
Don't call me "Blondie"!!!!

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156?really?wow i think mine is about 7 or 8.but i went to school in ark so maybe thats it.i work with a guy whose iq is in the 150s and he has a lot of common sense too.ya dont see that very often.***where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?

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yep. really.

when I was in college, the psych students had to give IQ tests under the supervision of their professor. I got tested twice, because I was a student worker in their computer lab my freshman year, so I was easy to grab and throw into a testing room...

sigh. I've taken all kinds of wacky personality tests, inkblot tests and stuff, all from taking a job to monitor people's computer usage and make sure the Mac users didn't break the PCs by pounding on the escape key trying to turn them on!

The tests did help me, though... most helpful one I ever took was a learning style test. Told me that I learn mainly by hearing, and a little by doing, but not at all by seeing. I'm an auditory learner, which explains why I can't do math! Its so freakin visual. Knowing stuff like this let me compensate for not being able to learn visually, like 90% of the population can. I buy textbooks on tape, and don't take notes in class...I just sit and listen. Drives my profs nuts, but it works well for me. I would encourage everyone to find out their learning style, because knowing it has helped me SO much!

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