
Am I allowed to embarrass him?

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My nephew is at that age where he does a lot of things that we all laugh about and hope to get video of. Am I allowed to bring these things back up in 13 years when he goes out on his first date? Wouldn't his date enjoy laughing along with his family about his childhood days?

I was watching Robby for a little bit while my brother went out jogging. He screamed loudly since his daddy was gone, and he was stuck with me. I took him around showing him the "big punkin," but nothing was quieting him down. I took him back home, and we played with some of his toys for awhile. I left his room to get something out of the kitchen. I hear him shouting, "Oooh! Poop!" I start running towards his room, and he's trying to take his pants off. I run around trying to find his diapers and wipes while he runs all over the house trying to take his pants off and shouting "Pee! Pee! Pee!" At this point, his pants are around his ankles, and he's still running around with a wet diaper. :D I try to change him, but he was getting pretty mad at me. It seemed like he'd rather run around the house trying to take his pants off and wear a wet diaper. :S

My other nephew was a little angel last night. He has the hugest smile, and he doesn't cry as long as you're feeding him (which may explain his pudginess!)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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but wait till he is a skydiver, and show it at the DZ... It'll be much more fun

Yeah, we had the fortune to be able to see video of our DZO playing air-guitar as a 10 year old a few weeks ago. Egads, it was priceless!


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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My aunt did something really cool for me...

she kept a journal of all the silly, funny, or just noteworthy things that I did when I was a kid, from the day I was adopted into the family (at 5 days old or so) to when I turned 21. On my 21st birthday, she gave me the book. It was so cool! It had my whole life in there!

Of course, everyone wanted to know what was in there, including my date at the time, and I could thumb through it and read the stories that I wanted people to know, and avoid the ones I found embarrassing.

It was a really special gift.

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Absolutely yes:ph34r::ph34r:
I love to tell all the little stories about my nieces and nephews. It is what being an aunt or an uncle is all about. IMHO it is your obligation as an aunt to embarrass the hell out of him.

Keep in mind, in 13 years he may kick your ass.

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I totally believe in saving and remembering everything you can about a child to torment him or her later on in life with it. It makes them tough! :ph34r::P

For example, I sent this picture out to the family of my son playing soccer. The kid posed behind Nick swears that he was just wiping sweat from his eyes, but to me it looks like Nick made a bad shot and he's groaning about it. Of course I sent it out to all the family for them to make captions for it and e-mail it back to him. >:( It must be hell having me for a mother. :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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There is very little in this world that can bond a significant other to the new family like telling embarassing stories. My mom and my lady get along well, for my mother has hours worth of stories about my misspent youth. Thus far, she's only told a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Erin wants to hear more.

I say, GO FOR IT!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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she kept a journal of all the silly, funny, or just noteworthy things that I did when I was a kid, from the day I was adopted into the family (at 5 days old or so) to when I turned 21.

That's really really cute! Maybe I'll do that for my nephews!


I'm dissappointed ....when I saw the title, I thought it was about embarrassing Seth.

I don't have to ask permission for that! :ph34r::P


Well, you know, it's pretty easy to make one of your very own.

:o Having nephews makes me realize that I am most certainly not ready for my own yet!


It makes them tough!

Yeah! That's how I'm gonna think of it, too! :ph34r: Hehe! Love that pic, too!


There is very little in this world that can bond a significant other to the new family like telling embarassing stories.

I agree! I did feel a certain bond after seeing someone's hula hoop photo...
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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