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Bahhhh....That's a crotch rocket, not a motorcycle. Harley defines motorcycle, always has, always will. I want something I can cruise around on, customize to suit me, and enjoy. Not a back breaking, cookie cutter, death wish.

Oh, you are sooooo right.
Guess this isn't a real bike either.

It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Hey...whatever gets you in the wind and you enjoy riding. But don't try to tell me that some rice rocket has more style or class, or is "better" than an American legend. Not that you did, but I wasn't replying to you.

Added a pic to my previous post of the one I'm considering buying.

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you sir are a rock star, and a pussy at the same time it's all about the KawiZX900 Ninja or the GSX-R 750 or 1000:P

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Hey...whatever gets you in the wind and you enjoy riding. But don't try to tell me that some rice rocket has more style or class, or is "better" than an American legend. Not that you did, but I wasn't replying to you.

Added a pic to my previous post of the one I'm considering buying.

Very nice bike! Paying for a name, but still a very nice bike.

Also happens to be powered by the same engine as the bike in the pic I posted, both from the factory.

Looks can be deceiving.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Hey...whatever gets you in the wind and you enjoy riding. But don't try to tell me that some rice rocket has more style or class, or is "better" than an American legend.

It's even older than the "Mac vs. PC" argument :D
Any of style of bike is cool with me. They all have their purpose and stereotypes to go with it.

Edit: Might as well throw mine in here.....
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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They all have their purpose and stereotypes to go with it.

Yeah; the CBR has a Cerwin Vega stereo type, the KZ-1000 has a high-end Sony stereo type, the Harley has a classic Zenith or Heathkit stereo type, and the moped has a boombox :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I ride both my R6 and my fathers Harley, I do enjoy cruising on my dad's hog but it pales in comparison to the enjoyment I get out of my 6 on the back wood roads. I don't scream down them, but the sport bikes react differently to corners and that makes them so much (more) fun!! The way it feels to lean and touch a knee is a great thing, but sport bikes are not for everyone. My dad hates my bike. When I feel like just riding along I will take out the hog but if I am going on the back wood ride its the 6 all the way!!!

P.S If I was going to buy a cruiser it would be one of those sport cruisers like BMW makes. I got to ride one of those and they are nice!!

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My next bike I hope
These things are the ultimate crusiers.

Get a BMW R1150GS (dual sport). best all around bike you can get. but not for beginners. I've taken mine on track days, running errands, 1 and 2 week vacations with camping gear. It'll run 2 up no problem, is very reliable, and you can go off road with them (but not quite like a dirt bike though - too heavy)

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ok, so I'm stupid... twincam 88s were introduced in '99 then? I DO know the diff between a dyna and a softtail, but was going from memory of a quick glance at your photo.
I own an '03 Heritage, and my buddy has an '03 Buell. both excellent bikes in their own right. One more suited to cruising/racking up the miles, the other incredibly fun flicking around the corners on mountain roads. Now if I can just talk the wife into letting me have a second bike;)

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Well...the look is part of it for me. I like the attention and head turns you get from chrome and a loud exhaust instead of wrapping that beautiful hunk of metal in overpriced cheap plastic.

For me it's all about 0-60 in 2.5 sec.
I have a GSX 1100 thats board out to 1229cc i love that bike even if it handles like shit.
Next bike has to be a R1 can't wait till spring.
But i do have to say if i have to choose. Skydiving wins every time i hope i don't have to choose. My dream is to have a full day of jumps then get on the bike and just burn OMG i am getting crazy just thinking about it;)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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For me it's all about 0-60 in 2.5 sec.

Yeah...that's how I feel about cars. Used to race autocross. Could care less how it looked, just cared about performance. I'm the opposite with bikes, though. I get caught up in the Harley legend. The sound of screaming eagle pipes makes my heart race more than going fast does.

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Yeah...that's how I feel about cars. Used to race autocross. Could care less how it looked, just cared about performance. I'm the opposite with bikes, though. I get caught up in the Harley legend. The sound of screaming eagle pipes makes my heart race more than going fast does.

Try a Honda Valkyrie. The latest model is the Rune, but at $26000 it's way too expensive. Honda made the stock Valkyrie, with the 1500 cc goldwing motor, starting in the early '90s. Much more powerful than the Harley's, and handle way better. Cruiser magazine named it cruiser of the decade for the '90s, and when Motorcycle Consumer News did a review of several touring cruisers, they named the Valkyrie the best by a long shot. Unfortunately, Honda stopped making that model last December but there are still great deals on used ones out there. Rumor has it that Honda will start making them again soon with the 1800 cc new Goldwing motor.

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If you want made in the USA power here is a link
to the BOSS HOSS V-8 502HP that’s right 502HP.
I would never get one it is an automatic and only has 2 gears I guess with 502HP you don't need more then that but check it out I think you will like it.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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