Harksaw 0 #26 November 5, 2003 First week back from college for Christmas vacation freshman year, I hadn't been in a car for about four or five months. I was getting gas and I couldn't understand the accent of the guy telling me to pull up foreward, so I put my head out the window to hear better. The window was halfway up and I hit my eye socket on the top edge of it. Maan that hurt and I looked stupid.__________________________________________________ I started skydiving for the money and the chicks. Oh, wait. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #27 November 5, 2003 Jumping off an A on a solo,were i had forgot the cell phone in the car 600ft below.I then blowed a toogle,and made a rear riser stall so i fucked up my leg.I layed out there for 2 hours before my gf and her dad found me and another 30mins before the ambulance came.. my leg still hurts after 1 year (29/09-02) im working part time now,and can look forward to a desk juob after newyear as i can do what i like to work whith,whith this leg Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerry81 10 #28 November 5, 2003 This happened two months ago at the Mondial. After getting piss-drunk at the Icarius party (free drinks, who could blame us), having a photo session in one of the Porters they left around (not to mention the PC12 someone left unlocked) and making a total mess in out team tent, we decide it's time to go home. Four of us get into my car (in my defense, I had been drinking nothing but orange juice for the last two hours, our camp was less than a mile away and you rarely met a car on the shortcut we found, night or day), the others get into the van. We just about take off, when the drunkest of us all stumbles from the van and climbs onto the hood of my car. I drive off very slowly and then suddenly slam the brakes, hoping he'll roll off and decide it was a bad idea, but he holds on without a problem and then decides to sit on the roof instead. (Which is just rubber-coated fabric, as my car is one of those half-cabrio models that open at the top like a can of fish.) I eye the roof with suspicion as it creaks and stretches, but the decide it will apparently hold and off we drive, the four of us in the car howling with laughter and the guy on the roof yelling obscenities at more sober people staring at us in disbelief (luckily noone understood a word). The mile-long drive home is one of the stupidest, yet at the same time funniest things I've done in my life. Soon after we leave the dropzone, my friend on the roof leans down over the edge, reaches through the open window, grabs my head and starts shaking it vigorously, all the time yelling at me to drive faster. Laughing, but somehow still aware of the severity of the situation, I manage to keep us on the road while I beat his hands off me, which leads to him falling from the roof down to the hood again and splaying himself across the windshield. I am now driving with my head out the window and the guy blocking my view is getting soaked with windshield-cleaning liquid (my first reaction when he rolled down was, of course, to spray him). On one longer straight stretch of road we almost hit 50mph, and I open the roof to tell the fifth passenger he should hang on. He is sitting on the edge of the now open roof and does not understand a word I'm saying, but it doesn't really matter because right then we go over a speed bump and he falls over into the car with all the grace of a bag of potatoes and wedges his head firmly somewhere between the front and the back seats. His legs are now sticking out the roof and his ass is in a position that makes my steering and shifting gears a lot harder than before. (Actually, we almost hit a fence at that point because it was impossible to steer right without first pushing his bum out of the way). From then on our journey is quite uneventful, with the upside-down guy yelling out that he's stuck every ten seconds or so, and the other four of us giggling helplessly all the way to our camp. What we did there is another story altogether and qualifies more for the "regular" drunk stories, because the levels of stupidity never really reached those achieved on our little drive home. Oh yeah, and next morning; "Hey ***, do you remember how you got back last night?" Him: "Uh, we walked, didn't we?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RkyMtnHigh 0 #29 November 5, 2003 Are you seeing the common denominator in this thread...alcohol! _________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stacy 0 #30 November 5, 2003 Actually there are emus in FL. One of my patients had an emu farm, believe it or not. __ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlmiracle 7 #31 November 5, 2003 I saw a girl get caught between the RR crossing arms and instead of pulling forward, she backed up having to make some very tight turns. JudyBe kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bean 0 #32 November 5, 2003 Saw a girl hit a beer truck on landing once..... Don't think qualifies as alcohol related but was pretty stupid... BEWARE the Red Headed Van Slammer!!! Mmmmm.... I allegedly might know someone who stole a rental car at Z-hills for a night of bar hopping and high speed puddle hydroplaning tests.... Lastly, glad I didn't drag my best friend's tent into the road with a golf cart at WFFC and leave his passed out ass there to get hit by the same car twice!?! -THAT would be stooooopid!!! ***Go big or go home!! (if you go big enough ya get to ride in the white van with the spinny thing on the roof and run red lights!!!!) Swoo Rodriguez #1020, LawnDart, AR #007 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowwhite 0 #33 November 5, 2003 A guy turned the corner at a high rate of speed, ran into a parked car, which pushed it into a parked car, pushing it into a THIRD parked car. We all ran out side to see what was going on. When the cops got there, the driver swore all three cars BACKED into him. Yes, alcohol was involved.skydiveTaylorville.org freefallbeth@yahoo.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flapdemwings 0 #34 November 5, 2003 Priceless!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDuck 0 #35 November 5, 2003 Actually, I wrote about that here. Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28 "I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jayruss 0 #36 November 5, 2003 QuoteActually, I wrote about that here. fixed clicky __________________________________________________ "Beware how you take away hope from another human being." -Oliver Wendell Holmes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,033 #37 November 5, 2003 That 4 way from 4000 feet was pretty dumb, although we did turn 7 points. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodypilot90 0 #38 November 5, 2003 student choping at 200 feet, and blaming the canopy for not turning. Atree saved his a$$ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevebabin 0 #39 November 5, 2003 My 14 year old stepson starting to smoke...."Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings." "Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Layton 0 #40 November 6, 2003 you know them picnic tables that look like redwood but they aint nothing but 2by 4s? anyway i got into my dads gun cabinet one day while he was at work.i got a 30.06 shell out and laid it between 2 of the 2bys.then i took my trusty red ryder bb gun and proceeded to shoot at the primer of the rifle shell.plink i miss.plink i miss.about the time i think jesus what the hell am i doing i plink and hit the primer of the rifle shell.one hell of a bang erupted and the rearward flying brass grazed my right temple as it went by.never did tell him about that.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #41 November 6, 2003 Hmm... other stupid skydiving stuff. Trying to build an 8-way speed star off the helicopter. We only got 6 in. I have seen several people try to hook into a hangar with varying degrees of success. Trying to carve around objects seems to meet with disaster pretty often. I have seen unsuccessful attempts around hangars, concrete bunkers, mockups, trees, vans, campers, buses, cars, and the beer truck. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FeetFlyer 0 #42 November 6, 2003 an excibitionjump where I was supposed to land in a relatively small area surrounded by audience. The winds had changed from when when we checked the area to when we jumped... I didn't change my landingdirection (stressed, didn't see the flag properly) and did a highspeedlanding straight into the audience. I managed to slam into the ground a couple of feets before the audience by puposely doing a hard toggleturn which made the speed decrease a little. But I still bounced into the crowd shoveling people left and right. Noone but me got hurt (no broken bones) but it took a couple of months until I had decided wether I should jump or not again and it also took quite a few jumps until I could feel the joy of skydiving again. <> Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #43 November 6, 2003 i'd have to say it was when i climbed from the 3rd floor of my dorm in germany to the first flor using only the baclony rails and they stoped half way down the wall..... it was a very interesting night........... ______________________________________ "i have no reader's digest version" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites