
Step Aside J-Lo & Ben, Elizabeth Smart now rules

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Is anyone else getting fed up with the media blitz over Elizabeth Smart? Nice story, delightful that she made it back. Heartwarming, and a sure-fire replacement for the Olson twins..

Goodness, this is overreported. But she is young and pretty and white, from a wealthy family in a good neighborhood. Meanwhile, Erica Pratt, a 7-year-old, fought like a demon to escape the duct-tape and a basement imprisonment. Yeah, she's also young and cute, but black and from a poor family in a bad neighborhood.

I reckon we'll also see the young, pretty and white female Jessica Lynch media blitz soon for her book. Meanwhile, the others from her unit who were captured and shot will face discharges with miserly VA disability or full returns to duty. No big book deals for the fat, black female soldier, whose petrified face was seen on video under interrogation.

Elizabeth Smart's day will pass. As will Jessica Lynch's. Just in time for Ben and J-Lo to get back together again.

God, I hate this stuff abotu reporting on the beautiful...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I reckon we'll also see the young, pretty and white female Jessica Lynch media blitz soon for her book. Meanwhile, the others from her unit who were captured and shot will face discharges with miserly VA disability or full returns to duty. No big book deals for the fat, black female soldier, whose petrified face was seen on video under interrogation.

I think its a damn shame when somebody fucks up like that, gets caught and suddenly becomes a "national hero". Quite honestly it makes me sick that she is going to profit from having put all the special ops soldiers lives at risk because they made a wrong turn.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Well, I'll disagree about her fucking up. She was a PFC, and shouldn't be in the position to fuck up badly.

But, I'm fed up with this stuff about the beautiful people getting the rewards. Not that I have a problem with the beautiful (my lady is a real knockout), but Paris Hilton would just be another strung-out club bimbo if not for the mega-bucks. Even Stevie Nicks knows how hard it was for her to get press when she was considered fat.

Compare these two pictures. One is Shoshana Johnson, from Lynch's unit, and the other is Jessica Lynch. Who's gonna get the book deal? And who went through worse???

Yeah, I'm not the best looking guy...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I think its a damn shame when somebody fucks up like that, gets caught and suddenly becomes a "national hero".

I agree...WTF? I mean really, my father is a retired SEAL and his first tour was Vietnam and his last was Desert Storm. I do know he is not allowed to talk about anything, but I know that my dad did a lot more heroic things than getting captured and such. Actually my father says that the thrue heros are those that know what they have done and don't brag about it at VA balls and such. My father hates those old war vets that do nothing but sit around and brag about who had the worst time at their war and who lost the most and did the most. If they really saw and did all they say then they wouldn't have the heart to talk about it, nor would they want to...well that is my father's opinions on the subject that is, but his opinion is also that Jessica Lynch should have a book, but not of her heroic efforts, but more of a Playboy type book, I am sure Ivan wants that too...;) I tend to agree with my father that she really isn't much of anyhting, but American's are Socially critical and they want everyone to preseve them as being perfect...that is a whole other subject nevermind...

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Ok there Law, gotta agree w/ ya on that one.
But that is what the media is all about: What sells.

If there is a "wholesome" story that actually makes it into the news, they over build it and sensationalise it. Is it really something new? Are you really "SHOCKED":o It has been going on for a looooong time now.[:/] You can't tell me that you just now, because you dislike the subject, realise this. I mean pick and choose your fights, but condemning the media for what it does when you disagree seems a little asinine when you were touting the same media for the same practices, except you agreed with them.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Playboy type book, I am sure Ivan wants that too

Sorry...I'll pass, I like 'real women' not this type of 'phony celebrities' :|

I tip my hat to your dad, that's true heroism.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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I'm gonna disagree with you and billvon that the media is about what sells. What sells is what the media says will sell. What's cool? What the media says is cool.

Plot from Jessica Lynch's book - young girl from West Virginia joins Army to get experience with plans to be teacher after high school (show hs pics and baby pics). Cut to basic training and plans abotu dating a sergeant.

Off to Iraq, get in hummer wreck, but can't remember because out cold. Plan to marry.

Plot from Shoshana Johnson's book - poor girl joins army. Contains a lengthy first-hand account of a battle and capture, getting shot in the ankle and interrogated under camera, seeing dead and wounded friends and fellow soldiers. Return to US where given 30 percent disability and discharge to face the world.

