
who else hates being alone during the holidays?

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I know I'll be seeing my family for the holidays, but it still seems so lonely when you go through the holidays alone and single. It seems like everywhere you turn it looks like Noah's friggin Ark w/everyone walking around in pairs.You see all the happy couples snuggled up together,enjoying a holiday together and it just reinforces how alone you are. I guess I'm just such a social person that I don't like walking in the crunchy leaves alone or curled up by a fire w/no one to cuddle with, etc. Anyone else feel this way around the turn of the season?[:/]

Ok,I'll stop whining and go back to my Godiva liqueur hot chocolate.:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I have had some DAMN lonely holidays in the military. I spent most of today alone. Except the time I was at work. I don't mind it now....I had a pretty nice day. I did call and talk with the family gathering in Georgia. I also found a "Mont Blanc" $200 pen at work......life is good. B|

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yeah I know what you mean. This is the first Thanksgiving since I was a kid that I didn't cook and entertain. Or have someone I loved with me. Luckily I have a couple of good friends that let me share their day with them. Still it can be depressing and sometimes it eats at you...
I always wished I had a great big Italian family to spend the holidays with.
I don't care for the holidays much anymore.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I'm not sure. I mean yes it's nice to be with someone and all but I don't think its totally horrible to be alone either.

It's kinda hard to explain, but before i become commited to anyone ever again, I want to make sure that a guy isn't the only thing that makes me happy- I want to make me happy and i want someone to be the icing on the cake. Does that make sense? So right now I am perfectly happy walking in the crunchy leaves alone and curling up by a fire by myself because I can think of all the things going on in my life and be happy with myself-I can enjoy my family and my friends and find things that make me happy....and when that special someone comes along, that'll just make my life even better and make me even happier.

So for me, being alone on the holidays isn't a bad thing. And seeing other couples doesn't make me depressed either...it just shows me what I have to look forward to :)


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You want to be happy w/yourself alone and having someone special doesn't complete you, rather it compliments who you already are.


And there's no reason why you can't have that attitude too...it just takes a bit of time...I didn't always think like that. But now I think its very important to be happy because of me, not becuase of someone else :)


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Well, I'm single and basically alone as well, and (bonus round) usually end up working on the holidays too...... wahoooooooo, i pick up the hat trick!!

I don't hold holidays in as high of reguard as most do.... I consider my biggest holiday to be my birthday!! Reserved for skydiving for the past few years now!!!

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It was kinda different this year. Spent most of the day alone, and ok with it. Kinda missed the step kids, but had a nice dinner with my sister across town. Coulda been different, but it was peaceful and enjoyable the way it turned out.

The Dude Abides.

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I think that holidays are what you make them. They are only worth as much as you let them be. I've spent few holidays with my family and loved ones in the last ten years because I have been out to sea working. My holiday season is spent with my crew of alaskan fishermen. (leaving again tomorrow)

I have the attitude that I take what I can get when I have it and then make the most of it. Who needs a holiday to bring that out in someone, be it family or other? I know that the way my life works that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be with someone all the time no matter who it is. I get by only when I see the bigger picture.

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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I know I'll be seeing my family for the holidays, but it still seems so lonely when you go through the holidays alone and single. It seems like everywhere you turn it looks like Noah's friggin Ark w/everyone walking around in pairs.You see all the happy couples snuggled up together,enjoying a holiday together and it just reinforces how alone you are. I guess I'm just such a social person that I don't like walking in the crunchy leaves alone or curled up by a fire w/no one to cuddle with, etc. Anyone else feel this way around the turn of the season?[:/]

Ok,I'll stop whining and go back to my Godiva liqueur hot chocolate.:$

I know how ya feel. I went to this big family thing yesterday, and every member of my family had a S/O there except me. I was the ONLY single one of the whole family. That's a kick in the face, huh? :S But I agree, it's really hard to walk around while every other couple is Christmas shopping together and holding each other in the cold. So here's me raising my glass to the single people. This sucks.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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So here's me raising my glass to the single people. This sucks.

Single and UNCOMPLICATED trumps married and miserable any day. ;)

Hear hear.

I have a teen, one that thinks she's a teen, and 2 more that are just chomping at the bit to get to that stage.

There are days (quite a few of them) where I wish could be alone. [:/]
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Your not alone. Being a divorced Dad and only being able to see my little girl http://www.foto2cd.com/Lindsey.htm 2 or three times a year ( Christmas and her birthday are never missed ) saddens me then add to it that I am still single after 4 years.:( So I feel ya girl. It does sound as if you have a good heart so i doubt you will be alone for long. ((((((((((((((Hugz))))))))))))) for ya!

Life is amazing when we get out of its way and let it unfold on it's own. Hell 7 months ago I never thought I would be jumping out of airplanes let alone have a license that says I am qualified( stupid enough?) to do it!

Besides I have learned in my 37 years that the more "shit" I walk through the better life gets once I reach the other side. Just wish this pile would end soon.;)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Yea, I know what you all mean, I am happy with myself, but sad that my holidays are not going as planed with that "one" to cuddle with. I still got family and friends but, it would be nice to share at a closer connection, with the one i orignaly planed

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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I know how ya feel! I can't stand being in a room full of mortals, it drives me insane to have been able to see how much and how little they accomplished in the last few centuries.... :(

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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