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kallend 2,027
That may be true if you and I each had the same net-worth. Let's say you and I each have an aid budget $100,000, if we gave the same 10% in the name of economic development (providing that the dollar amounts were deemed the necessary amount to work with), your point is well taken.
If you want to reduce it to individuals, then divide the aid$ by the population. Each American gives less than each Frenchman, German or each Norwegian. Make you feel more righteous?
Your argument is as stupid as saying Delaware isn't paying its share for national defense because it sends fewer tax dollars to Washington than does California.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
mikkey 0
QuoteIn Reply To
Foreign aid has NOTHING to do with the OECD. The OECD collects economic data and that is where I got the data from. The data is the aid given multi- and bilateral from each country. Go and visit their web site to understand what they do. Don't mix it up with the aid itself - they just collect the stats in this case.
These stats are based on Official Development Aid and Official Aid that are provided as initiatives of specific committees of OECD.
Yes I need to correct/clarify. The OECD does get involved in development activities. The data I provided is however not just aid through the OECD, it covers all "official" (government financed) development aid through a number of channels. There are definitions available regarding what that covers.
The moneys you mention in your post are to a great part private funds (e.g. migrants sending money to relatives overseas), NGO's activities which I can not compare as I do not have comparable data from non-US NGO (and many are international anyway), as well as churches (how does that compare to the Vatican?) etc. All very good, but a lot is not development aid as such and it is difficult to compare to activities in other countries (don't have the stats).
What you can compare is the official aid given by the government through the recognized channels and this data I provided. And according to this data the US is far behind all other developed countries as a % of GDP or for that matter per capita.
Now, I did not present the data in order to slam the US, I just wanted to deflate the argument that the "US is paying for everybody else in the World" - it is just not true...
On the other hand there is a lot of development aid money that gets wasted by organizations and countries. So I am quite critical of some of these activities myself but that is different discussion.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.
rehmwa 2
They are the aggressors. We are the defenders. That puts us on higher moral ground.
Wrong, dude. Remember the crusades? That was us being the aggressors.
The US was responsible for the Crusades......
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
juanesky 0
And Mickey, if you want to correct, why don't you request the greenie and delete all your posts? seems to me that you are implying your superior intelect is not letting us understand your wise explanations
Steel 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteAnd the far right thinks free speech extends to exposing undercover US agents,
I think her husband did that more than anyone!
I think that Bill Clinton has the lying to congress thing covered.
You must be too young to remember Watergate and Iran-Contra.
You must be too liberal to look at the entire picture and realize that Watergate was an attempt to not let the left steal another election after the 1960 fiasco.
You also don't want people to know that Iran-Contra was just an attempt to help out Nicaraguans fight communism because we as Americans have always stood strong against it. Unfortunately the Democrat party (left) has always been loaded with communist infiltrators who stood in the way of helping the Nicaraguans.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.
How about the CIA in Iran, 1953? Seems like a good enough reason.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
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