
Front-end Alignment

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what kind of car some are 4 wheel allignment and some are 2 wheel...

shouldnt be more than say 60$

depends on the car though.. some are more intense to get straight than others...

goto the dealer if you want it done right... make sure they supply you with a printout with the before and after specs.. you might not be able to read the specs but you could take it to any tech and they can tell you if it was done right or not by looking at the printout

if it is an audi like stacy says.. then definatly goto the dealer an audi's allignment is way different than most cars... and some of them take special equipment to allign

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4 wheel alignment should be between $50 and $60.
Its just me, but I don't trust the dealer to do squat.... ask around and find a good shop.
just my $0.02

whatever dood.... get over the anti dealer thing freak...;)

besides travis.. where do aftermarket shops send the car when they cant figure it out?

ever heard... maam "take it to the dealer"!

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Dealer wants $129.95......
Sounds way steep here.

Calling around some more cuz that's a bunch of jumps.....

that is because it is an audi correct?

if it is an audi that sounds about right... it is a little more involved...

if it is not an audi then well that seems a little steep

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mark just cause you work at a dealer....:P
its just an alignment anyway....it isn't like it is a trim piece coming off of the interior....HA!

this is why the dealer is there to fix f'ups because doods like this think it is just another thing... and f- it all up!:o

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yeah...take it to the dealer...spend your $129.00 and let them get you for about $500 more when something they "find" needs to be fixed.....

aww i see we get into it...

it is the job of the tech to let the cust know what is wrong with there car..

it is the cust decision to fix it or not..

now this thread is going off track.....

but nevermind i will shut my mouth.. dont want to get bytch slapped by a greenie...

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hey while your'e getting that fixed, maybe you shold get your fluids fixed so you don't have to dump a whole bottle of wiper fluid in your bucket before going anywhere.. :ph34r:

Didja let thura put the water moccasin in the car after he pet it?


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You could do it and it'd only take about 30 minutes of your time. Its not hard.

Otherwise, I like using local shops that I trust. I stay the hell away from dealers and I can't fucking stand Midas, Goodyear or Firestone shops.

Expect to pay around $50.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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A alignment at my shop is $70 (can) for most cars....most modern cars require a 4 wheel alignment .

Wether to use a dealer,national chain or a small shop depends on who is doing the work...great techs work at all levels as do shitty techs...try posting on a local news group for advise on finding a good tech(the real good ones are usually well know and have a large clientel).

Remember...a alignment cannot be performed if there are wornout parts(ie: tie rod ends,ball joints etc.)...alignments are very percise ..down to the 64th of a inch.

Do a little research and find yourself someone well know for quality work.

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