
Nickname ?????????????????????????????????????????

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What does your nickname mean to you? How does it represent you?
Rhino - Thick skinned, tunnel vision, tenacious, fears no other creature, undaunted by distractions, protects it's young with it's life, if something gets in it's way it goes right through it, never gives up, loyal and never forgets.
Blue Skies and Smooth Rides!!

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Viking- We rape the horses and ride off on all the women!! ;)
i picked mine b/c my anncestors are from Norway,Scandanavia. I am fair skined with red hair, and blue eyes.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Ex-ex-ex gf started it. First it was her pet-name, then my friends started using. Then I said 'what the hell', might as well use it online, too.
I dunno. I've thought about replacing it, I guess I'm just waiting for someone else to come up with a good one.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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Scottish John... you arent writing from Jail are ya?
Are you in there with Slappie?... (his next excuse for not skydiving)
LOL, your picture ... is it your DMV pic? That would be about the right size however...
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com

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Mine's gibberish. I was signing up with an ISP about 4 years ago and wanted an easy to remember name with no numbers tacked on the end. I started using it as a nick everywhere soon after, since anything involving my name was usually taken. Funny thing, I had never actually said it out loud until somebody asked me about it a few months ago. Up until then, it had always been just a string of letters.
AIM: suprmath

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I am a guitarist and one of my favorite musicians is Joe Satriani. He has a line of signature guitars and his favorite is "ChromeBoy" (see the attachment). I have one of his guitars and he autographed when I met him at a shown in Atlanta. And I have a new G3 with the full chrome option and one of my friends called me Chrome Dude at the dz and ChromeBoy came to mind.
Picture at: http://www.satriani.com/satch_frames/guitars/large/silver_ib.jpeg
One of his albums is:
Flying in a Blue Dream

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Gibberish too. I took it as a four letter, numberless handle that was usually aviliable and in fact I purchased the domain (xybe.com).
If you want something fancy I could make it stand for cybernetic being, a creature that has been enhanced through the use of technology (ie parachute rig) to perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible or extremely hard to accomplish.
Still shedding whuffo-ness
Check out the Hardcore Whuffo pages

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Sebastien = Sebazz cause I am a spazz.............Well I used to be anyway........
I used to be Seabass also........
Maybe I should be Skybass?
Some used to call me Bastard....:(....as in Sebastard.:(
Kick some azz sebazz!!..........:D

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