
Skydive Arizona Dropzone.com 2nd Annual Holiday Boogie

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woo hoo ... got my rv spot reserved for the boogie.. i'll be over by tent city right on the end farthest from the bent prop.. all stop and say hi... well that is if the rv doesn't catch fire again and i make it to the boogie..lol.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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We're getting in around the same time but there's already 3 of us in a sedan... unless I get a free upgrade to an SUV I don't think we'll fit. Chuck and I are coming straight from a wedding in Minnesota and we'll have 3 rigs. Lisa has 2 rigs. Gonna be TIGHT!:S

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Update: 9/24
Contest #1
Guess how many total jumps Omar and Greg will do with the dropzone.commers during the boogie.
PM me with your guess no later than Dec.23,2003.
*You must attend the boogie in order to be eligible for the prize.
Prize: An entire day of coaching with Omar, videod by Gasson. Any discipline.
:)Come on all...lets get the party started!
Look for additional contests coming your way. You'll have to watch this thread or you'll miss it!

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Guess how many total jumps Omar and Greg will do with the dropzone.commers during the boogie.

Is the number we're supposed to tell you their combined total number of jumps, or each one's total separately?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Oh heck...just guess! :)
These are good guys right?....assuming they have AT LEAST 2 rigs each and assuming they have packers and assuming they are going to be jumping there asses off cause there are gonna be so many of "us" there!

Jeshe - just guess already :P

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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You just guess. I asked legitimate questions so get over it already.

I'm with you on that one Lisa. I had some of the same questions. I mean if we have to wait til the boogie is over to find out how many coach jumps they made, when the heck are we supposed to redeem our day of free coaching?? I'm not about to guess til i have all the details either. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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What date ranges are we looking at? Will they be jumping the entire time or just part of it? How many rigs each?

Omar has 2 rigs, Greg has 4. They have a packer and will be jumping the entire boogie with Dropzone.commers.

its probably posted, but im lazy. are omar and greg teaming up - omar coach greg film? or seperately?

During the boogie they both will be jumping individually with DZ dots.
These jumps will then build to 3 ways, 4 ways etc.
The prize jump will be with Omar, Greg flying video.
Start date is December 24 and will run through the 2nd. Coach jumps commencing on the last weekend of the boogie. If you leave early, you may collect your coaching jumps on your next visit to Eloy.:)

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I'm still waiting on a decision of weather or not my vacation will be approved.>:(

And the ticket prices keep climbing..........................
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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What date ranges are we looking at? Will they be jumping the entire time or just part of it? How many rigs each?

Omar has 2 rigs, Greg has 4. They have a packer and will be jumping the entire boogie with Dropzone.commers.

its probably posted, but im lazy. are omar and greg teaming up - omar coach greg film? or seperately?

During the boogie they both will be jumping individually with DZ dots.
These jumps will then build to 3 ways, 4 ways etc.
The prize jump will be with Omar, Greg flying video.
Start date is December 24 and will run through the 2nd. Coach jumps commencing on the last weekend of the boogie. If you leave early, you may collect your coaching jumps on your next visit to Eloy.:)

Can you provide the exact lattitude and longitude of Eloy so we can get the exact lenth of day during the days in volved.

Also, will the planes start flying right at sunreise and stop right at sunset, and will these time be measure at ground elevation or at jump run altitude.

What is the weight and canopy sizes of Greg and Omar

What is the average dayly atmospheric pressure at Eloy (well, if you have air density, that will do too)

Fiannaly, what size is Mouth's underwear (I'd ask what yours are BB, but we all know you dont wear any)


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