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I think you should take the same advice we give to AFF1 students: relax.

I tried out to go with the WA Police Pipe Band when they went to Edinburgh last year. I knew I wasn't going to get in (I wasn't good enough) I just went along for the experience.

It was quite nerve wracking to have the drum sergeant just sitting there listening to you play your music. Just pretend that her isn't there; that's what I did. Pretend that you're playing to an empty (or full) hall, anything to get away from the one-on-one pressure.

Also, how good is your sight reading? I was given a 4 part hornpipe and jig and 30 minutes to go through it before I had to play them for him. The hornpipe was marginal, and the jig was hopeless.... I can play the jig now. Haven't touched the hornpipe since though...

I take it this is DCI? Know your terminology. Know your tunes. Know how to sight read, how to improvise.

Most importantly, relax.
Arching is overrated - Marlies

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Noice! I was asked to join the Blue Devils, but I didn't want to go to California. Basically, relax, but don't relax too much, you want just a little bit of nerve to give you that edge.

Oh, don't bust your chops trying to warm up too much or do one last practive before you go in to play. I saw that happen, good players sound like shit because of it. Then again, I was on trumpet, not snare.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I didn't try out for a drum corps, per se, but percussion in the Ohio State MB, which is bloody close enough!! B| Just RELAX and be confident. Remember to play cleanly, smoothly. Choppy players get cut very quickly. Just be confident, and play it like you practice it, like you were alone.


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