
She loves you as a friend

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God, I just want to meet a cool chic and spoil the shit out of her.... why is that so hard to find!

Damn, where have you been all of my life??!!

But, back to the topic, if she just wants to be friends accept it and move on. At least you KNOW! Now you are free to find someone who wants you for the total package. She really has given you a gift by letting you know now. One day you will see this.


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I know this thread was mainly for the men, but I wanted to give my story so that the men out there that have gone through this could understand that not all of us women that are in this situation enjoy it, or mean to hurt the man.

I have had many men friends. They seem (for me) to be easier to get along with than alot of women. there no men getting jealous of me, or having competition with me when I am not up for playing the game, so with that said, I know of a few of them that have fallen for me; and for me only to tell them that I want to only continue a friendship with them.

I love these men very much, but not in the way they would like, so then I become marked as a heart-crusher, or the one that doesn't care. This is by far not true at all. :P

we don't mean to hurt you, we just sense that part of the relationship would not go well, and we love our relationship 'as is'.

Please don't imagine we are out to hurt you. :S
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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i can't say that i have, or ever had, a 'david' in my life. a majority of the time when a guy is interested in me, he turns out being a bob, therefore i immediately reject him.

i feel for all the davids out there. [:/]
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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I've been watching the dating habits of my two teenaged sons......both are great looking, strong and outgoing young men. One, however, treats "women" like shit.......they can't get enough of him....pisses my wife off to no end how he treats women. My other son......well........he treats them decently and for the most part either gets shit on or is not dating. Strange how things work.....but maybe the tables will turn one day. :P

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God, I just want to meet a cool chic and spoil the shit out of her.... why is that so hard to find!

Damn, where have you been all of my life??!!

But, back to the topic, if she just wants to be friends accept it and move on. At least you KNOW! Now you are free to find someone who wants you for the total package. She really has given you a gift by letting you know now. One day you will see this.

i think that's the best thing she can do to let us move on, there is not worst thing that a girl saying: "i dont know", "maybe", "im not sure" etc... >:(
"Skydivers know why the birds sing."
HISPA # 14

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There are two different ways I look at this.

If you and the girl started off thinking about having a relationship and she did all these things. Then she is an evil, manipulative tease. Because she doesn't want you but doesn't want you to have anyone else because she still wants to be the center of your attention.

BUT - are you one of those guys who doesn't think that men and women can be friends? I've always had best friends who were guys. I've always been straight up with them from day one. Sure if the planets all aligned just right they know that there is that slim possibility that something could happen but it doesn't usually take me too long to figure out the insincere ones who are just hanging out waiting for the just incase scenario. The other ones are friends. We enjoy each others company and personalities and just have fun. Sometimes, if there is just too damn much of that whole sexual undercurrent thing going on for both of you - you just get it out of the way and continue on with the friendship. But you never lie about how you are feeling.

If you pretend to be a girls bestfriend just to see if you have the chance of getting in her pants then you deserve whatever you get - which will be the whiny, manipulative, tease who will torture you and make your life hell for as long as you will let her.

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Only about 15% of people are interesting. So, if you only have friends of your sex, you are missing half of those.

However, the friendship has to have "friend-level" rules. You don't do things for a woman friend that you wouldn't do for a guy friend.

She also isn't allowed to tease you to feed her ego. That is a BS game. (See my signature line)

Sometimes there is an agenda. The same way that guys sometimes pretend to be friends just to get a foot in the door.

A few of my best friends are women, but the signals are always clear, and there is no boundary-checking.

Real friendships take time.

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The same way that guys sometimes pretend to be friends just to get a foot in the door.

I find that if you don't do that with some people, they get pissed off at you because you think they are a slut?!

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Lets say you want to get to know a girl. "Lets go on a date" is probably not the first thing you say, right? You want to talk a little first, laugh, maybe be serious for a bit, see who she is. But at the same time you want to introduce a certain overtone, right? Give her a couple of well-placed compliments, that kind of thing, to avoid the you're-a-great-friend syndrome. To this, some people react badly. And by badly I don't mean politely distancing, I mean "you were doing great until you said that" badly.

Maybe I just suck?:S

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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As long as everyone is honest, no problem. If the goal is friendship, do that. If the goal is a relationship, do that.

Sometimes, you start in one direction and it does change. I have met girls who I hung out with and we ended up dating. I have dated girls who ended up being "friends with benefits".

It works the same though. You start out honest and clear. If something changes, you discuss it at that point.

One set of rules for everybody.

Perhaps you need to work on your approach a little. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, it is looks or cash. Since I'm broke a lot of the time, I just try to have fun and see where that goes.

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It works the same though. You start out honest and clear.

Absolutely agreed. Unfortunately, some people want to be lied to.


Perhaps you need to work on your approach a little.

You mean you actually care?:D If being yourself didn't work, hey, it's the wrong person!

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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How about when you date her for 10 mths....Then she tells you she loves you.....as a friend?

That fucking sucks.

Going through this right now....And the sex stops.

Oh well.

yea me too, bud
im me if you like we can swap stories
it figgin sux

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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