AggieDave 6 #26 November 13, 2003 My take is that they weren't able to fully develop all the characters due to time constrants. Otherwise the 2nd and 3rd movies would have been 4hrs long each.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beowulf 1 #27 November 13, 2003 Its just my opinion but I imagined the whole story taking a different direction then where they took it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luna 0 #28 November 13, 2003 QuoteI'm just tired of people trashing the movies because they don't understand them. I totally agree! We are drowning in mindless's very refreshing to see some entertainment that actually engages your brain for a change! For those who don't get it...that's the great thing about Hollywood, there is something for everyone. Personally, holding a degree in Philosophy, I love The Matrix movies, as they center around philosophy. But there are other movies that I think are a total waste of a perfectly good 2 hours of my life. But hey, to each his own. I'm not going to go around trashing those movies just because I don't like them. I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #29 November 13, 2003 >Right. The Matrix is powered by humans. And the Matrix keeps the >humans alive. Perpetual motion machine, anyone? I think there may be another interpretation. In the first movie, the script reads: ------------------ We have only bits and pieces of information. What we know for certain is that, at some point in the early Twenty-first Century, all of mankind was united in celebration. . . . We don't know who struck first. Us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. The Machines discovered a new form of fusion. All they needed was a small electrical charge to initiate the reaction. The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 B.T.U.'s of body heat. For the longest time, I wouldn't believe it. But Then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquify the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. . . The Matrix is a computer-generated dreamworld built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this. (Morpheus shows a battery.) --------------------- Now, the machines don't need electricity directly; they need processing power on which to run the programs that are, in effect, their minds. If they have decent fusion power plants they have all the electrical power they'll ever need. But do they have enough processing power? Might it make more sense to run programs in the 90% of the human brain that we don't use, rather than build the mainframes from silicon? Human brains are easier to grow than silicon-based supercomputers, especially if you keep the body around it to support it. A forest of people that you have to feed, dispose of, replace etc for a measly 100 watts a piece doesn't make much sense if you want the 100 watts of thermal power they generate. It makes a lot more sense if that forest of people gives you thousands of supercomputers on which to run the programs that make up the matrix. Now, that's not exactly what Morpheus _says_ in the first movie (and he doesn't even follow the script exactly) but consider: -his speech is preceded by "we have only bits and pieces of information" indicating his understanding of the power plants may be incomplete. -other characters in the movie simplify things for Neo, or give him incomplete information. -it's made clear that humans can run programs in their brains (i.e. Bane runs the Smith program) -it would explain why the matrix attempts to keep the people in the 'power plant' conscious and happy; brain development is adversely affected by lack of stimulus. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #30 November 13, 2003 >because many of the mythological allusions introduced in the second >were either muddled or forgotten in the third. I think they played the christ thing for all it was worth. Trinity gets crucified; the matrix says "it is done" just after Neo dies, or seems to die, as he lies there with his arms spread. (For reference, that's the last thing Jesus says before he dies, translated variously as "it is finished" or "it is done.") And then he ascends bodily into The Source. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #31 November 13, 2003 So in your theory (not I am agreeing with BV - ) that would also explain why they keep the matrix at a certain stage in time. Evolution could use up the neccessary space in so far as our own brain stimulous. As we evolve - so does our ability to retain and use more knowlege. There was a short story about something similar. This guy is a writer, and writes a short story about a guy that is a writer . . . so anyway, Guy's thinking about his next sci-fi novel and suddenly figured out a way to get out from under the ruling of some aliens that were controlling our minds, and when he went to write it down he got writers block, and couldn't remember what he was thinking about.I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkydiveNFlorida 0 #32 November 13, 2003 I enjoyed the 2nd movie, but I thought that the third seemed like too much of a love story. I wasn't there to see a drama. Some of the spoken words were too predictable, like a love story. Sickening. Toward the end of the movie I ended up laughing at a lot of the corny parts. jmo of course. Angela. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firemage 0 #33 November 13, 2003 I agree with AggieDave and Luna. The 2nd movie was cool, I think my hubby and I were the minority who enjoyed it. 3rd had some great scenes - in particular the "swarms" of sentinels coming though the roof and flying around, the guys with their APU (?) shooting massive bullets - the fight scene at the end with Smith and Neo. The only thing that sucked for me was the Trainman (bit dull) and the ending was crap. I'm sure that as directors they make a choice - do we explain this question or that question? If we were as good as these guys let's face it - we'd be in Hollywood directing blockbusters. I always take the movie as what it is - it's a movie, sit back and start your suspension of disbelief and enjoy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sheenster303 0 #34 November 14, 2003 YES! I finally found someone who slept through it too! I slept through the first 2 everytime I saw them. I just couldn't stay awake. They were the most boring things to me. I got made fun of so much for that. I stayed awake through the third one though, but now I wish I could just go back and sleep . I didn't enjoy them at all. Sorry! SheenaI'm so funny I crack my head open! P.M.S. #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gulaz 1 #35 November 14, 2003 I agree with the "sucks" part... loved the first one, couldnt wait for the second one (actually ended up waiting till it was on DVD), we rented it at the DZ, and I never even finished watching it. Too much cool looking stuff, not enough semi-realistic stuff (gotta admit, the first one was fairly believable until he flew away at the end Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funks 1 #36 November 14, 2003 yeah thats another thing...what was with the flying crap? That was really stupid... On another note...I heard that one of the brothers who made the movie is leaving his wife and getting a sex change??? Heard this from a coworker who is totally into the movie so I kinda believe em... