
Why did she even join?

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I'm not saying she doesn't have a legal obligation to do so, but it seems a bit disingenuous for him to be standing on the soap box.

I don't know, Q. I think if he served it would be better, but lots of folks won't listen to anything Ollie North has to say about anything.

Lots of sports commentators have never laced them up, but are still good reporters and critics of sports.

Lots of people have never been cops, but cops still need to be overseen, and not by other cops.

And yeah, I have an honorable discharge.

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I don't know, Q. I think if he served it would be better, but lots of folks won't listen to anything Ollie North has to say about anything.

Well -somebody- sure as hell is. Ollie has quite the little media empire. http://www.northamerican.com/


Lots of sports commentators have never laced them up, but are still good reporters and critics of sports.

There are exceptions (Howard Cosell), but I think most of the national and credible sports commentators were jocks at one point or another. I mean, take a look at the Monday Night Football sports commentators. The last time they tried to put in an "outsider" was Dennis Miller and, um, that didn't work out too well. Also, a little closer to home, when skydiving was in the X-Games, who'd they get to do the commentary on that -- Troy Hartman -- right?


Lots of people have never been cops, but cops still need to be overseen, and not by other cops.

Internal Investigations is made up of Police Officers?


And yeah, I have an honorable discharge.

And for that, I thank you.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, well, I take it all back!

I just got an email from Ken . . .


From: "Schram, Ken"
Date: Thu Nov 20, 2003 16:29:54 America/Los_Angeles
To: 'Paul Quade'
Subject: RE: BIO

1968 - 1970.
Was given a government paid excursion to a quaint little Southeast Asian country.

Ken Schram

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Quade
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:26 PM
To: KenSchram@komo4news.com
Subject: BIO

Did you ever serve in the military?


If what he says is true, then he more than has the moral authority to speak on the subject.

I also find it pretty cool that he answers his own email. Clearly answers it himself since most folks would fire their assistants for answering like that!

Props to him.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Perhaps some women.... as good americans..... join up to serve their country.

I know it may sound corny to some and no matter the roadblocks put in place by SOME in the military, some of us actually did want to go there and be all that you can be.

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I'm not saying she doesn't have a legal obligation to do so, but it seems a bit disingenuous for him to be standing on the soap box.

My two point five cents (to qualify, I've never been in the military, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express) - Each of us elects how we are going to be a part of the society we live in and how we are going to contribute to it. Some choose to go the military route whether it be fulltime or part time with the full knowlege and commitment that if needed, a person could be shipped out where ever needed. Every so often, these individuals are given the opportunity to 'retire' from service or sign on for more years. This woman knows her obligation and is now playing the mommy card, probably because she's scared. Well, she should be. But, she knew what she was getting into when she signed up!
Well, she signed up, she should go. If she doesn't want to go, fine. But, the alternative. How much time does one serve in a 6x9 for being AWOL?

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here but isn't this the lady who's husband is ALSO a reservist and is over in Iraq too? If I have my facts straight, SHE was also in Iraq doing her duty when her husband's Ex wife sued for custody of the kids so the Army gave her an emergency pass back home to deal with the court case. I believe that the courts ruled that one of the parents needs to care for the children and her mother, who was caring for the children could not care for them any longer.

Like I said, I'm going out on a limb here. IS this the same lady or someone different?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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How much time does one serve in a 6x9 for being AWOL?

Somebody help me out here. I know Levenworth is the real thing, but most prisons I've been to or looked into have nicer living quarters than I do. Free cable, too.

But yeah, go have a cook out in the sand or go to jail sounds like a good answer to me.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I believe this is a different situation. He'd be a complete ass in writing what he did if this was the case.

I would hope so... Thanks, cause I couldn't find anything by searching for her name.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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We saw the womens story on another local news channel.Go figure the story is not the same as KOMO.

The 3 minute blurb we saw said that she was she has diabetes ( we don't know how long she's been diagnosed) and had just moved to the area from texas.

Anyone know if being a diabetic would disqualify a soldier from being sent to Iraq, or if tests for diabetes are routinely given prior to deployment?


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We saw the womens story on another local news channel.Go figure the story is not the same as KOMO.

The 3 minute blurb we saw said that she was she has diabetes ( we don't know how long she's been diagnosed) and had just moved to the area from texas.

Anyone know if being a diabetic would disqualify a soldier from being sent to Iraq, or if tests for diabetes are routinely given prior to deployment?


I saw the same stories on a couple of different news channels. What I am wondering now is why she would re-enlist this last year (as reported on kiro 7) if she was so sick that she could not reply to the call to duty that she signed up for? We are all paying her paycheck as well as her medical expenses so she can choose not to do her job??? If I were to tell my boss that I want a paycheck and benefits to sit at home and take care of my kids and not do my job I would be fired per company policy. So the contract she signed when she re-enlisted (again, this last year) states that if she does not do her job she will go to prison. I would rather go to Iraq and cook for the hungry men and women fighting per the nearly identical contract that they signed then spend time in the brig....regardless of whether we should be there or not, that's just me thinking as a tax paying American. I don't like to spend my money on someone who can't deal with her responsibilities....if you didn't want to take the risk, you shouldn't have taken the money, I hear McDonalds is hiring with benefits too.....

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I didn't mean that women joined JUST for the education. I know people join to serve their country also. Now days it seems more join for the education.I spent 4 yrs. in the Marines and 1 in veit nam so I know people join to serve their country. My main point is why have kids while in the service if you may have to go to war?

