
why does she think manipulation will work on me?

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We can only be manipulated by others if we allow it to happen.

That being said, it sounds like this is a casual dating relationship for you and a more serious relationship for her. The truth is, if you really wanted to see her you would figure out a way to be with her. Be honest with her about your feelings now, don't wait another three months. You'll both end up feeling played and manipulated.

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If she wants to pay for your trip then let her. Don't let your pride get in the way of getting laid.


If you want to take the high road out, break up with her now. Just be sure to make it a clean break.

And my last piece of advice is - don't listen to anything I've said.

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Thanks everyone, Actually i forgot to mention this ........... I have a plane ticket to see her on Thanksgiving weekend. Also, there is an update ........... she finally told me why she REALLY wanted me there ............. because she listened to her friends instead of me, on why I really was not able to go up there. Since then we have been fighting constantly on IM. I am NOT going up there this weekend, I have made that clear. And it is about the money, and my personal boundaries with that topic. She hates dealing with her feelings, and seems to have changed lately from whom I knew her as during the last three months. You might say a lot of talk, but not much action. Meaning, she says one thing, but lately she is not what she said she was.

Ok I am venting, and I know what I need to do, it is painfully obvious. Thank you for all your support, and I will keep you all apprised.

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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I was raised the old fashioned way, and treat her like a gentleman.

Well that could be your problem right there. Try treating her like a lady! :S j/k

On a serious note, sounds like you've your mind, made up. At three months mark, you should both still be wanting to be near eachother all the time. I know where you are now though, been there.

If you truly think she wants to MAKE you go to her as a control thing... and not simply because she 'needs you' as she says, then you cannot stand for it.

Though, I would make a point to discuss the sh*t out of this when you do see her in person... before cuting away that is. B|

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Allow me to edit, it was late and I was medicated .... I was raised the old fashioned way as a gentleman, and treat her as an equal. Thanks for you guys catching my goof .............

Using the forums as a sounding board? mmmmmm, interesting, but I actually wanted some feedback. Which I have gotten, but I have found that in the past I act rashly sometimes, and looked to the forums as a way to keep myself in check, and it worked.

Update: my girlfriend, after arguing back and forth all day on IM, let me know that even her friends thought she was wrong for doing what she did. I gave her no response, I got no joy out of it. But what worries me is the fact that everything that is not to her liking is "the end of the world", and she gets emotionally distraught, and actually made herself sick in the process.

NOW, I have used the forums for a sounding board. Why can't I find a normal girlfriend?

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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I'm with TripleF on this. Run-away...the "paid" ticket would have to be "paid back" in spades.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I started reading this a couple days ago and I had to look to find it, but I am more than happy to do my part to help you. First, most woman are born with the need to Manipulate, instigate, and are deceitful in general. Some of us realize that and are trying to fix those defects. alot of us are in different phases of correcting the problem, or don't even have a clue it exists. So that is why men find women confusing as hell, and we don't do much more than agrivate, and frustrate the piss out of men in the first place. Some of us have a purpose and are worth saving, some of us have things well in control, and don't need fixing at all. You just need to find which one of us is right for you. Good luck!-Your skysis-caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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