
Showering w/ gf/bf?

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My wife and I shower together every night. It is not always sexual ( that comes later:)) but alot of the time it is. and it's always fun

Merrick and I shower together 9 times outta 10 too. Sometimes there's sex, sometimes not, but it certainly is convenient when you want it and don't have a lot of time!

It's pretty funny when someone calls and the kids answer the phone. "No, she can't come to the phone, Mom's in the shower. Dad is too." :D


Not necessarily.....in my last place, I had one of those two headed shower things(the heads were spaced about 18" apart, each could be aimed separate of the other). I learned after a while of being the one that was cold and wet... I think I got mine from Hammacher Schlemmer(sp?)..

I totally gotta get one of those showers!


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I love showering with a partner. Sometimes it leads to sex, sometimes it doesn't. Me and Carrie (skydiverchick) showered together before. Not to be sexual but just to save time and talk while we were showering.


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It depends on what else is normal in the relationship. Personally, my GF and I really enjoy taking showers together and washing each other. Its really cool, a neat pretty romantic thing, if you ask me (and her for that matter).
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The wife and I shower together every morning. Well...except when I sleep in and go to work late. If you have a nice seal on your shower curtain/door, and don't run the fan, it gets nice and warm pretty fast and you don't get cold when you aren't under the water. Plus, it saves time and shower together.

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woohoo! Thanks Mike.. showers with plaything will be much nicer now.. ;)

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gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

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This is shit that is done in the beginning of relationships. It stops because no matter how you work it, one person ends up cold and wet while the other is under the water. :D

I want to get a shower with two shower heads. one on each side! LOL;)
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Don't get me started on the whole "marriage is a tool" issue. The bottom line is, it's your girlfriend's decision whether or not to shower with you. Push it, and you'll be pushing her away.
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