Her story would be great for the radio or paperback, but, since she's ugly, nawww...

Face it- Jessica Lynch was bally-hooed because she is cute. Elizabeth Smart is cute. Christa McAuliffe was more adorable than Judith Resnick or Ron McNair.

Elizabeth Smart's story has been hammed up on all the networks. If I wanna watch tv, I will get a dose of her. No choice in that.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I'm gonna disagree with you and billvon that the media is about what sells. What sells is what the media says will sell. What's cool? What the media says is cool.

not true. its what the sheep wish to buy to make their pathetic lives less miserable...the media machine feeds the desires of the masses, no matter how shallow... you've just realized (probably not for the first time and certainly not for the last) that you dont share their same values, or their lack of attention span..

have a quote from another band who only really sells to those who care.....

Packaged like a rebel or a hero
Target mass appeal
To make an audience feel
He really means it

Package the illusion of persona
Careful to conceal
The fact that she's only too real
She's got to screen it

Hit you in a soft place
A melody so sweet
A strong and simple beat
That you can dance to

Watch his every move
Orchestrate illusions
Watch his every move
Hoping you'll believe
Designing to deceive
That's entertainment

He can put a target on the market
Bask in your applause
Reality withdraws
Now he believes it

The role becomes the actor
She's addicted to applause
The stage a world because
She never leaves it

Hit you in a soft place
With sentimental ease
They know the fantasies
That you romance to

Watch her every move
She can manipulate reactions
Watch her every move
Pin the donkeys on her tail
Fantasy for sale
That's entertainment...

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Uh oh, here is my 'rant'

The fact that women got into the military at all was a bitch, back in the day.

History reveals these things -
for starters America in 1942, for example, ladies did not wear slacks.

if captured, they had no protection under existing international agreements covering prisoners of war, ...

....women had served the Army without benefit of official status, obtain their own food and quarters, and they received no legal protection or medical care. Upon their return home they were not entitled to the disability benefits or pensions available to U.S. military veterans.

a bill in Congress in May 1941, failed to receive serious consideration until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December.

Enlisted soldiers tended to question the moral values of any woman attracted to military service ... Many soldiers believed that the WAACs' duties included keeping up morale and "keeping the men happy." ... It was rumored that 90 percent of the WAACs were prostitutes and that 40 percent of all WAACs were pregnant. According to one story, any soldier seen dating a WAAC would be seized by Army authorities and provided with medical treatment.

The Newspapers said alot back then WRONG. It was a huge ordeal.

Fearing incidents between the women and the large number of male troops in the area, some of whom had not seen an American woman for eighteen months, the theater headquarters directed that WACs (as well as Army nurses) be locked within barbed-wire compounds at all times, except when escorted by armed guards.

^^Regarding the post about real military operatives never talk.. Its very true.^^ I have posted here before about whom I was named after... Career Army, Lt Col Anne Marie Doering. Considered an American Hero on the site www.xservicemen.com/heroes, a link leads you to the one paragraph below on the Vientam Women's Vet site. Yet, this is near the end of her big long career of which is either not written down, or still classified.

The first Women’s Army Corps (WAC) person to serve in Vietnam was Major Anne Marie Doering (1962 to 1963). The daughter of a French engineer, she was born and raised in Haiphong and spoke fluent Vietnamese. She was assigned to the Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) in Saigon as a plans officer.

She was my great cousin/Aunt because- My great Uncle married her German widowed mother. My grandparents then adopted her and got her to Tx. She graduated Salutitorian in our high school and graduated college. She then went immediately into Army/Air Force. (Intelligence) They were the same back then.

She was given the Bronze Star for Valor.
Bronze Stars for valor are given in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. She captured a bad guy in New Guinea.

She could read and write French, German, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, and English. If you know about military history, in the 40's she needed every single one of these languages. Especially Japanese.

She knew Lt. Gen. Eisenhower & Gen. MacArthur. She scraped blood off walls of an underground something in New Guinea to get ready a radio station.

She was in France the 50's doing something French/German. She slipped around there really well due to her languages.

She NEVER said a DAMN thing that would reveal anything of substance about what she did. Just an extremely rare off handed comment.

My Aunt called this week and said "Come over to see me and get your 'Box of Metals', nobody even knows what they are."


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Goodness, this is overreported. But she is young and pretty and white, from a wealthy family in a good neighborhood.

