
Cell Phones

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I have one, and the free long distance that goes with it. I'm going to be one of those that has a tumor growing out of the side of my head cause I'm on mine so much. I have the highest amount of time you can get.
I don't think I could live without a cell phone. Driving to and from work is when I get most of my calls done.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I have two... one for personal use, and one for company usage. The last company I worked for was very uptight about making/getting personal calls on the company phone, so I kept my personal phone to avoid getting in trouble.:P By the beginning of December I will be back to one (after the rules change and I can switch my cell number over to a different carrier). YEAH!!!

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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I've got a cell phone, as does the wife, and my daughter who lives with us. I think the only reason I keep the home phone is for the DSL connection.

I picked the "other" choice as my phone is provided to me by my employer, along with the free nationwide long distance and the nationwide walkie-talkie deal (Yep-Nextel!!). So I am electronically (sp?) enslaved to my boss. Unless I'm at the DZ. Then it gets shut off, since the only people I want to hear from are there, anyway.

Easy Does It

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Coincidentally, we just cancelled our land line. We NEVER used it as LD is free on cell. I pay $50/month and my service has been fantastic for the past two years, unlimited nights/weekend, free LD and up to 500 anytime minutes is WAY more than I need as I'm not a big phone conversationalist. I like quickies;)

The only reason we had a land line (other than the 30+ telemarketer calls/day that we loved) is for internet. Then, I realized I pay $60/month for phone/internet w/ Bellsouth and if I cancel that, I'd only be paying $40/month for Comcast cable internet and have high-speed internet, no more telemarketers and save $20/month!

I definitely stand by the power of the cell phone:P Plus it's not listed so only those who I actually gave my # to can get a hold of me. Everyone else must not need me bad enough;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I have one and am posting this message with it. Samsung SPH i-700 w/Verizon Wireless. CDMA is grand. B|
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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have one, but thinking bout getting rid of it. Although if i do, no one will ever be able to get ahold of me
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I own one (Audiovox CDM-4000, a hybrid unit [dual-mode analog/digital - good for offbeat places where digital signals can't reach]), but I bought it for $8 plus shipping off eBay and got it activated on the Verizon Wireless "Free Up" prepay plan. $30 for about 120 minutes peak, double off-peak, good for 60 days.

Pay as you go.:D

They (semi-obsolete phones) are perfect for kids, imho, because if it runs out, that's it, unless you buy more minutes, so you won't chocke when the bill comes :o

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I have three cell phones. one for personal use, one that is work issued and a nextel for the other side of the business. I really dont like them and swore that I would never carry one but they have become more of a necessity for me as I am not home most of the time.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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I have 2,
A POS Nextel with the 2 way it's a company phone (required because of the 2 way) it's large and always drops my calls, or has to re-dial every call. In addition to it never has a signal when I really need it.
My other is my personal cell (had it before the company phone) it's AT&T works every where and is very small.

Wish I never owned one.

Why is it when a person calls your cell phone and you don't answer it (goes to voice mail) they have a cow and think your avoiding them.
But when they call your home phone and get an answering machine it's always ok to leave a message and wait for you to return it.


Nick D

The key to Immortality is- first living a life worth remembering”

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I have one so my students who are not at the DZ can get voicemail while I'm jumping with my students who are at the DZ.

If I'm not answering my phone - I'm jumping.

Usually takes them a while to figure that out - dispite my message.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I have one because I do CRW. :D

When you land so far off you have to describe the area around you (because you've never been there before)... then you need a good cellphone..

I have a Nextel phone.. a fairly old one.. i don't think they even make it anymore.. batteries dont even last 36 hours.. BUT... I only pay 10$ a month for a fully loaded service plan.. I wouldn't mind upgrading to a new provider and phone.. but I dont want to spend 200$ (because I won't be able to settle on one of those 'free' phones) on a phone and 50$/mnth + tax...

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I want one, but between jumping and flying (I'm a pilot working on an instrument rating at the present time) I can't afford one. Maybe one day.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I hate the damn things but unfortunatley your social life suffers if you dont have one.

Am I alone here or does anyone else HATE it when people start pissing around with their ring tones in public?

As for all the 'latest' phones, i've had my brick for 6 years now,been dropped 100s of times, bin run over by a car and the things still working! Old phones are the best!

May Contain Nut traces......

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My boss provides me with a cellphone so I can work longer hours, er, refuel visiting helicopters.
One of the joys of being a DZ bum is that you get to do every little joe job from sweeping the loft, to packing mains on busy days, to driving the fuel truck when visiting aircraft that need JET-A, seeing as how Pacific Skydivers are the only source of JET-A at Pitt Meadows Airport.

Either that or manifest got so tired of my wife calling on the land line that she quit passing messages.

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i have a cell phone but dont have other phones(stationer?)
I need my phone as i use it each time im out playing(call my gf before i jump and as im safe).
I cant see why i shouldnt have one,if other has a problem by my phone,then its their problem,not any thing im concerned about.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I have one, definately cant live without it.

I send over 1000 sms's a month, and wayyyy too many voice calls.

Thankfully though, we have good phones over here :)
plus its tiny, and a picture phone :)
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