
What do you want for Christmas?

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All I want is to add Eloy to my list of places I jumped - this first year in skydiving .............I got my present early and I AM GOING TO ELOY thanks to my wonderful boyfriend.

SSHHHHH - I'm planning his first balloon jump there, with me and video of course! :P

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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80 degrees, partly cloudy skies and just enough friends to keep a Twin Otter running. Oh and someone to pack for me non stop.B|
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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80 degrees, partly cloudy skies and just enough friends to keep a Twin Otter running.

Come to Florida and you can cross that off your list almost every day!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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my friends know to either get me jump tickets or square1 gift certificates. (although I've told them that if they come out and do tandems or AFF, they don't have to get me anything, because seeing their faces when they land will be gift enough!)

The parents know I want a sewing machine. Not particular about what kind so long as it can sew a straight line through thick fabric. This is actually more of a gift FOR my parents, because I've been taking over their office several times a month to make use of my mom's machine. Hard for them to use their computer when I've got fabric laid out everywhere. :D

I'll be happy if my brother remembers to get me a card.

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ummm... I have plaything.. what else could a guy possibly need?:)

okay, okay... besides a new camera helmet complete with all the latest gadgets, a huge bag full of jump tickets, a new jumpsuit, a second rig.. :S Jeez.. you caught me trying to be sweet. :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Post: #1: world peace
#2: i want everyone here to get what they want
#3: for everyone here to donate at least one jump ticket's worth of $$ to your favorite charity
#4: to help feed the homeless in austin this year
#5: everything else can wait

"It's Not What You Know, But Who You Know

what richard said :)

earthbound misfit

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My freaken Javelin Odyssey!
Oh and a book of jump tickets too would be nice...
Oh and maybe a helmet... and a new jump suit. ;)
I think that's it. B|
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

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