Skydivers view of BASE jumpers - open minded?

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and lack of understanding of the BASE jumper's motivation seem to play a role (i.e. if a skydiver doesn't want to BASE jump, he or she thinks everyone that does is just trying to be a big-shot or is out to prove something.

no understanding!

and i think also some envy.......... :S

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Skydivers don't like it, for the same reason, whuffos don't like skydiving. They are afraid of what it represents. Freedom. Freedom to go a little closer to the edge, Freedom to live in the moment, Freedom to do what the meek will not. Freedom to risk it all for nothing more than a thrill. It's always irritated me, to be treated by skydivers the same way as they are treated by the rest of the world.

Seems a tad defensive. I'm sure than a few skydivers think your ballsac is stuffed with some missing parts from the brain.

No, they aren't afraid of what is represents. They know what freedom is. Some of them also know what risk analysis is, and for them, the added risk for the [potentially] added reward isn't justified. It's as simple as that.

Personally, I see the appeal in jumping off El Capitan, or a giant bridge span. An antenna in the middle of nowhere, or a building? Don't see the point. When the act becomes more about showing others you can do it, I try to come back to my senses and move along.

Doesn't always happen. I did a 40 minute night dive in the Farallon Islands with less than 5 ft visibility. Given the potential risk at that location, that's an ego dive all the way.

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that's an ego dive all the way.

we dont do this for ego - we leave that for the skydivers!!!


Seems a tad defensive. I'm sure than a few skydivers think your ballsac is stuffed with some missing parts from the brain.

No, they aren't afraid of what is represents. They know what freedom is. Some of them also know what risk analysis is, and for them, the added risk for the [potentially] added reward isn't justified. It's as simple as that.

so with that why you think the "open minded" skydivers give us shit???? I put it down to envy!!!

to be honest I have found that skydivers are the most small minded people about BASE since starting this - so tell me i am wrong!!!!

its so apparent that you post makes me fucking laugh!!


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You know... this whole thing is funny. Having to defend why you do something? Is'nt that so high schoolish?

Screw everyone and what they think of what you do and do what makes you happy. If you are happy jumping off of an Antenna... Go for it! If you are happy spocking some one.. WooHoo! If you are happy in a wingsuit... Flock on!

Having to justify or defend why you do anything is pointless and a waste of time and energy.
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That's strange. All of the jumpers at our DZ don't seem to have a problem with the BASE jumpers. In fact, there are a growing number of jumpers who are taking up BASE jumping. My girlfriend I would LOVE to BASE jumps, but we figure we should wait until we have about 200 jumps under our belts.
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I kinda like the idea of BASE, you don't have all those extra handles to worry about like on a skydiving rig...

I kid... I kid...

I have a feeling I'm eventually going to want to do it, but I have freeflying and camera flying on my "to do" list first.

It's like driving, everyone going slower than you is an idiot, and everyone going faster than you is a maniac. maybe some skydivers are going 10 over and kinda like it there.

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***Seems a tad defensive. I'm sure than a few skydivers think your ballsac is stuffed with some missing parts from the brain.

What is defensive about it? You illustrate my point perfectly;.

I'm sure some whuffos, think YOUR ballsack is filled with part of YOUR brain also.

***No, they aren't afraid of what is represents. They know what freedom is. Some of them also know what risk analysis is, and for them, the added risk for the [potentially] added reward isn't justified. It's as simple as that.

Whuffo's know risk analysis also: I'm free to stay on the ground, jumping out of a plane isn't worth the risk, reward isn't justified.

Personally, I see the appeal in jumping off El Capitan, or a giant bridge span

Whuffo: I can see the appeal of flying, but jumping out of a perfectly good airplane? no way

*** An antenna in the middle of nowhere, or a building? Don't see the point

Whuffo: What's the point of getting out?

The point is because it is fun, What other reason do you need? What's the point of anything then? Just work and die?

When the act becomes more about showing others you can do it, I try to come back to my senses and move along.


3/4ths of my 423 BASEjumps were done at night, out of sight, of anyone other than the other jumper and more than a few times just alone.

***Doesn't always happen. I did a 40 minute night dive in the Farallon Islands with less than 5 ft visibility. Given the potential risk at that location, that's an ego dive all the way.


I think you are the one with the ego, and the one feeling envious. Everything you said, I have heard before as a skydiver. Skydivers consider their sport as the extreme sport all others are judged against.
It's not by a long shot.

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Sure, a lot like. Skiers don't like snowboarders because, well, they are snowboarders, who don't really appreciate the craft of skiing.

Snowboarders know that skiers, if they'd give it a shot, would understand something that cannot be explained without actually doing it.

Plenty alike, says I.

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>They are afraid of what it represents. Freedom.

Oh please. It's just jumping off objects, for god's sake! It's not freedom, or life, or the essence of pure flight blah blah any more than skydiving is, or wingsuit flying is, or flying a Beech Baron is for that matter. They are all just people getting into the air in the way they want to. Nothing more or less.

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It's like driving, everyone going slower than you is an idiot, and everyone going faster than you is a maniac. maybe some skydivers are going 10 over and kinda like it there.

Hehe, I liked that comparison. However, if my driving habits are really any indication, I must be due for some really risky BASE jumps in the future. :S

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Personally, if I can find a big enough rig, I may try it, but to each his own. There's also a difference between barely pulling in time and jumping off a bridge or 2000' cliff. I also think the concept of The List may be a problem for some skydivers. Then again, I've heard of bingo games at Dz's. :S

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>Bill...you are so good at being an asshole in SUCH an UNOBVIOUS way.

Why thank you! I always find it a lot more fun to let people sound foolish all by themselves. I once listened to someone lecture me on the benefits of AFF over static line (and how I should switch henceforth to AFF.) It was great to see his face when his commander (Denny Chalker) asked my permission to take him on a one-JM level 3.

Even got a lecture by someone with 300 jumps about how to fly in a big way, something I obviously didn't understand. But what the heck - if it makes them feel better, why not listen?

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BASE jumping is illegal from most BASE spots in the US - it has the air of being dangerous and criminal.

BASE is largely unregulated (mostly because it is illegal in most spots) meaning just about anyone can put on a rig and go do it. Alot of people are SUPER uncomfortable not having rules and regulations to keep them safe from themselves.

BASE rigs for a long time had only one canopy, i.e., no second chance. (edited: and even with a second canopy the lower heights are still an issue)

Many objects BASE jumpers jump from are obstacles under canopy (buildings, cliffs - with no overhang, guy wires, etc) and present increased risk.

These are only a few of the reasons I can think of why BASE is initially off-putting. I think alot of people who have that first impression would be pleasantly surprised at how safety-concious and respectful of life some BASE jumpers are. (Of course there are dangerous idiots everywhere!)

Anyway, as with everything else, manage your own risk and learn what you can to be safe. I've only got 4 jumps but I LOVED it.

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I always find it a lot more fun to let people sound foolish all by themselves.

I'm the same way. However, I have had people comment that I am TOO subtle on this site. I say it keeps me out of trouble. Hey...if you ever need advice on doing big ways or BASE....I'm here for you buddy. :D

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