
How many Real Sotherners Here?(in response to Greybeard)

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[RED]in response to "How many Jews Here"[/RED]
Give me a big fucking break and please moderate this kind of crap out of the forum.
[RED]I don't think that the moderaters are here for your whims.[/RED]

I define myself as me. period. Not where i live, not where my parents lived, not were my uncle fred used to live. Who the hell really cares what my uncle fred used to believe in, much less his great,great,great, ancesteral great, great, uninformed, illiterate, third world folk.
This is a sore spot for me, obiously. Anybody who declares themselves to be somebody or anybody other than just themself, bases on some preconcieved or preordained attatchment to something or somestuff. Weak, weak.
Grab your ass with both hands and stand up straight. You are you, and only you! No crutches, no support, no nothing but you. How does that feel? Naked, ... good! Go forth and be you. I will respect you for being you. I will never respect you for being a 'Masson, or a Morman, or a catholic, or a black, or jew, or a whatthefuckever!

[RED]Sory, a little bit of humility is due here! No, I'm not Jewish but if I was I would be happy to respond because we may have a lot more in common than the general public on this forum. Had he put up "Any Protestant, hetero blonde babes out there?" Would you have responded? This happens to be a public forum (thanks to HH) and people may wish to bond in this sport with those of like other interests. I am not gay and may not appreciate some of the gay posts here but it IS their prerogative. I haven't seen any real racist posts here but if they are not insulting someone here directly I assume that would be OK. If you don't like or agree with the title or content based on race, creed or color I would suggest avoiding it and find something else of interest. Most of us here are brothers/sisters of the sky as one. May we be one in peace![/RED]

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Well, I'm currently in Virginia, but for two more days only. That's south right? I live in Souther California, used to live in Georgia and Florida. So, having qualified with that, I can say, "I ain't a sutherner, but I can talk suthern" :P;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Yah!!! I'm a Bama gal! Moved to Colorado 20 yrs ago for college and LOVE IT! However, this T'giving I'm heading to Emerald Coast to beach dive at Flora-Bama where I have so many childhood memories!!Yes, I'm 5'9", blonde...and the rest is up to your imagination..:)


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I'm living in South Florida right now...and before that, Louisiana...and before that, Alabama....and before that, Mississippi. Does that count as a "real southerner"? (wait, I was a military brat, is anyone gonna discriminate since I'm a later-in-life southerner? I know what grits are...that should count for something, right? ;))


The Sothern deal was only a joke response to the guy that blasted the "Who's Jewish Here" post. Yes I'm a southerner and damn proud but read the other post!

Oh, and I did read the rest of the post. Someone...anyone....stop the madness! :S
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
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Hey can I join the southern crowd.. I do have a bit of a pedigree.

I have only actually lived full time in Florida for 3 years out of my life...

But I grew up in a very bad climatologically ABUSIVE family... They made all my cousins and little ole me( lots of cousins pre-requisite for large extended southern family) spend the summers in Florida working on the boats... sanding.. painting...... and going sailing and fishing ( this part was not all that bad).

At the end of the summers they would return us to Wisconsin for the winter.

I grew up saying yes or no sir to my male elders.. and yes or nomaam to my female elders. This stood me in good graces when I entered the USAF. I was already used to it.. unlike some of the rude yankees we had in our barracks.

Our family origins in the south are in the Carolina's in the late 1690's and in Florida from the 1820's

We have family members who were killed in the War Between the States.. with 3 of them dying at Gettysburg.
My mother and my aunt keep trying to get me to join the Daughters of the American Revolution... and the Daughters of the Confederacy... Maybe when I hit 80... until then.. too dayum many blue haired ladies there;)

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As far as I can tell my brother and I are the only two native born Floridians I know of.;)

We are now both naturalized Texans:P
L.A.S.T. #24
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Try to follow this, I get confused and it's my life:)Born in N.C, grew up in S.C. with my adoptive parents who are from the Northeast Ga. mountains so I spent all of my summers there on my grandparents' farm. I've seen some information that indicates that I may be Jewish biologically but have been raised Southern Baptist.
I just go with the flow:S
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Southern. pfft, you Floridians are not necessarily Southern. Most of Florida's population is transplanted Snow Birds down from the North. They wouldn't know a Grit if she hit them.

G - girls
R - raised
I - in
T - the
S - South

That would be me. Born in Georgia. Lived in Atlanta, Dallas and Ft. Lauderdale. The poeple in Lauderdale had no clue what I was saying 90% of the time. Of course they moved back to the North as soon as the snow melted. Dallas was nice...they understood me. B|

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Southern. pfft, you Floridians are not necessarily Southern. Most of Florida's population is transplanted Snow Birds down from the North. They wouldn't know a Grit if she hit them.

G - girls
R - raised
I - in
T - the
S - South

That would be me. Born in Georgia. Lived in Atlanta, Dallas and Ft. Lauderdale. The poeple in Lauderdale had no clue what I was saying 90% of the time. Of course they moved back to the North as soon as the snow melted. Dallas was nice...they understood me. B|

I agree wit Mouth!! Virginia is starting to skirt the boundaries of being southern in my book.

And it don't matter where I go - no damn body understands me. That's what growing up in SE NC gets you B|

Jumperconway hit the nail on the head I think about this other thread. Sometimes people just gotta chill and go with it.:)
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Jumperconway hit the nail on the head I think about this other thread. Sometimes people just gotta chill and go with it.:)
Thanks for figuring what this whole post was about. It had NOTHING to do with Southerners. It just grouped some people together by REGION, not RELIGION no less and Greybeard had 0 comment!

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I think I just got in trouble for trying to hijack your thread. [:/] I ready your post but was taking the title in the literal sense because honestly I think everyone needs to chill sometimes...no harm meant.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Southern. pfft, you Floridians are not necessarily Southern. Most of Florida's population is transplanted Snow Birds down from the North. They wouldn't know a Grit if she hit them.

G - girls
R - raised
I - in
T - the
S - South

That would be me. Born in Georgia. Lived in Atlanta, Dallas and Ft. Lauderdale. The poeple in Lauderdale had no clue what I was saying 90% of the time. Of course they moved back to the North as soon as the snow melted. Dallas was nice...they understood me. B|

if you spoke english maybe they'd understand you

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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if you spoke english maybe they'd understand you

That is their problem, not mine. I figure if Ben from England can understand me then the rest of the world needs to catch up.:P

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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