ and am really excited that I am going to make it out there in March!!B| The website looks great and I have a friend from WA state who wants to make a tandem in Moab. Say hi to Liz for me! I'm drooling at all the pics:D I'll contact you later about when I will make it out for canopy control camp. I look forward to working with you.

~Robyn Kleinpeter a.k.a.Road Rash a.k.aPhoenix Feather a.k.a.Purdue Ninny
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I do remember talking with you. I will say hi to LIZ for you. Send me your address so I can send my canopy school manual out to you. I deleted your last email.
Send it to my email mastaclint@yahoo.com
See you soon.
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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