
Vigil verses Cypress, which would you choose?

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Some helpfull, advice please, on choosing an AAD,
Vigil, verses Cypress, pro's & con's, with is more cost
effective, requiring less scheduled servicing, longest lasting, thank you to all who contribute.
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I hear Vigil does testing on helpless Republican Dolphins and Cypres uses "OIL BASED PRODUCTS" in the construction of the device.

won't someone please think of the children?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Jesus, evening asking for some simple advice I get shit? WTF Who pissed in your, cornflakes this morning?

Mike, John Rich gave you good advice. Please re-post your question in the Gear and Rigging forum or ask a Moderator to move the thread there. That is what it is for.

Later, if someone searches for information related to the thread, it will be easier to find.

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Mike, John Rich gave you good advice

Not sure I agree. With the Argus flaming and Cypress conspiracy bashing, this thread would probably have to be moved out of Gear and Rigging into Speakers corner.

I personally use a Vigil because I am cheap. I also bought used gear off DZ.COM. When I tell wuffos I spent as little money as I could for skydiving equipment, they think I am even crazier.

Where do you comfortably draw the line between spending as little as possible and being as safe as possible?
For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.

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Cypress need the checkup like a reserve needs a repack; it's probably still fine, but it's much better to check everything out and be sure it still works like you want.
"Do you really want to take advice from the guy we call Tarmac?"

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Some helpfull, advice please, on choosing an AAD,
Vigil, verses Cypress, pro's & con's, with is more cost
effective, requiring less scheduled servicing, longest lasting, thank you to all who contribute.

If I am choosing an AAD then a Vigil. I'll keep the Cypress for the garden;)

There is a feeling (circumstantial evidence) that Cypres are the market leaders in terms of having the most advanced algorithms and less likely to misfire.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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already reposted HERE

should have left the thread drift in the speaker's corner though.. T'was funny :D

I'm sorry I missed the tangents before they got deleted. Next time. I like my Cypres's'es. I've never had one fire in 12 years, and it's easy to use, so that's pretty limited experience. But I can't compare, haven't bought a Vigil yet. I'm sure they are a fine product as well.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Some helpfull, advice please, on choosing an AAD,
Vigil, verses Cypress, pro's & con's, with is more cost
effective, requiring less scheduled servicing, longest lasting, thank you to all who contribute.

If you're only worried about cost, which requires less maintenance, etc, go for a Vigil.

However, here's my take on it - I'm much more worried about an AAD working when I DON'T want it to than it not working when I want it to. I want an AAD whose fail=safe mode is "something's wrong - I'll hold off on cutting the loop" instead of "something's wrong - better safe than sorry. I'm cutting the loop."

In numerous cases, the Vigil has shown itself to have the touchiest parameters of any other AAD. In many of those cases, the Vigil cutting the loop prematurely has actually presented a safety hazard, rather than increasing safety.

And in numerous cases, Vigil's response to the matter has been, "The unit worked as designed." For that reason, I ruled out Vigil, as I didn't like the way it was designed.

I have my concerns with Cypres, but given the current state of things with Argus, I think it's the safest AAD currently out on the market.
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At carrying out of regulations the manufacturer changes the electronic block when parameters of the gage of pressure became incorrect. On it to you won't inform. You will never know that the year, two, three jumped with the faulty device.

You always will check up as the gage of pressure of your device works.

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The Vigil is adequate and commonly used. If you want lowest overall cost (as you strongly imply by your original post), go that route.

If you want best quality, when it comes to firing when it should and not firing when it shouldn't, Cypres is still the best, at a higher cost.

Despite all the arguments out there, and problems with all AAD's, whether real or suspected, it is pretty hard to dispute that breakdown of Vigil vs Cypres.

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If you want best quality, when it comes to firing when it should and not firing when it shouldn't, Cypres is still the best, at a higher cost.

Not true.

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If you want best quality, when it comes to firing when it should and not firing when it shouldn't, Cypres is still the best, at a higher cost.

Not true.

I don't see how a few cases of this completely nullifies the argument. There is not an AAD out there that has not misfired at one point or another. If you look at the overall number of units compared to misfires that you hear about, I am sure there are a lot more that we don't hear about but those are hard to judge, CYPRES by far tends to have less of them. Citing a few examples doesn't discredit the argument towards the quality of the AAD.

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Heres a link to help you choose.

If your a swooper cypress will convert your expert into one desined for higher speeds and they can also change it to other modes.

Vigil has the option of doing so yourself but the parameters for swooping are much like the expert mode on cypress not the higher swoop mode they offer.

I personally jump a vigil with a 98 xoas 21 loaded at 2.0 and have never had an issue with it but who knows what will happen with a higher loading and higher speeds on a smaller canopy. I havent known anyone whose had an issue at higher loadings

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If you want best quality, when it comes to firing when it should and not firing when it shouldn't, Cypres is still the best, at a higher cost.

Not true.

I don't see how a few cases of this completely nullifies the argument. There is not an AAD out there that has not misfired at one point or another. If you look at the overall number of units compared to misfires that you hear about, I am sure there are a lot more that we don't hear about but those are hard to judge, CYPRES by far tends to have less of them. Citing a few examples doesn't discredit the argument towards the quality of the AAD.

If you do not take into account that in one example, affected 800 Cypres .

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If you want best quality, when it comes to firing when it should and not firing when it shouldn't, Cypres is still the best, at a higher cost.

Not true.

I don't see how a few cases of this completely nullifies the argument. There is not an AAD out there that has not misfired at one point or another. If you look at the overall number of units compared to misfires that you hear about, I am sure there are a lot more that we don't hear about but those are hard to judge, CYPRES by far tends to have less of them. Citing a few examples doesn't discredit the argument towards the quality of the AAD.

If you do not take into account that in one example, affected 800 Cypres .

The possibility of affecting 800 and 800 being affected, i.e. 800 actual misfires, are entirely different things. You could build an equation for the possibility of them all being affected but it would be very low with the number using probabilities.

Now, it would be entirely different if there actually were 800 misfires. But applying it as a one of situation and accounting them as if they did is completely inaccurate and biases the argument. Overall, proven, as in actually happened, CYPRES has a better track record for reducing misfires. That is taking in the one example of the possibility of 800 units being affected and possibly misfiring.

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Vigil has the option of doing so yourself but the parameters for swooping are much like the expert mode on cypress not the higher swoop mode they offer.

um...... no, I think you will find that your Vigil does not have a Swoop Mode (Argus) or Speed version (Cypres)

try again?
I like my canopy...

...it lets me down.

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Been at their factory, been given the full tour, was deeply impressed. Talked to Helmut Cloth (spoken kloht) who invented it, was even more impressed. Have never used another AAD in my rigs.
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Vigil has the option of doing so yourself but the parameters for swooping are much like the expert mode on cypress not the higher swoop mode they offer.

Above from my own post: refering to changing between modes(student, pro, tandem) and it clearly states that there is no option for swoop mode like cypress speed (higher speed swoop mode as i referred to it) but that it is like the expert mode and as a standard jumper thats not going to make a difference. Why you even mention argus? who knows. Cypress or vigil all the way. both have there pluses and minuses (read the article and go to the manufactures website) and both have their "cases of inproper operation but they worked as designed".

Just trying to help out the original poster. look at both the benifits and no so great features then make ur choice.

Hope that helps

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