
I want to be on the Real World!

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Tomorrow there is an open casting call to get on the show, and I am considering going to it. Hey...I don't want to pass up the chance to live in an awesome house in a neat-o city or go on a few month long road trip while winning prizes.

I am not sure if they would take me because I am bigger than a size two, and if I was winning stuff once a week I wouldn't bitch nearly enough to make the show interesting. So, how could I sell myself to people who want nothing but hot people and drama? Should I throw a chair at someone the minute I walk in? I'm also thinking about playing the drunk girl angle, because I have experience with that. Maybe I should tell them that I cause so much drama, I even scared Jerry Springer out of a bar! :D

Of course I'll play up the skydiving thing and a few other things. I'm just trying to figure out which angle I should go for...which stereotype should I be?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Oh boy!!:|

What's that supposed to mean? >:(:P


yes i too actually wanted to be on the show once, ever sent in a tape to casting...

obviously, i didn't make it

Supposedly, they look for people who really "stand out." I've seen the show, and I don't see anything special about the people on it (usually), so I really don't know what they look for. Obviously, my groovy friends that applied didn't get called back either, so I've got nothing to work with!

I think it would be fun to go on it, though. I love capturing moments of my life with pictures, so I would love if someone took great video of my life for a few months. Sure, they may try to manipulate me into some little plot they have, but it's a small price to pay to get to do cool stuff and not have to pay for it.

Maybe I'll just play the angry femi-nazi bitch! :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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You need to take this approach:

Drunk good looking girl who is struggling to find god, or some other form of worship. Get along with her mom and hates her father. Has a hard time living with anyone else, and if anyone steps into her room she throws a tantrum.

Thats what seemed to work for the past casts.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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Drunk good looking girl who is struggling to find god, or some other form of worship.

Yeah, I'm unfortunately not a model like the girls on the show are, but I can still hope, right? I like the struggling to find god bit. I'll say that's why I skydive...to be closer to heaven!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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It seems that if you have a natural dislike of *Insert other group here* they try to find some one that is in that group to get the sparks flying.

Its a hell of a lot easier to get the same drama factor by moving to a DZ to work full time :D
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My roommates friend was on Temptation Island...this past season...not sure if any of you watched it...but she was Melissa. Apparently she hated it. I think she was really embarrassed about it afterwards. She said she liked the people on the show and stuff, made some cool friends but watching yourself live your life is weird and very embarrassing. She hated watching it afterwards and i think she was really embarrassed after others watched it too....


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Most of them were a pain in the ass. So you could use that - "I'm not a pain in the ass."

:D But, I am a pain in the ass!


She hated watching it afterwards and i think she was really embarrassed after others watched it too....

I thought about that, and I doubt I would do anything on the show that I would regret.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Just go in and be yourself. That should be enough drama for them. ;)

J/K hon, smile and have fun, but do try to be yourself cause they can tell if you are just acting silly.

Hot Mama
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she didn't either....said they push things to happen, and tape at the worst times....:S

I say go for it though, that was just her experience. They have auditions like that in NYC all the time. I wanna go sometime hehe.

Good luck if ya decide to do it and have fun!


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"Real World" is in my opinion the zenith of the "Pepsi Generation"; the very pinnacle of the culture of youth-worship. I seriously doubt they'll consider anybody over 21, since 21 and below is their exclusive market, and everything they're advertising (and we all know that a TV program is nothing more than filler between commercials) is geared towards that crowd.

Therefore, I think anyone over 25 is like Methuselah in their (the casting directors) eyes, and has about a slim chance of getting on their program...

But who's to say lighting doesn't strike now and then?

You might be exactly what they're looking for this season in oder to fill some kind of need.

To me, show biz is like the lottery, because DUMB LUCK is such an important factor (being in the right place at the right time when they want someone like you) and is therefore a longshot, but just like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.

Remember - DON'T TAKE ANY OF IT PERSONALLY. I give you leave to go and have a good time. The chutes of a cattle call are a great way to make new friends, since you spend a lot of time standing around with other people. Don't forget to smile until your lips stick to your gums. :D

Wear some kind of skydiving thing, like a nice top with a canopy on it or something, but make it tight.

If you've got some brochures or business cards from your DZ, that's kewl, but DON'T give them out unless someone asks for them, and NEVER let the casting staff see you do it!!!
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Wear some kind of skydiving thing, like a nice top with a canopy on it or something, but make it tight.

If you've got some brochures or business cards from your DZ, that's kewl, but DON'T give them out unless someone asks for them, and NEVER let the casting staff see you do it!!!

Oh my gosh! That's actually a really good idea! I have my Skydive.com shirt from Hinckley that says, "Because everywhere else just sucks," and I have my Skydive.com business cards! Maybe I'll take a shiny pull up cord or wear a closing pin necklace! :D

Haha! Yes, I know this is all in good fun. I won't take not getting on the show or not getting a call back personally since I am okay with not being categorized with most of the people on that show!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Real World casts tend to be 21-25. They have to be old enough to drink. Half the drama is played up in bars on that show it seems.

Val is quite the barfly so thats right up her alley :D

Doh! :o:D

Phree is most likely right - 21 and over.

I don't watch the program (no longer a memeber of the Pepsi Generation), so my remarks were based on my experience with casting (In addition to being an extra and attending cattle calls for movies, I've tried for game shows - "Jeopardy", and "The Weakest Link")...not that any of that makes me special or anything (Special Ed, maybe...:D) - just passing along my ideas. I'm hoping that Quade or Mujie or some other people who work in show biz might pass along their suggestions as well.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Val is quite the barfly so thats right up her alley

Geeze...you go out a few times during college, and people start calling you all sorts of names!

Okay, so I'll just go in and be myself. I'll smile a bunch, make fun of other people, and I'll make sure to get in a heated debate while I'm there. I'll try to sell tandems to everyone, and I may include a skydiving picture as the one you are supposed to bring.

If I don't make it on the show, I will throw a hissy fit.

Completely hijacking my own thread, I want a beer right now.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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You need to take this approach:

Drunk good looking girl who is struggling to find god, or some other form of worship. Get along with her mom and hates her father. Has a hard time living with anyone else, and if anyone steps into her room she throws a tantrum.

Thats what seemed to work for the past casts.


You forgot "confused lesbian racist with an eating disorder" :D
That should get you in for sure!
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How about being yourself? If you've got to fake it -what's the point?

Well, this thread really wasn't that serious. I don't really intend on coming up with fake stories, being a drama queen, or anything like that.

But, there would be many good reasons to fake it. I could live in a big house in a cool city. I could travel in a nice rv while winning cars/money/etc.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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