What in the hell does this have to do with anything? Who cares what her demographics are? Do you have any idea what is in store for Elizabeth Smart? She will be in trauma for the rest of her life. Her looks, money or big home will not comfort her.

I do agree Erica Pratt should receive as much celebrity from her ordeal.

I can't believe people are being so cold and callous toward a person who lived through a most heinous ordeal.

Thank God, both had happy endings....or did they?

You don't go through something like that without residual trauma.



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Well, don't join if you want to lower your odds regarding getting shot in a war in a foreign country. The army isn't there to provide for your education or social needs - it's there to fight, and it'll use those who enlist to do just that.

And getting shot at/getting hurt/killed is something people *ought* to know could happen if you join an *army*.

What about the poor sods who die down there now? No book deals, no nothing. Their deaths hushed down by the administration they served because they'd rather spread "good news".

The Lynch deal was a setup from the start and the military got caught by the BBC. Not that truth has any meaning once the US media starts synchronized drumming. There are a LOT of people over there deserving, yet not recieving, credit and honour.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Lynch did absolutely nothing that deserved any praise or commendation. Her unit screwed up, they crashed, they got captured. They weren't heros, they weren't warriors. They were mechanics and cooks. They probably had 6 weeks of basic training and 30 minutes on the firing range. She didn't do anything extraordinary. IIRC, the unit didn't even fight being captured.

She was just a poor little girl from middle America that got caught by those ruthless eyerackees that would dare to shoot at our daughters and sisters. Makes for a good story if you embellish the details and make it 10 times more important than it was. Her injuries were sustained from the crash, not some fierce all night battle to protect her fellow mess cooks.

I totally agree that it has everything to do with appearances. (With enough makeup and the perfect lightning and camera angles..) she represents the ideal american girl.. She looks like she can be your next door neighbor, living in suburbia with the white picket fence, the 2.4 kids, and the dog...

Same with Elizabeth Smart.. shes one of those 2.4 kids! Who can not feel some compassion for these two examples?

Obviously I have no compassion for Lynch... too bad she got hurt.. but does not deserve the title of a hero... but that's another story..

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should receive as much celebrity from her ordeal.

I can't believe people are being so cold and callous toward a person who lived through a most heinous ordeal.

Ok...so if we're talking about 'celebrity' status for 'ordeals' like this, then, bring ALL the Vietnam P.O.W's and make a TV show, c'mon people let's cut the nonsense. >:(
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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I'm gonna disagree with you and billvon that the media is about what sells. What sells is what the media says will sell. What's cool? What the media says is cool.

I believe you're both correct. It's a cycle. What the media says is cool and what the viewing audience believes is cool go hand-in-hand.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Goodness, this is overreported. But she is young and pretty and white, from a wealthy family in a good neighborhood.

What in the hell does this have to do with anything? Who cares what her demographics are? Do you have any idea what is in store for Elizabeth Smart? She will be in trauma for the rest of her life. Her looks, money or big home will not comfort her.

I do agree Erica Pratt should receive as much celebrity from her ordeal.

I can't believe people are being so cold and callous toward a person who lived through a most heinous ordeal.

Thank God, both had happy endings....or did they?

You don't go through something like that without residual trauma.


I was in Kuwait many years ago. I saw conflict. I got hurt. Do you see me whining and crying about anything? No.

She's getting the treatment due to

a) pretty (in the media's eyes)
b) small and fragile
c) a woman

I think she should take that book and shove it up her ass. That's just my opinion though.

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I was in Kuwait many years ago. I saw conflict. I got hurt. Do you see me whining and crying about anything? No.

She's getting the treatment due to

a) pretty (in the media's eyes)
b) small and fragile
c) a woman

I think she should take that book and shove it up her ass. That's just my opinion though.

Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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I agree with everythign you say in the underlying matter. She was traumatized and hurt. She was also an unusual kidnapping victim in that she was alive after 8 months, or whatever. But her kidnapping was covered extensively immediately after.

She was from a well-off family, nice neighborhood, a pretty white girl who loved to ride horses and play the harp.

Take a look at what happens every night in the hood if you want trauma. But that's not glamorous, and the media really doesn't care. Maybe because it happens so often in the hood.

Isn't that a shame?

Edited to add: apparently, the Smart parents are responding now to charges of allowing too much press and coverage. Thank goodness I'm not the only one (except a whole lotta you posters) who agrees that this is out of hand.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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