
One Time Macho Jumpers

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These are almost as fun to abuse as whuffos. We had a team of enlisted men doing their first jump and there was a really loud guy bragging and being macho.

One the ride up I was told he was really nervous and had to be motivated substantially to get out the door and do the jump. He lands and it quite pale at first but starts boasting and is shit hot once his pals are around him (ignoring the "you looked very nervous" comments). I'm the packer for the day and I say the usual "welcome to the greatest sport in the world" and starts helping him (properly) get out of the rig.

He's in macho mode with his friends gathered around him. Bullet proof. And he goes on and eventually says "Yeah man, that was f*cking cool, but I thought it'd be more of an adrenaline rush. Thought it'd be more of a challenge. A kid could do it."

I say "Oh the second jump is the real kick. You want me to sign ya up for the next load?"
Sierra Hotel Military dude: "Umm, I was gonna do that myself. But only have money for one jump. But yeah, if YOU pay for it, I'm going up next load

"Oh sure. I've packed lots today. I'll buy you a jump - that's how we skydivers are."

Got him

"Well, umm, the weather is pretty ugly now"
I respond "it's better than it was on your last jump. Let's go - I'll get on the load with ya."

I'm acting all friendly and smiley and cutey. My inner demons however are feasting on this guys soul. Lots of excuses that were easily dismissable (at first by me, but later on by his pals) and he says "I got a sinus infection - I can't jump"

"You just did"

And the guy angrily half yells "you don't know shit man, f*ck off" and walks away, leaving me grinning almost as much as his friends.

Guess you had to be there. It was almost as good as a 5 jump student mistaking me for a 1st time jumper and starting to edumacate me on how to sit fly and do transitions properly.

Must be my innocent angelic face that attracts these people.

That's MY handling of the Shit Hot guy. I was lucky that I judged him correctly, or the joke would have been on me. What other things can one do (more safely,as in not possibly losing a jump ticket) to bring these idiots to their knees? I just love the smell of broken egos in the morning.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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I was lucky that I judged him correctly, or the joke would have been on me. What other things can one do (more safely,as in not possibly losing a jump ticket) to bring these idiots to their knees? I just love the smell of broken egos in the morning.

with 80 jumps you dont have much more experience than the shit hot guy does.
How does it feel ?


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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with 80 jumps you dont have much more experience than the shit hot guy does.
How does it feel ?


Heh, yeah, which is why I don't act Shit Hot when I ain't. I don't really have issues with people with other convictions. Except I think it's amusing to watch them roast in their own fat ;).

The intention of your post is noted. However it is lightly off base and although there was a chance of great irony (i.e had I claimed to be SH like the guy would) then your reply would be spot on and deadly and leave me with little option but to admire your handiwork) it falls just short of the mark. Going through my post history would further aid my case on this, so instead of saying Touché! I'll go for the more American he swings - and misses!. :)
A) Guys like him are idiots. B) I like exposing them. To infer that A + B -> C with C being "Therefore, I am Shit Hot" is erroneous. And yeah I'm being an annoying git that's kicking a dead horse :S

I should probably go to bed instead of gently yanking your chain. Since a consequence of me being decidedly un-Shit Hot my judgement is poor and I'll probably end up pressing the "post reply" button. I'll ask you to forgive my infractions :)
Unstable, I gather you're right! What I've done may have resulted in an wever so slight increase in jump prices, assuming that my act of "good faith" results in the scaring away of other one time macho jumpers. Alas; I did not think my adventure through before embaring upon it. What shall have to be done to wash away my sins?

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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. Alas; I did not think my adventure through before embaring upon it. What shall have to be done to wash away my sins?

buy me the jump you offered the SIERRA HOTEL and we can call it square :o)

bozo the jump ho

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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Jim --

Welcome to dropzone.com! You post so infrequently it's difficult to remember you're here.

Your's will continue to be an interesting perspective no doubt.

Give 'em hell.

BTW, we're having a little boogie in Laughlin next weekend. Drop by and say hi. http://skydiveboogie.com/

Thanks Paul...for the welcome....I'll try not to be too big of a pain in the ass over here.
Walt called me about the Laughlin Boogie. Im unable to commit to the bigway but will be out to play on Saturday. I have a Veterans Day Demo to do Sunday so thats why no commitment.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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. Alas; I did not think my adventure through before embaring upon it. What shall have to be done to wash away my sins?

buy me the jump you offered the SIERRA HOTEL and we can call it square :o)

bozo the jump ho

Heheh, you got it! When we first meet, I'll pay for a cab-ride to the sky :)

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Hey Hey Hey everybody...... Be nice!!!!! I love these one time macho Jumpers!!! Think about it - A dropzone can bearly break even throwing up jumpers - it's these one time macho guys that keep US jumping!!!!

but without jumpers who come back then the club doesn't exist and we all graduate and that's the end of KSUPC... but yes i too love the hot shit guys, that's why we have the student package. offer it to them when they jump, 5 jumps for 90 bucks, and they always turn it down or say they'll pick it up tomorrow when they come back out
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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If I attempt to flame you can i get a free cab ride to the sky also?;)

I'm much more needy of jumps and I can play out a shit hot newbie role,being scared and all B|

edited to add: 5 jumps for $90...damn sign me up!!
does that include a ticket to Kansas?

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edited to add: 5 jumps for $90...damn sign me up!! does that include a ticket to Kansas?

our students just pay slots, there is no instructor fee. static line jumps are 25 each. 10 per slot plus 5 for packing. most expensive jump is 30 for the students and cheapest is 5 for their first freefall.

after their first jump students can buy a package with 4 static line jumps and first freefall ticket for 90 bucks... yep we rock, a license for under 500 bucks
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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that's a great story.

We were boarding the skyvan one day at perris and saw that the door was closed, thus someone was still on the plane. As the door opens two jumpmasters walk off this huge, 200lb, 6ft tall tattooed tough guy who was crying like a baby.

the back story was that this guy wasn't listening and acting all macho during the first jump course. But when he got to the door he couldn't jump. The instructors love when macho jerks like that fall from grace.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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The instructors love when macho jerks like that fall from grace.


I mean, yeah, I guess some do, but I think the majority of instructors want everyone to succeed and actually make that first jump. I think the results of not jumping can be pretty profound. There are some people that walk away, think about it for awhile and then come back and try it again.

That takes real guts.

But some of these folks that walk away do so forever and have to live with that the rest of their lives.

I would take no joy in any part of that.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Isn't it funny how it's not the first jump but later jumps that really freak you out? I thought I was going to pass out in the plane getting ready for AFF 3!

I was so freaked out that I read my altimeter backwards and, thinking it was 4K (pull time was 5.5), bailed at 8K! That was a long, cold ride back down to the ground that day!! It's funny; at that height the landing zone looks so small you don't think you'd ever be able to land in it!!
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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