
The strangest thing to be flushed down the toilet!!

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Okay, Roy has been caught a lot lately flushing very strange things down the toilet! .... first a great big dino bug, and then a piece of birthday cake! ... What I want to know is what is the strangest thing you ever flushed down the toilet?? ... I'm getting a little worried about Roy's Sanity, this flushing frenzy has got to stop! ... LOL :D
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Okay, Roy has been caught a lot lately flushing very strange things down the toilet! .... first a great big dino bug, and then a piece of birthday cake! ... What I want to know is what is the strangest thing you ever flushed down the toilet?? ... I'm getting a little worried about Roy's Sanity, this flushing frenzy has got to stop! ... LOL :D

all I can say is WTF? couldnt he come up w/ a better use for cake? hell I can think of a great many more!
but on my side of things.... I once flushed Han Solo (figurine), for what reason I dunno, but we were kids and he had been bad.... :S:S
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Sunflower seed shells. They looked like a bowl full of nasty bugs. I've also flushed a bowl of nasty bugs. Boxelder bugs, to be exact. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
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This is why plaything is very worried...worried, worried, worried! [:/]

Don't worry baby... that cake got flushed because it si not worthy of being rubbed on your luscious body.. and if i had rubbed it on, i probably would have gotten sick licking it off.. it was nasty cake! :S
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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This is why plaything is very worried...worried, worried, worried! [:/]

Don't worry baby... that cake got flushed because it si not worthy of being rubbed on your luscious body.. and if i had rubbed it on, i probably would have gotten sick licking it off.. it was nasty cake! :S

nasty cake? (a conversation all by itself)
but why FLUSH the cake? why not throw it in a trash can, out the door, or at a passing car? Gee whiz. :D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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:ooooh! who had to fish them out?... and the bigger question is was there anything in the toilet that someones hands had to pass to get them?... LOL :D

No one fished them out.They were already flushed and gone by the time she realized what happened.The plumber asked "well did it flush ok?" and she said yes. He kinda smirked and said "well, then they're gone." The worst part was that there were master keys to the college on that keyring.Since there has been a rash of master key thefts in the last few months resulting in ppl breaking in w/stolen keys and stealing property, she now has to write a formal report on exactly where her keys are and send it to the administration building before her keys are replaced.":o:D

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Oh no!!! do you still hear it ringing in the pipes every once in while.

:DNow that would make a nice short story, the ghost phone ringing in the pipes...

I was really angry for a while, but the new one was much smaller & nicer, sooo... gone is gone. ;)

(Home @ http://www.fallschirmspringer.net/)

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LOL the same thing happened to my mom's pager. It fell out of her labcoat/scrubs pocket. My dad was able to get it back,but it never worked again.

The phone of a friend also landed there, but she was able to get it out... after lots of clean water & airing it out for a while, it worked as if nothing happened (never asked about the smell, though :P)

(Home @ http://www.fallschirmspringer.net/)

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I dropped my pager also. If came unclipped from my belt and in it went.

Uh Boss, My pager vibrated into the uh......kitchen sink. Yeah, that's it. While I was doing the dishes.

It was dead as a doornail though.

I heard that pagers were a serious plumbing problem in the Empire State Building. Maybe I'll check snopes.com for verification.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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okay.. so the cake incident today.. it was ice cream cake but it tasted like shit so I figured an easy way to dispose of the melty mess was the toilet.. I slid the concoction off my plate and it splashed into the bowl.. breaking into different pieces of stuff.. two chocolate cake tringles, misc. chunks of icing and some vanilla ice cream which was melting and sort of bubbling spreading across the surface of the water.. I watched it a bit then flushed.. to my surprise, it just spun in fast circles.. not breaking up a bit.. I got very dizzy, tried again then I had to leave the restroom before I got sick from looking at it. About 20 minutes later.. our little flaming Filipino customer service guy, Edward came out complaining about the toilet being plugged up with birthday cake.. I explained to him that it wasn't plugged and he could just pee on it to break it up and then maybe it would go down or maybe a well-aimed crap would sink it. He wasn't buying it. Finally, I went in and broke it up with the plunger and made it go down but that was a good hour after everyone had gone in, inspected and decided they were not using the toilet until the cake island was gone.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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I once sneaked in early and put dry ice into the women's commodes at the Navy facility I worked at...>:(
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