
Adobe Acrobat Document Question

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I'm no computer expert by any means, but does anyone know how I can change an Adobe file into a WordPerfect file that I can actually type in? It does not give me the option to save if that helps any:S I've done this before but had the save option available[:/] Anyone's help is greatly appreciated.................................Thanx!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Well, it's not perfect, but if its a simple file you might just be able to highlight the text and copy and paste it. Just click on the "T" button at the top to be able to highlight.

You might need to do a significant amount of reformatting with that method though.


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Hmm. I'm pretty sure there is software that will convert it (I think Adobe Distiller will do it), but chances are you don't have access to it. You might be able to find some free OCR (optical character recognition) that could convert it to text but thats a serious pain in the ass.

What did it do when you tried copying and pasting? Wouldn't highlight at all?


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Just a side note; not all .pdf files can be converted back to text (without going the OCR route).

For instance, there's a heck of a lot of stuff out there that, while it looks like text, is actually an embedded .tiff or other type image file.

Stupid and wasteful -- yes, but also sometimes the easiest thing for the person to create.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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yes, that is one of the main reasons that people publish their documents to pdf format, so others can't use ('steal') their work. one of my profs discovered that other schools were using the class ppt slides that were on the class website, so he converted them all to pdfs....

and the full blown version costs some big $$...


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I'm sorry[:/] Don't be mad! Ok, I found the "T" option for edit, however it won't let me type anything in............I don't get it dangit!

I'm not mad, ok, after pressing T you'll have to create a BOX to type in.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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To do what you want, you need the FULL version of Adobe Acrobat.

didnt' we answer this one not too long ago? B|

Yes...as you can see, this board likes REPOSTS :D:P

hmmmm. Maybe we should find someone that is willing to post up the original thread when someone does something like this.

Any volunteers?

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What do you mean create a box to type in????

Place the cursor where you want the field to be and click then move the mouse and you'll see a 'rectangle' that's the text box

What you have to select if FORM TOOL
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Thanx all for your help, it's obvious I don't have full blown Acrobat>:(, just Reader Sorry, I had a repost! Just wanted to thank everyone for their help.

How complex is that document? is it confidential?, if you want I can do it for you.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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