
Does Race or Religion really matter???

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I have no religion, though I went to Catholic school and was raised Methodist. I respect everyones right to believe whatever they want and hope that they would do the same for me. I was raised in the south in a racist environment but I think that everyone should be equal and hope that one day the hate in this world can stop.

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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For me race isn't as big of an issue that religion is. But I'm sorry, I'm still attracted to caucasian females more than others. But religion can be a problem.

I am agnostic (meaning I don't know if there is, or isn't a god, it's just too much for my little brain to comprehend). But I can't see myself being with a hard core christian, catholic, jewish, muslin or whatever other religion people as that aspect is just not focal to my every day existence. I want to be at the DZ Saturday and Sunday mornings (nursing my hang over) not at some place or worship listening to someone's garbage of how they see the world.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I'm with you there. Any hardcore religiously fevered person does my crust in. I had a piano teacher once that used to make me stand up and "feel the power of the lord run through me". Only once I had relented and fallen over with the supposed power of the lord could I get on with the fing piano lesson.


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You mean skydivers aren't their own race and religon? Damnit! We aren't a cult are we? No...never...

Well I don't care what anyone thinks, we are all family and we all believe in gravity.

Edited to add: oh yeah I forgot to meantion our "family" better start sacrificing to me! You are all getting sloppy in your freeflying...Alchemy is exempt, because they are gods themselves...

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To me arce means nothing. It you treat me well and I have fun when I am with you, I don't care who you are, where you are from or what god you pray or do not pray to.

To me we are all just people. It's fun to meet different people and learn about their cultures, foods, etc.

Here is my religion and if you want to join me feel free. Be nice to people. Try to never hurt a person or property on purpose. If you do, try your best to correct you misdeed. Keep an open mind. Try to understand why a person did something before getting upset.

It's all pretty easy do. Oh yes, almost forgot one of the most important ones. Cherish you friends and family. Make time to be with them and enjoy their company. They will be gone far to quickly to waste our time with them

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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I agree with Wendy, in the way that race and religion can be defining characteristics with which people identify themselves.

I often wonder if there are many skydivers of my religion out there (Mocha, you know what I am), because my faith is something that defines me and who I am. But, it's more curiosity than anything else at play.

I love all (ok, well most ;)) of my fellow skydivers, and I would never want to put up a wall based on some sort of secondary factors. This sport rocks, and as they say, "It takes all kinds". But people need to understand that some people are just searching for something with which to identify, be it hobbies, race, religion, or a combination thereof. :)
Blue Skies everybody!

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For me race isn't as big of an issue that religion is. But I'm sorry, I'm still attracted to caucasian females more than others.

And that's your choice, when it comes to attraction everyone has some type of preference.

The only thing I say is when you're getting to know someone, anyone, as a friend don't let race/religion be the deal breaker.

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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Oh, I am SO gonna get flamed for this.
Yes, both matter.. usualy.
But both issues are somewhat complex...


I myself am a "deist".. a person who believes in an unidentified higher power that has no connection to the wordly religions of man.
I cannot look at the beauty and complexity of life and nature without thinking that something very powerful had a hand in it's creation.
By the same token though, I cannot read though a scripture or religious text (and yes, I have read several) without thinking... "bullsh@#t !"

So, in the same way that I would be quite wary of the mental capacity and general gullibility of a person who believes in the tooth fairy, I have a similar disposition to people that have great faith in today's common religions. It's especialy disturbing that it remains a modern practise to mutilate one's children through circumcision for the sake of religion.
Does this make religious people 'bad'? Of course not.
Although.. if I cut my child's ear off as part of a religious custom would you not think I was a little disturbed ?
Devout Christians are the most honest and charitable people around.. but it does matter. In situations that require serious, logical, life-saving decisions I'd call an athiest first.


First off, I am quite sure that most of us have different views on what race and racism really is. Race is a biological term, a minor genetic difference that, in humans, alters our physiology very slightly from other races.

The 'white' people in my country are mostly divided into two cultures of their own; an English culture and an Afrikaans culture.
The Afrikaans culture, in it's most conservative and traditional form, is something I am not comfortable with. It appears silly and vulgar to me... but nobody has ever called me a racist for saying so.
But now, if I were to criticise an African black culture.. half the world would scream "racist!"

In a sociological, cultural and behavioural sense, race is often quite distinctive. A black person who was raised with at least a medium level of education, etiquette and sense of moral decency I would happily call my brother. However, in my country such people are very rare.
Certainly the doors are opening to black people, as it should be, and the situation is bound to improve, but it will take time.
Until then, I am forced to accept the reality of the present; the crime, the rape, the corruption, racism against whites, the reckless driving that threatens my very life on a weekly basis... and sadly these are almost always offenders of color.
I yearn for a day where we all behave equal, regardless what skin color we have. I wish it, I truly do.
But, until then.. "If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck.. it's probably a duck." ..and I would be wise to remember that.


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Race couln't mean less to me, however religion is a bit more relevant. While I have friends who are religious, they only become and remain my friends because they live and let live. I'd start avoiding a friend who constantly tried to push their religion on me about as quick as one who couldn't see me without trying to sell me Amway crap. In an intimate relationship, I believe that similar religious beliefs are important. I don't think I could get into a relationship with someone who wanted me to attend church with her every Sunday or who routinely brought up her god as a serious reference point in discussions. Similarly I would expect that a devout christian/muslim/jew/whatever would experience repeated dilemnas when I refused to accept her beliefs (or, more specifically, the approaches/actions that those beliefs dictate.)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Well you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth...


