
Women from your past (long)

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Have you ever been just going along in your life, enjoying it for the most part, and then suddenly get hit with memories of a woman (or man) from your past?

There is this girl that I was very close to about three years ago. I was falling totally for her. The problem was, I had a fiancee. I was supposed to be getting married. The more time went on, the stronger my attraction to her grew until finally I called off the wedding and broke it off with my girlfriend at the time.

I recall one night about a month later, I went out with this girl and had the most amazing time. I went back to her place and remembered thinking that I was at a crossroad...I could kiss her, but that would permanently close any relationship I had with my ex-fiancee. Well, I chickened out (stupid...stupid...stupid), got back with my girlfriend and moved to Michigan with her. The relationship didn't last long after that. Half a year and we broke up for good.

At about this time, I went and visited the other girl (incidentally, this was the weekend I took my first jump course), who was now with living with a boyfriend, and at one point during the visit, told her all that had happened. This knocked her socks off...I ended up getting an e-mail after I returned to the effect of "I wish I had known then how you felt. I keep wondering how things would be right now."

Shortly after, I started seeing Ali, who I am still with now and am totally crazy about.

But two nights ago, I began thinking about this girl again (who became engaged in September), and how I wish I had kissed her that night, and have not been able to stop obsessing about it.

I just can't seem to make sense of how I can be happily with one woman (indeed, I wouldn't leave Ali for Rosanna now even if I had the chance), but could still wish to be able to change my past in such a way that I might never have started dating Ali. Weird.

I think it has to do with building up a fantasy person who doesn't exist. Yes, Rosanna was a great friend, but the person I'm thinking about now isn't Rosanna. The person I'm thinking about is an amalgamation of my ideal fantasy woman.

Let's say Ihad kissed her that night and I was with her now. After three years, there would be things about her I could absolutely not stand. The relationship would be nothing like how I see it in my head. But intellect will never beat out emotion in these kinds of issues.

Crap, that was long.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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you arent alone dude. we all think about life like that. there are a lot of what if's in life, not just relating to relationships. decisions need to be made and thats the way it is. if you had taken the other route you would be wonderng the same thing about what you have now would be like. try not to think about it, its too matrix like :P


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Funny how that works... I was hung up on this one guy for the longest time (over ten years ago now!), in fact he still crosses my mind once in a while (like maybe he was "the one")... someone I was head-over-heels in love with, yet pushed him away because he had just become a re-born Christian and I am not a religious person, so I knew at the time it would never work yet I could never quit thinking about him and "what might have been"... so it's funny that I still sometimes wonder if he was the one, because when I think about it logically I know that it would not have worked between us - we may have gotten married and all, but I doubt it would have lasted more than a year... I guess our minds just like to be entertained with such fairytale fantasies. :)
And as for the thinking about one woman while you're with another woman, I think that's pretty normal human nature as well. I'm still trying to decide if we were designed to be monogamous creatures anyway - sometimes it doesn't seem that way. ;)

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Dude, I am so there with you. Only with mine, things DID happen. Good and wonderful things, and more passion than I ever knew.

She was the woman I thought I'd spend the rest fo my life with. The only problem was she was in Texas and I was in Cali. Neither could give up where we were, and it ended because we could not date or wait to see each other. Halloween, 2000 was the night it ended.

Of course, over the last few months I thank my lucky stars that it didn't go further with her. I wouldn't trade the learning experiences for anything. But, if I were with Kristi I would not be with Erin, for whom I feel even stronger.

Nto a day went by that I did not think of Kristi for over two years. Now, those days are frequent where I do not think about her. They are now happy memories, instead of sad ones.

And I know I've got a greater future without her.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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When you come to a fork in the road and you go to the left you can't keep traveling down the left road as your looking at the road on your right. Sooner or later you lose sight of the road on your right and because you haven't been paying attention to the road your on you get lost and confused. This is where you start asking yourself the "If's and But's Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda" Questions about going down the road on the right. It's too late you can't go back the scenery has changed and even the fork in the road doesn't look familiar.

Ask youself this one Question: (excluding the different woman in you life past and present)
What if you had gone down the road on your right and there was a major life changing event and you never got the chance to pursue Skydiving, Would if have been worth it than?

I should have gotten married in my early 20's and I didn't I'm now 40 and still single. I've been skydivnig for the past 3 years. No skydiving isn't necessary everything. However I do know looking back I may never have got the chance to even make the first Jump had I gotten married.

Life is strange like that...


Nick D

The key to Immortality is- first living a life worth remembering”

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Reminds me of this song I used to love......

Little Texas - What Might Have Been

Sure I think about you now and then
But it's been a long long time
I've got a good life now I've moved on
So when you cross my mind

I try not to think about
What might have been
'Cause that was then
And we have taken different roads
We can't go back again
There's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been

We could sit and talk about this all night long
And wonder why we didn't last
Yes they might be the best days
We will ever know
But we'll have to leave them in the past

So try not to think about
What might have been
'Cause that was then
And we have taken different roads
We can't go back again
There's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been

That same old look in your eyes
It's a beautiful night
I'm so tempted to stay
But too much time has gone by
We should just say goodbye
And turn and walk away

And try not to think about
What might have been
'Cause that was then
And we have taken different roads
We can't go back again
There's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been

No we'll never know
What might have been

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You're definitely not alone, bro. There was this girl that I dated for about a year (not my longest relationship, but surely the best). She was to me, perfect in every way. The whole relationship was wonderful up until the day we broke up. We had never had a fight, and argument, anything. It was just perfect, and we were truly in love. To me, she was the girl I was going to marry, there was no doubt in my mind about it. Then one day, she just called me out of the blue and said that she didn't want to do it anymore. Why, I'm still not sure. I think she was running away, she was just afraid it was too good to be true. Anyway, it broke me in every way a person can be broken. It's been well over a year now, and I still can't say I'm totally over it. Sure, I could meet another girl that would be wonderful to me, and while I would never go back to this girl, I also could never be truly over her. Love is a crazy thing that fools like us live for. My advice to you is be happy and grateful for what you have, and try, as hard as it is, to forget the past and move on with this new person.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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I had a guy like that, and I warn you that this is very very silly.

I went to Cedar Point with my best friend Erin when we were 15. We did what any 15 year old girls would do...we flirted with any guy that we came across. There was one group of guys that were particularly "cool" (to 15 year old girls, at least) that we hung out with, and we both picked which ones were "ours." So, we sat on the beach with two lucky guys and continued to flirt. She ended up making out with her guy, and all I did was flirt. I was naive at the time, and I had no idea he was interested in me, so I made myself somewhat "unkissable." I regretted doing so for awhile....kicking myself for not doing something so simple that could've been so much fun! That was a turning point in my life. From that point on, I never regretted not kissing a guy again.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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