
Holy war

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Unionized unemployed skydivers of america...:)

Unionized?? What??!! No grant for you! :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Culture can choose any mores it wants; it is our constitution, not our culture, that determines what our government does - even if extremist parties would prefer it enforce certain religions.

It was our culture that laid the foundation for our constitution. That culture is based on highly defined, easily traceable values that exist within a doctrine. Our religious freedoms not withstanding, it was these values that enabled the freedoms in the first place.

pure fundamentalist fallacy. Our culture and constitutional foundations have FAR more in common with Greek and Roman legal and political systems and their European evolution than anything mistakenly referred to as "Judeo-Christian" which is a continually abused term that has no real meaning as they are completely separate religious and legal traditions no matter how much the christians wish to claim the Jewish traditions to lend credibility to their newer religion.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Let me get you some support from the liberals for once;)

I don't think they'll have me, but you're welcome to hit that wall if you want. :D;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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And in the mean time, I'll get some rigs for our bros and sis, you will get a strong support for TOTAL RECALL 2004

Hasta la vista my friend.:P
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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>>Gawain for Prez....sky is the limit!

>I sense a grass-roots campaign in the works here. BillV would have a
> heart attack.

Why? Compared to some of the other choices, our Gawain wouldn't be such a bad choice to run the executive branch . . .

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>>Gawain for Prez....sky is the limit!

>I sense a grass-roots campaign in the works here. BillV would have a
> heart attack.

Why? Compared to some of the other choices, our Gawain wouldn't be such a bad choice to run the executive branch . . .

I think that's a compliment. Thanks! :)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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The economy is up? That's news to me! A president we can trust...wow! Yes, we can trust that we're sinking deeper every day.
Iraq is being rebuild,.....at what cost? 87 billion? Probably more than that. Who is paying the bill here? Who ever asked me if I want to spend my tax money on rebuilding this sandhill. $87 billion could do wonders for my HMO! Everything can't be fixed "Texas style", just so a selected few with the help of Whashington can stuff their pockets. And what about the reason we went to war in the first place? How about all the families of our dead soldiers? Soldiers dying for the sake of profit. Time to get the blinders off!
Don't Pull Low....unless You are!!!

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>The economy is up?

It's at least starting to stabilize, which is nice. I don't think the economy has very much to do with who's running the government though.

>A president we can trust...wow!

I don't think we've ever had one of them. Maybe Carter, who was often criticized for being so boring. No extramarital affairs, no cocaine usage, no draft dodging, and he never claimed to have invented the TV.

>Iraq is being rebuild,.....at what cost? 87 billion? . . .
>Soldiers dying for the sake of profit. Time to get the blinders off!

Didn't you just contradict yourself there? Are we losing or making money on Iraq?

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Well it can be assessed as the Unemployed skydivers of america association gift....


Yes I would like to apply for that as well.

Uh isnt that leftist socialism??? Here you are looking for a handout... Be a good ULTRA RIGHT WING Conservative and GET A JOB


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I haven't read this entire thread but I find it amazing that we are criticizing someone for stating their religious views, in a country where free speech is protected, and ignoring comments like these:


If you are going to start keeping people from expressing views we disagree with then lets go all the way!

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Didn't you just contradict yourself there? Are we losing or making money on Iraq?

Not at all. Quote: Are "WE" losing or making money in Iraq" end quote: The few Washington selected "bidding" companies are the ones making money in Iraq! Not we as a country or as individuals.

PS: Of all presidents tested, Carter scored the highest as far as IQ level goes. Wonder how our man from Texas would do.:S
Don't Pull Low....unless You are!!!

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Back to the initial un-hijacked topic of this thread for a moment - Interesting article on double-standards in the media:


- Jeff

I had posted a link to an AP wire which reported the PMs remarks. Our own Congressional leadership has commented on the slant of the media, specifically as it pertains to Iraq. It's getting to point that saying the media has bias, is just like calling water "wet"... :|
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Back to the initial un-hijacked topic of this thread for a moment - Interesting article on double-standards in the media:

Eau Contrare

No apology from Malaysian PM


Malaysian Explains Anti-Jewish Remarks


Malaysia apologizes for ``misunderstanding'' over statement that Jews run world


Looks like some people got upset over his comments after all....

But see we expect that kind of stance from a leader in his position of power and it comes from MANY leaders in muslim countries.....we do NOT expect that sort of comment from OUR leaders.

Anti Semitism in Arab World


If EVERYONE of all faiths would allow other people of all faiths to live in peace without stupid racist/religeous bigotry then maybe the world could finally be at peace. The last time I checked.. the good General is supposedly a christian... and labeling a whole people/religeon as SATAN... is not very christian. He is usurping GODS ultimate judgement of EVERYONE. God gets to judge.. not a leader in our military.


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> I haven't read this entire thread but I find it amazing that we are
>criticizing someone for stating their religious views, in a country where
>free speech is protected, and ignoring comments like these:

I think that comment is foolish as well.

I have no problem with anyone expressing their views on religion. I do have a problem with one of our military leaders saying the US is engaged in a jihad. That will, in the end, get more of our soldiers killed - and that's bad whether or not you're in the military.

Imagine, for example, a US army general giving a speech on the eve of a nuclear disarmament talk with China who says "The US will crush China as soon as China becomes weak." That may be covered by free speech, but I would also think that general is an idiot for saying something that might just scuttle those disarmament talks. A general should know better.

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Enter TheAnvil into the thread. Nice piece of work. I've been busy this week, so I had to speed read this. Quite fascinating comments from many.


I have no problem with anyone expressing their views on religion. I do have a problem with one of our military leaders saying the US is engaged in a jihad. That will, in the end, get more of our soldiers killed - and that's bad whether or not you're in the military.

Did he say we are engaged in a jihad? Hmm. I didn't hear that. If so, how can stating that we are engaged in a holy war with those who have declared a holy war on us increase casualties in any way? I doubt that it can. The latest FCUK ad, though British, will arouse much more furor than rhetoric from a previously little known military officer.

Imagine, for example, a US army general giving a speech on the eve of a nuclear disarmament talk with China who says "The US will crush China as soon as China becomes weak." That may be covered by free speech, but I would also think that general is an idiot for saying something that might just scuttle those disarmament talks. A general should know better.

A general should know better - 'tis true - when speaking in his official capacity or inferred official capacity when wearing his/her uniform. However, this analogy is so far removed from what he actually said that I can't really see its place here.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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