I'd start avoiding a friend who constantly tried to push their religion on me about as quick as one who couldn't see me without trying to sell me Amway crap.

Yep, I was even gonna use the Amway example!


In an intimate relationship, I believe that similar religious beliefs are important. I don't think I could get into a relationship with someone who wanted me to attend church with her every Sunday or who routinely brought up her god as a serious reference point in discussions. Similarly I would expect that a devout christian/muslim/jew/whatever would experience repeated dilemnas when I refused to accept her beliefs (or, more specifically, the approaches/actions that those beliefs dictate.)

And yep, that's almost exactly what I was gonna say too! Thanks, I didn't have to do much typing! I will add that I have been in a relationship with someone who was a Christian once, and while we both tried to respect each other's beliefs, it just did not work. That is such a HUGE part of a person's personality, and it affects the way they view almost everything else in life, so while I can be friends with people who have different religious beliefs than myself (as long as they don't push it on me) there is just no way I can be in a serious relationship with someone who does not share my beliefs.

Oh, and as for the race thing - yeah, that means nothing at all to me. There are nice people and assholes of all races. ;)

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And that's your choice, when it comes to attraction everyone has some type of preference.

The only thing I say is when you're getting to know someone, anyone, as a friend don't let race/religion be the deal breaker.

A lot of people seem to over complicate the question.
I beleive Mocha was posing the question in relation to how YOU view others.
Of cousre race religion and socio-economic backgraounds matter, you are after all, the sum of your history.
But what I think Mocha wanted to know is, do you let someones colour or religious beleifs influence the way that you respond to them.

I myself am an atheist and have no opinion either way on someones religion, what ever floats your boat is fine by me, as for race the more diversity the better:)The main thing that influences the way i view someone is how they treat me, and/0r behave in general.
If someone is acting an like an arsehole, and they happen to be Catholic, they're an arshole not a catholic arsehole.

Most of the religious texts I have read (a few) have one unifying tenant.
"Treat other the way you would like to be treated yourself."

Social peace is as simple and as difficult as that.:P

(Squeak steps off his soap box and quietly walks away whistling)

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Whatever you (whoever you may be) do be proud of who you are.

That's what makes you so special Mocha! Whatever race I was I would still be proud of it! I'm not sure what I really am but I'm proud of it! Alot of different people hinder their selves because of what race they are. As far is religion...well, I'm Christian and there is a difference in Christianity and religion.

The secret to life is not arriving at the grave in a well preserved body but sliding in sideways completely worn out yelling "holy crap" what a ride!!!

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Hi Mocha,

Does Race and or Religon really matter? No!

You live in Stockbridge? Cool.. I live in Ellenwood, (actually in DeKalb County) we're practically neighbors :D Have to meet sometime, maybe we can jump one day. My DZ is ASC, up in Cedartown. later

To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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OK, it took me long enough to answer this.

Race. If it matters to you, please refrain from associating with me, period.

Religion. What is that word anyway? Many bible thumpers have had a heated discussion with me about it. It end with a short (usually very short) communiqué:

I ask, "So, do you have a religion?"

Innocent enough, right? WRONG!

Just as they are about to answer, cut them off with the second and 3rd questions: "OR, do you have faith. Do you even know hte difference?"

That short line of questions has admittedly alienated me from a number of jumpers, but has also initiated quite a few conversations that I believe have founded lasting, solid friendships.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I think I have a new found appreciation of RevJim.

Most of those who suffer from religion have little in the true understanding of faith. You only need to look at the world to understand:(


I'd make a pretty crappy Catholic, huh? (Born and raised Roman Catholic, BTW)

It's amazing what happens when you free your mind from the accepted "box".

Edit: Drunken spelling.....again
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Racism sucks, and indicates unfortunate problems in the people who practice it.

But does race matter? Sure it does -- we all identify ourselves to some extent by who we are, including race, religion, what we enjoy doing, how we make a living, and whatever else. What is wrong with that?

Diversity rocks, and we don't need to walk around ignoring each other's individual qualities in some color blind fantasy world, as some posters here have suggested.

Is it wrong that MocaSkyChick's screen name is based on her skin color? No it isn't, because in her case -- as she has pointed out -- her skin color is something of a rarity in the sport. So the name MocaSkyChick works well, everyone digs it, nobody's a racist over it, and we all live happily ever after. But race "mattered" when she chose the handle.

Maybe I am just having trouble with the phrasing of the question. If it were asked "Do you have a problem with people of other races" (or religions, btw), then I would understand all the emphatic "No, absolutely not!" answers given here. As the question was posed, however, I'll have to agree with the few that answered "Yes, it does matter".

. . =(_8^(1)

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Is it wrong that MocaSkyChick's screen name is based on her skin color? No it isn't, because in her case -- as she has pointed out -- her skin color is something of a rarity in the sport.

Funny. Until I read a few of her posts recently, and clicked through to her website, I thought she liked chocolate coffee.

No shit.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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When I go downtown, there are people who walk around pushing a shopping cart and talking to an invisible friend. They are sure that this invisible friend exists.

I treat everyone the same, based on their actions. If people want to talk to my about skydiving, that is great. Any people who talk to me about invisible friends get the same reaction.

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