
newbie jump suggestions???

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OK so myself and 2 of my g/f's are trying to plan a jump for this weekend (provided weather holds out).
One of the girls is moving back to Montana, so we are doing a "farewell" jump.
We have tossed around a few idea's... We all have between 35-50 jumps, so belly flying is what will work best so that we all stay together.

It's too cold to go in underwear so that idea was scratched... any others? I know you all can come up with some interesting stuff?? :ph34r:
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

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It's too cold to go in underwear so that idea was scratched... any others?

is nude out of the question then???:ph34r::P:ph34r:

dont plan it just have fun.. airwrestling is way fun aswell.rules.. your on your own,goal to stay stabel as long as you can while you get your freinds unstabel.. way fun but rember the alti...;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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maybe go in fleece underwear ?? :P:)
maybe do a star, then open it facing the sun, doing a line, with the girl leaving in the middle.
Or maybe in the star, do high speed farewell kiss:P:$:), or do an open accordian on her, sh'ell have a beautiful view on you 2


BTW I like the wrestling suggestion by Faber, but stay safe with handles, otherwise ... B|
Fumer tue, péter pue
ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579

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Fleece underwear... hmmmmmmm ;)

good suggestions... one of the girls is a bit nervous about staying stable & together.. so I wouldn't want to do wrestle her. ;) But it does sound like fun! Gave me a good idea for another jump. ;)

3 way kiss was one of our suggestions... ooo open accordian, that sounds fun! :) Which I'm more then willing to go jump at, but the girls won't be there. :(
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

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Don't know how good it is with three - but a five way spider - is one person goes out(and is the 'spider') - the other four have to each dock on a limb - last one there is the new spider - and the other four then move and dock on their limbs and so on...
do it with three - start with the most unstable one as the spider and she can go out, that way when you get to the second spider - she'll already be level with you guys

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3 way from hell...

*(ROUND)exit in a round.
*(POD)pod on any person (remember this as you will alternate in order on each individual as the dive goes on).
*(RIGHT HAND DONUT)person on left of pod drops grips and flies around to the right hand donut person on right grip of pod keeps the leg grip (person that was being podded backs up through middle)
*(OPEN ACCORDIAN)Then open accordian with the person you podded on in the middle

Now you do the above all over starting on the round, except on the second person
Then the third.
Then back to the first person except notice the other two will be on the other sides versus the first time around.

All said and done it's a 26 something point skydive. A great RW drill dive for three people:D:D

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how bout underwear on the outside of your clothes?horny gorillas are cool too.texas twisters are good too but you can only do it with 2 people.you exit holding on to each others calves.when you get flat you both go into a track.you will spin like crazy and you cant hold on.its fun.good luck but mostly HAVE FUN!!!!!***where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?

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You could always do to her what happend to me last weekend. We were going to get out and do a 4-way round, but I ended up being the "designated rag-doll." Everyone comes in one at a time, get a quick grip, and flips the rag-doll. I got tossed by all 3 of them, not sure if it was planned in advance, but a good way to say "you are leaving us, so here, flip, flop and flail a bit on me."

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Thank you all for your suggestions! I think it's gonna be a great jump.. now just PRAY for the weather to cooperate!
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

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