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I ain't a warrior. Never been to combat and hopefully never will. We got a draft thing going here, but our military is so small only part of the male population has to take part. I drew a high number and got on the "you gotta join if we're invaded" list.

Still, she made a deal with the US government. She's recieved benefits from it for 15 years - benefits that has helped her everyday and probably helped pay to raise her kid.

If the docs say she's fit for service, she's honourbound to serve. Anything else would be an insult to those who're doing their duty and are in harms way. Not to mention those who lost their lives.

So she's a woman. So f*ing what? Fathers love their kids as much as mothers do. They want to be alive to be there for their kids. Equality has to be applied fairly and not just when it fits whatever gender.

You take your chances. Then ya gotta accept the consequences of those choices. This applies to life in general and not just this situation.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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I'm all for peace, but if you sign up, get the respect and the benefits that your country provides for those in the military - you should go.

Of course, if you were drafted, that would be a different story. Then someone else wants you to go.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I'd love to see his bio and see if he ever served. Could be interesting reading.

I don't think that you have to have a past history to be a reporter/commentator, otherwise there would be very few.

It is not just sports, but politics, the economy, trade issues... How many reporters have held public office? Been a firefighter? Police officer? This guy is just as qualified to have an opinion as the next guy.

Some people that don't think that a mother should go to Iraq. As a father, I think that I care for my child as much (more, actually) than his mother. One set of rules for everybody.

I am an adult. I sign a contract and meet its obligations. Cars, mortgage, job service. If you aren't going to honor the obligations, you should not make a committment.

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When i didn't get the A level grades i needed to take up my place in medical school many people told me to join the army and i'd get it all paid for no worries. I didn't go that route cos i know i could never go out and take part in armed combat.

Years later i went crewing on a tallship and discovered the simplest way to engage in a career at sea was to join the marines. I didn't cos i knew i could never shoot someone should war break out.

I've always been jealous of the military assault courses, the gruelling exercise and training stuff you get to do - i sign up for toughguy type races for fun so i can get wet and frozen and haulass through streams and up hills in vile conditions - i'm a freak but i love that stuff.

Now i skydive and i;'m jealous that the military guys get all their training free and get to jump for almost half the price i do. I watch them get their ratings and make loads of cash and be on the dropzone 24-7! BUT i still don't sign up cos i know i could never go out to the desert and follow orders to shoot a fellow human being. Basically, i'm a pacificist sandal wearing vegetarian who doesn't believ in killing. Of course, i'm priveleged enough to have been brought up in conditions where those comfy morals haven't had to be challenged.

BUT, bottom line is, you don't sign up for the privileges - you have to accept they're softeners for the reality that you may be called up to fight for your country - to give and take life. If this story is in any way correct, then this woman is a disgrace.

but it's a friday afternoon, i had some beers with lunch and i am a bit pissed,
laters xxx

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>>A lot of people join the armed forces because they need the money and benefits. She probably needed the benefits. I am not saying she is right but I do think it sucks that the rich make decisions and the poor die for them. <<

Assuming you mean she is poor, it sounds to me like SHE made a decision (to enlist in order to get the benefits) and now is uncomfortable with it. If she pays back the cost of all her medical benefits and pay for the 15 years she has been in the service, then I think they should let her out of the stockade.



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Well, if I follow your reasoning, only folks who have served active duty in the military could be President, or any elected official who has the duty to deploy military personnel?

Few historians make history, but they get to report on it, critique the history makers.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here but isn't this the lady who's husband is ALSO a reservist and is over in Iraq too? If I have my facts straight, SHE was also in Iraq doing her duty when her husband's Ex wife sued for custody of the kids so the Army gave her an emergency pass back home to deal with the court case. I believe that the courts ruled that one of the parents needs to care for the children and her mother, who was caring for the children could not care for them any longer.

Different story, same basic premise. I have absolutely no sympathy for these people. The military in the US is a volunteer organization. There are no secrets. With about ten minutes of research or one of the specials on the Discovery channel, you know exactly what you are getting into. You can even have guaranteed schools, jobs, and duty stations. Deployments and the possibility of serving during a time of conflict are realities. If you chose to voluntarily enter the military and do not prepare for those realities, you will certainly suffer for it. I don't think it is the greatest idea to be married while in the military, but some people make it work. I think it is a worse idea to have kids, but some people make that work as well. I truly feel for the operators and all the other soldier types currently deployed. The US is not getting any support in Iraq from the rest of the world, we are still in other middle eastern countries and deployment times are getting long - damn near unbearable. Regardless, now is the time that the military is being asked to step it up, more than ever before in this generation. For whatever reason, some people are not equal to the task. Those people are not fit to put on the uniform and call themselves servicemen/women of the United States of America and should at the very least be immediately separated from service.

Cpl, USMC 89-94

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Even if he never served...He has a valid point.

If you enlist you had better know that one day you might be called to actually go do it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I don't think that you have to have a past history to be a reporter/commentator, otherwise there would be very few.

Ok, lemme try to explain this one more time in a way that I think will make sense.

You are in a bar. With you are three other people: a local AFF instructor, a guy just off student status and his whuffo friend.

You have a few hundred jumps and are explaining why you think the night jump requirement for a D licence is bogus and you don't want to do the jump.

If the whuffo calls you a coward for not wanting to make the jump, do you have any respect for the whuffo's opinion on the matter?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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