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #37 November 14, 2003 QuoteI'm just tired of people trashing the movies because they don't understand them. I trashed the movie because over half of it was made up of drawn out fight scenes. The symbolism isn't hard to grasp, but understanding what the actors were saying while mumbling was. Through the second movie, I just wanted to tell the directors, "Okay, they fought and did "cool shit." We get it. Move on now."There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n2skdvn 0 #38 November 14, 2003 I'll just wait for it to come on PPV then i can change the channel if i start getting boredif my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN my site Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChasingBlueSky 0 #39 November 14, 2003 Quoteyeah thats another thing...what was with the flying crap? That was really stupid... On another note...I heard that one of the brothers who made the movie is leaving his wife and getting a sex change??? Heard this from a coworker who is totally into the movie so I kinda believe em... Everything being discussed on and morecan be found on that site. It has been a good hard core fansite that loved the first two movies, now they are not so happy with the ending. Yup, this seems to be the reason why they will not do interviews. Lots of rumors and storied floating about this....They only want to be called "the wachowski's" dropping the word "brothers." Apparently Larry is the one, and he has a heavy BDSM, humiliation, leather, trasgender and crossdressing fetishish and desires. Hmmm...See Bound and See Matrix (esp the Hell Club).....makes sense to me._________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shedao 0 #40 November 14, 2003 Quote I'm not going to go around trashing those movies just because I don't like them. Why not? They don't have feelings. It's just an opinion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathorse 0 #41 November 14, 2003 QuoteI'm just tired of people trashing the movies because they don't understand them. Forget where I read this... but someone else was talking smack about Matrix III and used the line "Just because something makes sense doesn't mean it's not crap". How true! I could never get past how horrible all the dialogue was. If it didn't wrap it's deep, philosiphical meaning in such a shitty movie I may have enjoyed it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #42 November 14, 2003 I really don't get why people have a problem with the flying and other "superhuman" things neo does in the movies. They do not portray, nor seek to portray reality. When Neo is in the Matrix he is in a computer generated worled with computer rules. There is no such thing as physics, simply computer rules. Any self aware people who know that there are only computer rules can choose to ignore them... ("there is no spoon etc"). Someone here says they believe the first one up to the point where Neo flys... thats odd... you either accept the premise that you can manipulate/ignore the computer rules or not... why believe they can manipulate the computer generated gravity rule allowing them to jump from building to building but not believe that they can then do the same thing in order to fly... its the same rule, the same manipulation... why if flying less plausable than moving real fast or jumping from building to building? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #43 November 14, 2003 >you either accept the premise that you can manipulate/ignore the computer rules or not . . . I could accept that up until the point where the sentinel flew "through" Neo, supposedly in the real world. That opens the possibility that Zion is a simulation as well, but it seems odd to suggest that once and never mention it again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #44 November 14, 2003 I think one of the problems with the Matrix stuff is suspension of disbelief. I know, a lot of these characters have these mystical powers (which is believeable when done right). I didn't see the second one when I saw a trailer that depicted the fighting skills of a couple of bad ass mo-fos. These guys apparently could kick or hit anything. Then it showed them missing everyshot at close distance coming out of a machine gun. Suspension of disbelief stopped. Matrix 1 was brilliant. Then I heard reviews of MAtrix 2, after seeing the trailer. No thanks. Maybe I'll rent it sometime. Maybe not. Last weekend I watched Elf and Finding Nemo. The former was cute. The latter was great! My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goose491 0 #45 November 14, 2003 Quote>you either accept the premise that you can manipulate/ignore the computer rules or not . . . I could accept that up until the point where the sentinel flew "through" Neo, supposedly in the real world. That opens the possibility that Zion is a simulation as well, but it seems odd to suggest that once and never mention it again. OR, that the laws we knew never applied in the real world either! i.e. we CAN leap higher than tall buildings and we CAN move as fast enough to dodge bullets. Suggested by many before, like a mind over matter thing... or a George Lucas 'Force' thing.... perhaps it took being trapped in a false world to bring this realization to Neo. My Karma ran over my Dogma!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funks 1 #46 November 14, 2003 The concept of the movie isnt what gets me, afterall it is a movie..You can make anything happen in a movie....what gets me is that it is SOOOOO hard to understand and follow!!! I have never been so freakin confused in my life... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #47 November 14, 2003 >what gets me is that it is SOOOOO hard to understand and follow!!! That's what I liked about it myself. There was stuff to ponder afterwards. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bch7773 0 #48 November 14, 2003 Quote Actually, that's allowed because it all happens inside of a computer. I was thinking more along the lines of the first law of thermodynamics. first law of thermodynamics? you a chemical engineering student or what? MB 3528, RB 1182 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites