VanillaSkyGirl 6 #26 October 20, 2003 Val, my brother used to work for MTV, but he has since been working for NBC for many years now. He is still a great source to contact. If I can get a hold of him today (he's is really busy w/ production), I can question him about The Real World Casting. Also, his last boss' husband was one of the creators of Survivor and many successful reality shows. After meeting me as a friend and Julio's sister, I was asked if I would ever want to be on Survivor or Amazing Race (travel!) WTH? I am way more boring than you, Val and older (32), not to mention that I was not auditioning. It's not the first offer either, but come to L.A., Val and see how many offers you get when you live here. LOL! I declined to even be privacy! Val, remember that Hollywood is NOT what it seems. (I am sure that you know that as your are a smart chick.) I have never had an interest in it, but I understand why it would seem like a cool lifestyle. It can be fun, but you may also be swimming with sharks. You may be treated nicely, but "talent" is merely a pawn in those games...quite replaceable. You are a strong and interesting woman, Val. I really do think that you would have a good chance to be on a reality show. You take definite stands on issues and do not back down. I know that you will be yourself as Mouth has already suggested. (You do not have wear a tight top as someone else suggested!) Also, maybe leave the casting agents some video of your skydiving and maybe even boogie footage. That should make a definite impression! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflybella 0 #27 October 20, 2003 I say don't play up the skydiving thing AT ALL. Every one of those shows goes skydiving or bungee jumping at some point or another - my guess is it's pretty played. They'll want to see some sort of personality/character that will stand out in everyday, group dynamics. Are you seriously going to the casting call? If so, good luck! I'm way too old for the show but have to admit I love to watch it. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanillaSkyGirl 6 #28 October 20, 2003 Quote Every one of those shows goes skydiving or bungee jumping at some point or another - my guess is it's pretty played. I think there is a huge difference between doing a tandem and being an actual skydiver, like Val. If it's a huge part of her life, and she loves it like we all do, then why not share it? (Of course, I am a new jumper, so I am still excited to talk about it all the time.) I think that an audience would find Val's skydiving interesting, too. It's awesome to see a beautiful, strong woman in freefall. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflybella 0 #29 October 20, 2003 Quote I think there is a huge difference between doing a tandem and being an actual skydiver As do we all! I didn't mean for her to hide something she loves to do, I was only suggesting that by 'playing up' that one aspect she's placing alot of importance on something she does, not who she is. I think Val being a skydiver helps to illustrate that she's a 'beautiful, strong woman' but being a skydiver in and of itself does not necessarily make you interesting. Anyway, I'd love to know how it turns out. I wish I had the opportunity to try out a 'few' years ago. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #30 October 20, 2003 Play the "default" angle. Every time that another girl goes to the bathroom, follow her in there and threaten her that she must leave. Be the only girl there. Personally, I want to be on Joe Millionaire. Live in France in a mansion for 4 months. 20 beautiful women who are trying to be the best in bed. That is close enough to my life to be called reality tv. I would extend every effort to play the part well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildblue 7 #31 October 20, 2003 No, you have to hide the fact that you're a skydiver for the off-chance that skydiving is a 'challenge' you have. Remeber the morons who did the AFF dives? And the closest to landing in the bulls-eye won a car or something? (if you saw it, you'd remember the multiple biffs) Of course, the AFF instructors probably would guess something was up if you started turning points with them on AFF level 1, or out of habit went headdown and started geeking the's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #32 October 20, 2003 Quote Remeber the morons who did the AFF dives? And the closest to landing in the bulls-eye won a car or something? (if you saw it, you'd remember the multiple biffs) That was at Skydive Miami. It was about 9-10 mph winds that day. I told one of the guys "Be careful. No radical turns. If you're going to pass it, go and land safely." His reply? "Dude, if I land closest, I'll get a $25K car. I could take a broken arm to get a car." "Umm... it might not be your arm..." Sure enough, missing the target, a 90 deg turn, hammers into the peas, stands up and brushes gravel off of him... I forgot how durable you are at 22 years old. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrazyIvan 0 #33 October 20, 2003 Forget about REAL WORLD, who want to do "Surviving Nugent" with me? __________________________________________ Blue Skies and May the Force be with you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflybella 0 #34 October 20, 2003 Quote hide the fact that you're a skydiver for the off-chance that skydiving is a 'challenge' you have. I think that was probably Road Rules not Real World. But, you're right, some would consider skydiving a "challenge" we have. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanillaSkyGirl 6 #35 October 20, 2003 Freeflybella, it's so funny that you wrote to not play up the "skydiver" angle because I agree that Val is much more than that! I had originally written in my first post for Val to make of video of her various interests (belly dancing), life goals and include loved ones, but then I erased that because let's face reality. This is Hollywood. Those casting agents are going to see many, many people and are taking brief notes, then NEXT! They have no time initially to get to know what makes Val a "strong, beautiful woman" and couldn't care less. If they like Val in person, then they MAY take the time to watch her video for a minute or two. Val in a sit at 130 mph could really catch someone's eye for a callback. Then, they may begin to get to know Val a little better... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricaH 0 #36 October 20, 2003 Quote Maybe I'll just play the angry femi-nazi bitch! Quote get into a heated debate Quote I don't really intend on coming up with fake stories, being a drama queen, or anything like that. you already do all these naturally - and you are a tall beautieful model type that recenlty lost lots of weight in some mysterous way.... and took belly-dancing lessons. Wear your "everywhere else just" sucks & belly dance in your tape - that'd be FUNNY!! you could fit in wonderfully (course you'd have to hide the fact that you're also relatively intellingent & an admiral opponent on any end of a debate ) Seriously, I've always had a secret desire to go on real world or road rules (don't think you get to pick which one the put you in). But the age limit is 25 & most of the people on there are still in college or are college age. So you could also play the part of the wise dorm matron w/ all of life's experience. There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear. PMS #227 (just like the TV show) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflybella 0 #37 October 20, 2003 To be sure, who knows what will catch someone's eye. One thing is for sure, they will see hundreds of thousands of gimmicks and stunts. Casting agents are pretty talented people - and good at reading someone quickly. They'll need to see 'something' in you to call you back but who's to say what that 'something' is. I'm sure neither of us is going to crack the code for her. Just two guesses for her to ponder. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mirochristie 0 #38 October 20, 2003 If you do get in, it wouldn`t be hard to fake it,...because you`ll be acting 24-7. They all say it`s "real",..Yeah, right! Once you get in, you want the spot light because you know you can end up becoming an MTV VJ or even better... like getting a nice role on a small movie, and then "BAM"...Stardom!!! Sounds nice, right? Remember that EVERYTHING you say or do,...or don`t do will end up on national tv and even your grandparents will know your secrets or even worse. The people in MTV push other cast member`s buttons just to make their show more interesting for the viewers. They need to sell SEX,...and other stuff, like....SEX! After the show is over, there will be a nice reunion in the MTV studios in N.Y., but...they`ll also make lots of money from you. They`ll sell the unedited version of the show, and books. So, you better watch out. Go to the casting call, give your 110% but remember who are you doing it for, what are you doing it for, and keep it cool sista...You never know when Hollywood will callLiquidSky @(^_^)@ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #39 October 21, 2003 Way too much thought going on here If I weren't too old, and oh yeah married with kids, I'd definately try it! Go for it! Worse that can happen is they say no, best that can happen is that you have a tremendously original experience (even though reality tv is so big, there are still not THAT many people who get to be on them). Do it while you can. Before you know it, you'll be settled into adulthood and it's harder to enjoy the freedom to do fun things just to do them! Pammi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #40 October 21, 2003 Oh please, Val, don't lower yourself to their level...... Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #41 October 21, 2003 Quote Do it while you can. Before you know it, you'll be settled into adulthood and it's harder to enjoy the freedom to do fun things just to do them! Haha! Yeah, that's why I'm going to the casting call at least! I've got nothing to lose except for a few hours of my time (I unfortunately left the book I was reading back in Ohio, so I really will be wasting a few hours of my time!) Quote Val, remember that Hollywood is NOT what it seems. Yeah, it doesn't always seem "fair" or "balanced." If they don't like me because I'm not pretty enough or party enough, I'm okay with that. Quote I say don't play up the skydiving thing AT ALL. This was my theory on that: I have many interests, and some of them seem more exciting than others. They really don't care to hear that I really enjoy math, and I even used to do math problems for fun (it's my job now, so I don't do anything math related outside of work! ) I'm not going to play up that I really enjoy singing 80s tunes and dancing around the house. Quote but being a skydiver in and of itself does not necessarily make you interesting. I agree. But, I have many interesting stories due to my being in skydiving. No, skydiving doesn't change who a person really is. If they're a jerk before skydiving, they'll most likely be a jerk after skydiving. However, when they ask me what the craziest thing I've ever done was, I have a few things that can surely top any "Getting really drunk in Mexico," "At this frat party I" kind of stories. Also, I know I'm a little different than most people because I hear it all the time, I just don't always know what makes me "stand out." Do they want to hear about how I enjoy travelling and the cool places I've been? Do they want to hear about the good books I've read lately? Do they want to hear about my cute nephews? Do they want to hear about why I love belly dancing? Do they want to hear that my boyfriend is a good kisser? Do they want to hear all of the hurdles I've had in life (everyone has them, though)? Do they want to hear about my nekkid jump? Etc...what's interesting to people? I just don't know! Quote . Every time that another girl goes to the bathroom, follow her in there and threaten her that she must leave. Be the only girl there. YES! This is the kind of answer I was looking for! Quote Wear your "everywhere else just" sucks & belly dance in your tape - that'd be FUNNY!! I like that idea, too! Oh, and thanks for the compliments everyone I'm really not that strong...just loud mouthed! Quote Sounds nice, right? Remember that EVERYTHING you say or do,...or don`t do will end up on national tv and even your grandparents will know your secrets or even worse I don't really have a problem with that. I think that's why I never tried out for it in college! Right now, it wouldn't really bother me what they saw. Thanks for the input everyone! I guess it's just kind of fun to think about what it would be like to be on the Real World or Road Rules. Personally, I think it would be great to be on Road Rules and win a bunch of stuff. I guess I see this casting call like anything else...I don't want to look back and think, "I should've done that..." If I try out for it and not get it, well, no big deal. They didn't like my look, I'm not crazy enough, they don't want someone like me...oh well. Sangiro, if I make it on, can I wear a t-shirt?There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #42 October 21, 2003 Quote Oh please, Val, don't lower yourself to their level...... But I can't possibly stoop to yours! There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #43 October 21, 2003 Quote Quote Oh please, Val, don't lower yourself to their level...... But I can't possibly stoop to yours! Yeah, yeah, yeah....... Wait till you get on Real World, and you won't be able to speak without starting the sentence with "We have issues to resolve!!". Do ya really wanna spend all that time with whuffos????? Besides, do ya really think they'll let you leave to jump every weekend??? I don't think so. Besides, you'll have millions of whuffos looking at you saying "I hope she dies when she goes to jump out of planes this weekend." cuz they think it'll be funny news. Save yourself!!! Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #44 October 21, 2003 say, "whuffo," like it's a bad word. Quote Do ya really wanna spend all that time with whuffos????? Yes, some of my best friends are [gasp] whuffos! Quote Besides, do ya really think they'll let you leave to jump every weekend??? I don't jump every weekend now, so I don't see why that would be a big deal. If I got onto Road Rules, there would be 2-3 months I probably wouldn't jump at all, but I would have the opportunity to do many things that I normally couldn't do. I can't afford to take that much time off of work and roam about New Zealand. If MTV paid for it, I would gladly not jump for a few to see a cool place like that. Quote Besides, you'll have millions of whuffos looking at you saying "I hope she dies when she goes to jump out of planes this weekend." I'm sure there are skydivers saying that about me, too I see what everyone is saying, but sheesh! I don't think just going and spending an hour or two today at a casting call will really affect my life any!There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #45 October 21, 2003 Okay, okay, so you have good points. Then get on it, and we'll call you and be like "Dude, you're on TV!!!" and you'll be like "Dude, I know!!" Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #46 October 21, 2003 You need to ask yourself a very serious question before signing up for something like that: do they have oatmeal-spiked beer available?Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Layton 0 #47 October 21, 2003 take all your skydiving friends with ya and just walk in and take the damn place over.aint like ya never seen em do that before. good luck girl hope ya make it!***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PLFKING 4 #48 October 21, 2003 Quote Do they want to hear that my boyfriend is a good kisser? I don't know about them -- but I certainly never want to see that statement in print ever again. How am I supposed to eat my lunch now ? Don"When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #49 October 21, 2003 Quote How am I supposed to eat my lunch now ? Does jealousy make you loose your appetite every time Don?Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #50 October 21, 2003 Quote You need to ask yourself a very serious question before signing up for something like that: do they have oatmeal-spiked beer available? I thought about switching to soy beer, but it hasn't gotten good reviews. Quote I don't know about them -- but I certainly never want to see that statement in print ever again. What? Did you want me to post about what a great butt he has instead? Quote Does jealousy make you loose your appetite every time Don? No...he lost his appetite when he realized he's gonna have to pay up on his bet.There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites