McDuck 0 #26 November 28, 2003 Feeling you on that one, even though I'm not alone. When I first packed up my life and moved to the east coast to be closer to my father and associated family, I was alone. To add to that craptacular feeling, I had to be an usher at my brother's wedding and see all the friggin' happy couples ooohing and ahhhhhing over the newlyweds. Nothing like rubbing our noses in it, eh?Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28 "I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coconutmonkey 0 #27 November 29, 2003 Moody, As ya can see form the posts, you're not as alone as ya might think. I've spent many holidays "alone" in various parts of the world and everywhere is the same How you feel and whom you spend your time with is your choice at these times. They might not always be the family you grew up with, but for those short times you can make them family. Make the choice to be happy with whatever you do during the holiday season and don't dwell on the things you can't change. It's all about how you decide on how to view your piece of the world. Make it a happy holiday, then make those around you happy as well. (hey, where'd that soap box come from??) Happy Holidays from...Hearts & Minds 2 to the Heart- 1 to the Mind- Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbrown 26 #28 November 29, 2003 You know any other lonely friends who are stranded ? You could invite them all over and have one heck of a Xmas potluck dinner and all snuggle around a good movie or two. You could even invite them to stay overnight - not suggesting in your bed, but that could happen too, who knows ? Da hollydaze is what we makes of 'dem... Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #29 November 29, 2003 QuoteYou know any other lonely friends who are stranded ? You could invite them all over and have one heck of a Xmas potluck dinner and all snuggle around a good movie or two. You could even invite them to stay overnight - not suggesting in your bed, but that could happen too, who knows ? Da hollydaze is what we makes of 'dem... I'd love to do that! The only problem is that,the only single/lonely friend I have is leaving with her Air Natl Guard unit to go back to the war this coming Wed and isn't expected to return for atleast a month or two. I'm stealing her Sunday to take her out shopping,dinner,movie etc and have one last girl's day out just to let her know how proud of/worried about her I am.She has been my best friend for over 14yrs. Other than that, no single friends here. "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vonSanta 0 #30 November 29, 2003 What about neighbors and so forth? I live at a rather odd place and during holidays all I have to do is check which windows there are lights in. Pop in and a few minutes later everyone is in there talking, drinking. Admittedly, it's mostly young, single maladjusted individuals where I live, but it's great fun. Here there are some *really* good pubs to go to as well. Not the meat market score places, but more mellow and slow traditional stuff. Granted, you cannot be sure the clientele is your exact age, has your interests etc but I usually have a great time talking to old timers/youngsters while trying out odd sounding sorts of beer to live music. This year I'll have "oh shit there I was" stories that any properly intoxicated person will find amazing. Especially when a minor problem flaring turns into a life or death avoidance of collision in the air . I agree with you in general though. the toughest time to be single is during holidays. Seeing all those pairs all happy and snuggled up against each other makes ya wonder if there's something wrong with you. There ain't. With soul mates, it is a matter of being patient and waiting, because they *are* out there. Some of us just have to wait a little longer, but it'll be oh so much better when we get what we want, because we won't have settled for something that "just might do". Too bad you're not in Denmark or I'd taken you out and showed you exactly how intoxicated people have to be before they start take a deep interest in your BS made up skydiving stories Santa Von GrossenArsch I only come in one flavour ohwaitthatcanbemisunderst Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #31 November 30, 2003 Yeah I'm just SOL on this one. Guess I just wanted to express my frustrations. I live out in the country 20miles from the nearest town on 76 acres. Our nearest neighbors are over a mile away. This isnt the type of place you can just drop in on them because you'll likely to be mistaken for a tresspasser and met with a shotgun.Most country neighbors are very friendly, but we cherish our privacy dearly.Thats part of the reason my family loves it out here..because we know there won't be any unexpected visitors and no one knows when we're here or not b/c of the way the property is layed out...very private.Yes, there are ups and downs to living in the country in TX. I frequented a few clubs and bars with a group of girlfriends for awhile, but they have all since coupled up and as I said,my last remaining single friend is leaving to go back over seas w/her military unit.I might have gone alone if the nearest club/bar etc wasn't 60miles away in Dallas. I'll be ok.I just have a touch of the holiday blues. Its just something I'll have to deal with.Sorry for the whining. "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites